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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Shroud Packet Loss

    Hey all,

    I've just been in a shroud run, the first in 4 months because of this and I was immediately hit packet loss - other raid members were present, I could tell where they were in part 1 because I could hear them when I was close. However, as they completed the first stage it took several minutes for my client to update that I could reach the first shrine - and even then half the items had not appeared, i.e. the altar and the chests that had been looted were still shut. I was like this throughout - until they killed the boss and I was still on part 1 without helping and no chests (4 months ago things tended to clear up around part 3-4 for me).

    Every other quest in game is fine, I can hear voice chat fine but this always occurs. Its not fair - not on me, and more importantly on those who accept my invitation request into the raid.

    Is there anything I can try to fix this - if it is even a problem on my side? I've been playing the game for years over on Devourer without issue and even the first few Shroud runs on Ghallandra were fine.

    Some basic info:

    Yours, despondently,

    Fulgid/Kobayn McBright
    Last edited by Kobayne; 09-19-2010 at 02:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Recently replaced my horrid belkin usb wireless adaptor and replaced with a tp-link pci-e card. I knew things were different right from the word go - normal downloads 3 times faster, can watch BBC HD on their iPlayer, no random disconnects if too many connections open etc.

    Just tried shroud on Erroneous-1, Ghallanda, (not played him since Devourer). I didn't mention the reasons for my trial to the guys and gals in group, so apologies to them first and foremost. However, although I did spike up to 17% loss, I kept up - no longer stuck in first part, despite a few rubberbands (that was their characters appearing to do that).

    If I had a enough cat-5 I'd have a crack at a wired connection. Still, it must be most, if not all, a local issue (for me at least). Maybe protected mode might help till I can run some cable through the floor to test.

    Anyway, what I'm saying is if you're having lag issues, try a wired connection to see if that helps first, then deduce from there.

    Oddly, I need to relog afterwards to 'clear' the lag and start afresh.

    2nd edit: I had to reboot the router to properly clear ddo related lag. Any ideas?
    Last edited by Kobayne; 12-23-2010 at 11:54 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    With 17% loss wired is the route to take. The ping will have increased since devourer of course but as long as it's not too high (I get 110-120 but have not measured it in shroud) it is certainly the loss that needs addressing.

    Have you considered Homeplug?

    These might be an option (if expensive)

    Your drivers are up to date but it might be worth posting your userpreferences.ini to check your display and audio settings as well.

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