Looking for a link or info on a multiclass high AC dwarven TWF
Any help would be appreciated
Looking for a link or info on a multiclass high AC dwarven TWF
Any help would be appreciated
Jerkky DaPerv - Asphyxiate DaPerv - Autoclave - Baazel Apollyon - Twohunglo - Jamesons - Purvvey DaJerkster - Meatismurder - Nakita - Petter (north) - Sidviscious - Venti Quad Mocha - Voyuer - Pothios - Jerkette - Computation - Forcyps - Luvbot
What's high?
I just listened to someone INSIST you couldn't get above 55. I am pretty sure he's wrong...
It would help if you were more specific. How high is "high AC" to you? What classes did you want to include? What do you have by way of build options (i.e., 28- or 32-pts, any available tomes, etc.)?