I'd like to get the opinion of other Rangers:
In mid-game content, say levels 10-15, which Favored Enemy is most useful?
I'd like to get the opinion of other Rangers:
In mid-game content, say levels 10-15, which Favored Enemy is most useful?
Kutath: 6rogue/2ranger .
roll models: The Stainless Steel Rat, Fafhyrd the Grey Mouser, Garrett
Savoring the first run, for it will never happen again.
level 12-15 is Gianthold range for me, so Favored Enemy: Giant makes sense here, but you'll be level 16 very soon and Giants aren't nearly as common after that.
My Favored Enemies list: Evil Outsiders, Undead, Constructs, Elementals
It's the big end game demons/devils stuff and everything that can't be critically hit that shows up commonly.
thanks for the replies y'all. You've been quite helpful.
Kutath: 6rogue/2ranger .
roll models: The Stainless Steel Rat, Fafhyrd the Grey Mouser, Garrett
Savoring the first run, for it will never happen again.
i found aberations to be a good favourved enemy if you havent considered it.
my reasoning is simply that aberations are very dangerous and you want them dead QUICK.
abberations are:
Rusties, beholders and mindflayers - posibly some other things too.
for the level range that your at you should be looking to have
undead, evil outsider, giant.
Additionaly youd be amased at how many humans and dwarfs you fight in this game.
i usually take giant at 1st level to bring down ogres & trolls faster, then elementals, constructs & evil outsiders later as i find them to be the most annoying enemies
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
what would you take if you are an exploiter?
you can only take 4 of the 5 most favorite favorite enemies (undead, giants, constructs, elementals 7 evil outsiders)
Who gets the boot?
I'd boot giants, but it really depends on who you see the most and what you have the most trouble with. You can Vorpal giants in Gianthold quests, so it's only the Giants that you see in the Reavers Refuge quests that end up being significant to me. Since plain old DPS seems to be enough for a half decent group to take on Prey on the Hunter, I'd probably stick to Evil Outsiders, Undead, Constructs and Elementals. If I had to ditch one of those, I'd ditch Constructs since I have a pair of nice smiters for most Construct smashing.