This came up in another thread.
Just an example to get started: Consider a DM Cleric, with paladin-like stats, e.g. Drow Cleric 18/Fighter 2:
Str 14/Dex16/Con14/Int10/Wis8/Cha16 <-- probably not optimal but close enough, can have more wis, less cha, etc depend on tomes
All level ups into strength. Feats: Toughness, 3xTWF, PA, IC:Pierce ; Emp Heal, Quicken, Maximize (or Extend or Extra Turning).
Enhancements: Radiant Servant 2 and Divine Might III
Playstyle: Divine Power "always on". Divine Might for smackdowns, Healing as secondary role.
Compared with Paladin...
Cleric Advantages:
* Level 6-9 spells, 800 more SP
* Radiant Servant (Turns regenerate, healing bursts)
* Critical weakness: Low wis means cleric functionality can be disjuncted, also losing DP making it gimp.
Paladin Advantages:
* Paladin Capstone (+1d6 vs Evil, another +2d6 vs devils and demons)
* Knight of the Chalice (+4d6 vs devils and demons)
* Smite evils
* Max base AB (don't need to keep DP running, less vulnerable to disjunction)
* DM IV (+2 damage vs cleric's DM III)
It seems to me the paladin is sort of "special case useful" in terms of being a superb evil outsider-beater while the cleric is overall more effective against general foes. I'm probably wrong, educate me. Thanks.