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  1. #1
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Default being told to do something that you know your character is not built to do

    more of a whinge... but would like to know what others would do too... or situations where you'be told to play your character a particular way and you don't feel comfortable with that.

    joined an lfm for ETK thinkinig 'oh good i'll get this one out of the way'. the leader however decided that the best way to do the end battle was for me to cast blade barriers in the corridors.

    i told them i didn't have heighten and i really really wasn't comfortable about taking aggro but no, that's the way they wanted to do it. and apparnetly 2 feet away from the end of the corridor wasn't enough - it has to be like over into the lava. recast.

    i dont' think my bbs did *any* damage. the rogues didn't need me as their evasion was working just fine... and basically i died a lot (no surprise... shame you can't cast bb remotely)

    but hey i got told at the end of the the quest that that's what they've seen person xxx do on their cleric

    i mean HELLO?????!!!! i'm not built that way. i TOLD you i'm not built that way. my cleric has hardly any gear yet as she's still quite new, has not been that lucky and none of the gear is btc.

    all in all a truly horrible ETK and i asked them all to add me to their squelch list. don't ask me names - i only remember one of them and the guild of most of them.

    so yeah, i'm already paranoid about being a really really crappy cleric and this has just been born out by these people who think that clerics MUST BE ABLE TO DO X,Y,Z

    going to cry now that was not fun timez. not fun timez at all.
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  2. #2
    Community Member SINIBYTE's Avatar
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    In TOD, I was once told to jump down and take care of the Elementals... on my Sorcerer. That ended well. At least I got to pike part 1, heh.
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  3. #3
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by SINIBYTE View Post
    In TOD, I was once told to jump down and take care of the Elementals... on my Sorcerer. That ended well. At least I got to pike part 1, heh.
    dance drain finger and a sorc is quick... but yes.. a GOOD leader would ask 'do you think you can do x, y, z'? and if you say 'no i don't feel comfortabel with that' would work *with* you to work out how you can add to the party.
    ~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~
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  4. #4


    sorry mel, my clr raised the bar on that one
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  5. #5
    Community Member Folonius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeliCat View Post
    more of a whinge... but would like to know what others would do too... or situations where you'be told to play your character a particular way and you don't feel comfortable with that.

    joined an lfm for ETK thinkinig 'oh good i'll get this one out of the way'. the leader however decided that the best way to do the end battle was for me to cast blade barriers in the corridors.

    i told them i didn't have heighten and i really really wasn't comfortable about taking aggro but no, that's the way they wanted to do it. and apparnetly 2 feet away from the end of the corridor wasn't enough - it has to be like over into the lava. recast.

    i dont' think my bbs did *any* damage. the rogues didn't need me as their evasion was working just fine... and basically i died a lot (no surprise... shame you can't cast bb remotely)

    but hey i got told at the end of the the quest that that's what they've seen person xxx do on their cleric

    i mean HELLO?????!!!! i'm not built that way. i TOLD you i'm not built that way. my cleric has hardly any gear yet as she's still quite new, has not been that lucky and none of the gear is btc.

    all in all a truly horrible ETK and i asked them all to add me to their squelch list. don't ask me names - i only remember one of them and the guild of most of them.

    so yeah, i'm already paranoid about being a really really crappy cleric and this has just been born out by these people who think that clerics MUST BE ABLE TO DO X,Y,Z

    going to cry now that was not fun timez. not fun timez at all.

    Funny, I was in a similar situation with wizard king. There were 4 people total, a wizard, a cleric, a monk, and my ranger. They all split up, and told me to take a tower. I was slowly making my way up, shooting archers and ducking behind walls. I was moving pretty quick, but not fast enough for the monk and wizard (cleric kept dying). They come blazing by me, and tell me to move quicker. I run up the stairs only to find 12 skeleton archers and a closed door, so I run back down stairs and continue my tactics.

    They ask me what I was doing to which I responded "Staying alive". They tell me to run through everything to the last room. So I do that, even though I don't think it's a good idea, only to find over a dozen undead, skeleton archers, mummies, skeleton warriors near the last room to which the door was CLOSED. They locked me out, and a few seconds later I died and they left me there.

    So to your situation, do what you think is comfortable. If you know your damage output isn't going to be sufficient, don't do it. If you aren't sure if it will work, try it till you think it's not working. It might actually work. The first time I ran ETK on my wizard, I was asked if I had ooze puppet for the last fight. I was totally confused, but then they told me the living spells are treated as oozes. I never knew that so I was skeptical. I loaded the spell, and it worked. Was the easiest ETK run I'd ever had that wasn't on casual.

    Don't be worried to try new things people suggest, but if you see it's not working, then stop doing it.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by SINIBYTE View Post
    In TOD, I was once told to jump down and take care of the Elementals... on my Sorcerer. That ended well. At least I got to pike part 1, heh.
    its not really that hard on a sorc to take care of the elementals. etk is a different story as not all clerics are configured to take agro
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  7. #7
    Community Member shagath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    its not really that hard on a sorc to take care of the elementals.
    I think his sentence was sarcastic. Sorc can do pretty decent dps so why make them pike(it's so fast for a sorc to take care of elementals that it's almost considered piking) instead of dealing with the bosses? Or.... I misunderstood. I've done that raid as a sorc many times but that won't make an expert on how other builds works there. I usually dance them, help with the bosses and if I have spare time, kill them.

    MeliCat, sometimes one must fall for people to understand. I had fun reading your story so it wasn't worthless.

    EDIT: Added some stuff.
    Last edited by shagath; 09-18-2010 at 03:10 AM.

    :: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by shagath View Post
    I think his sentence was sarcastic. Sorc can do pretty decent dps so why make them pike(it's so fast for a sorc to take care of elementals that it's almost considered piking) instead of dealing with the bosses? Or.... I misunderstood.

    MeliCat, sometimes one must fall for people to understand. I had fun reading your story so it wasn't worthless.
    if you just pick on only 1 portion of the post, it doesnt really fit in the context does it?
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  9. #9
    Community Member shagath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    if you just pick on only 1 portion of the post, it doesnt really fit in the context does it?
    Went a bit off topic there. I blame drinks!

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  10. #10
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Folonius the bbs and sorc cloudkill wasn't so much for dmg as for aggro management. and i know everyone goes on and on about ooze puppet but i am yet to actually be in a party where that has been used.

    i guess this is more a thread about what a *player* feels that they can do and what the *character build* is capable of. Sammiich only has 285hp. one smack in the face by a living spell and she's pretty sick. she's very much a support cleric with a bit of casting. i am not the fastest player or that good at avoiding stuff. i know that in situations like that me getting any aggro is not going to be good.

    and yeah ta Aranticus - ty so much for raising the bar

    i am however unhappy with how i managed being in that group. normally i can laugh and joke and persuade but this time i got really grumpy and snooty. maybe it's time to stop playing for a while.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Celestialbeast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SINIBYTE View Post
    In TOD, I was once told to jump down and take care of the Elementals... on my Sorcerer. That ended well. At least I got to pike part 1, heh.
    He has excellent timing. I have never EVER seen anyone roll a 1 that fast. It was amazing.
    Quote Originally Posted by stainer View Post
    I maxed my drama enhancements, drama skills and took SF: Drama. I have a 89 drama unbuffed. I can hold a mods agro on a roll of 1.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    It's a situation I greatly dislike. It's why I don't do raids often.

    Being forced to play using someone else's tactics is not fun to me, especially if my char was built a totally different way.

    It is also the only time that so many of the complaints about builds are actually right!

    When you are forced to play the way some one else plays, then yes! You had better have built your char the way they did! or expect everyone to be built.

    It is the one thing many new playees who want to do different builds really don't understand....that sometimes, you don't get to play "your" way.

    So many different builds work just fine, until you get to a raid....where you get forced to play in a way that the build is not good at.

    But there is also the fact that many people (raid leaders) have been in a guild, where their friend's char always did something a certain way and it worked. And then they get in htis PUG, and the other players don't even know how to do it that way....even if their char could handle it.

    One of the reasons PUGs have a bad rep. And it's not even the PUG's fault.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  13. #13


    It has nothing to do with raids but rather pugs. I've done shrouds on my clr with 3 other clr in my group. I asked them to nuke or melée in part 4 and 5, they were surprised. I've duoed necro 3 stuff on elite on my ftr with a barb friend and I kept him alive. There are lots of examples, all monk/sor/clr/rgr/etc raids

    Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Moonshadow View Post
    It's a situation I greatly dislike. It's why I don't do raids often.

    Being forced to play using someone else's tactics is not fun to me, especially if my char was built a totally different way.

    It is also the only time that so many of the complaints about builds are actually right!

    When you are forced to play the way some one else plays, then yes! You had better have built your char the way they did! or expect everyone to be built.

    It is the one thing many new playees who want to do different builds really don't understand....that sometimes, you don't get to play "your" way.

    So many different builds work just fine, until you get to a raid....where you get forced to play in a way that the build is not good at.

    But there is also the fact that many people (raid leaders) have been in a guild, where their friend's char always did something a certain way and it worked. And then they get in htis PUG, and the other players don't even know how to do it that way....even if their char could handle it.

    One of the reasons PUGs have a bad rep. And it's not even the PUG's fault.
    If you want to know why...

  14. #14
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    I'm disappointed in you Meli, be proud.......and don't cast ur blade barriers if you know what it will get you.

    Some moron tries to tell me how to do something on my character that only IIIIIIIIIII know!!!!.......they are going to be told no, if they persist, they are going to be squelched....if it goes beyond that, I leave...noone and nothing in this game is worth putting up with attitudes like this.

    An unfortunate syndrome of this game, many of the people who "play" it have turned into automatons who only know how to do things one way....I think that is part of the reason WF'ed are so popular :P

    BTW, I love WF'ed, they rock...I just don't think like one in RL!!!

  15. #15
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    You're a cleric, you're one of the untouchables. I didn't know your type even spoke to other party members with their rather mundane earthly characters.

    Anyway, Just threaten to cut off the heals to the melee'rs. You will have a revolt supporting your position in no time. Those melee heal addicts will stab their grandmothers if it would insure they get healed preferentially. If you really want to experience idiots telling you stupid things to do, then play a caster. Melee'rs know two caster spells ... one of them is firewall and the other one isn't.

  16. #16
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by tinyelvis View Post
    You're a cleric, you're one of the untouchables. I didn't know your type even spoke to other party members with their rather mundane earthly characters.

    Anyway, Just threaten to cut off the heals to the melee'rs. You will have a revolt supporting your position in no time. Those melee heal addicts will stab their grandmothers if it would insure they get healed preferentially. If you really want to experience idiots telling you stupid things to do, then play a caster. Melee'rs know two caster spells ... one of them is firewall and the other one isn't.

    melees all had evasion and the right buffs - they were fine and didn't really need a healer.

    this is more about wht *i* as a player know i'm capable of. and i'm guessing there are other newer players who may also be like me in that.

    now i *know* that i have got better. and it's really interesting taking a second cleric up to 20 because i can see how i am so much a better player than last time. same with my arcanes (up to 4 of those now: 11, 14, 19, 20 with the uncapped ones deliberately left at level). i've gone from truly tragic player to not so tragic with scope to improve. and a lot of it is just how fast i can do my keyboard. this is my first MMO and my first game requiring any manual dexterity. it's a HUGE learning curve for me just in motor skills. i don't think that a lot of guys realise that those twitch a reaction skills even just from a car game or whatever can help them into this.

    just did titan on my monk. got asked to do the blue puzzel jump bit. completey stressed out and couldn't do it. and that was a friend who asked me to do that (and frankly i think he should have known better than to ask). but i *know* i've got better at jump stuff. i can do coal now with no whimpering. i don't completely refuse to do the dreaming dark unstoned now (i think i threaded that a while ago). so here is another jump thingie i need to practice: and fortunately dual boxing with a char with dd i can do so. my friend was grumpy at me saying 'no more attitude of 'i can't do that!'. but it's more of a case of ' i can't do that *yet*'

    whatever. it's been an awful stressful day of DDO and i think i may take a few days break.
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  17. #17
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    I always get the opposite of "There's no way your Cleric can do XYZ". And sometimes even after I try to explain that my Cleric has Evasion and can top 500 HP they STILL don't believe me.
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  18. #18
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by phalaeo View Post
    I always get the opposite of "There's no way your Cleric can do XYZ". And sometimes even after I try to explain that my Cleric has Evasion and can top 500 HP they STILL don't believe me.
    yeah that's great. bully for you. want to boast some more? in this particular thread? maybe you should create another thread instead.

    but for those of us who find this DIFFICULT i am SICK of being told 'you should be able to do x,y,z'

    closing the browser now before i really get annoyed.
    ~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~
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  19. #19
    Community Member LightSteel's Avatar
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    Default Don't do it

    Quote Originally Posted by MeliCat View Post
    yeah that's great. bully for you. want to boast some more? in this particular thread? maybe you should create another thread instead.

    but for those of us who find this DIFFICULT i am SICK of being told 'you should be able to do x,y,z'

    closing the browser now before i really get annoyed.

    What every you decide to do IS YOU OPTION. If you like playing the game don't let some A$$Hat tell you how to play your game and stop you from playing the game. I have played several Divine casters. Capped, Re-rolled, Capped, TR, so for and so on. I have found no matter how good you are or how well you play, someone will tell you that they or someone does it better. WHO CARES. This game is for your enjoyment. If someone makes a suggestion ( not demand ) it never hurts to try it out, but never do anything you are uncomfortable with. If by chance you are on Sarlona, I have gear out the ying yang for clerics look me up I will help anyway I can. ( for the trolls this offer is not for everyone ) with that being said. ENJOY THE GAME!
    Last edited by LightSteel; 09-18-2010 at 12:38 PM. Reason: i just noticed you are on kyber. so if you come over to sarlona someday... look me up
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  20. #20
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    /hugs for Meli.

    Don't let the idiots bring you down. Look at it this way... you proved yorself right and next time maybe (but only maybe) they'll pay attention to what the player has to say about thier character. It does boggle one's mind a bit tho, doesn't it? I mean there are all sorts of Pally's and Rangers and Monks and Bards but clerics are cookiecutters? Seriously, what stupidity! I think part of it comes from the mindset of refugees from another mmo out there where diversity of character is almost nonexistant.

    Chin up, breathe deep and don't let them get you down for long cuz when they do, they win.
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." - Miss Piggy
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