more of a whinge... but would like to know what others would do too... or situations where you'be told to play your character a particular way and you don't feel comfortable with that.
joined an lfm for ETK thinkinig 'oh good i'll get this one out of the way'. the leader however decided that the best way to do the end battle was for me to cast blade barriers in the corridors.
i told them i didn't have heighten and i really really wasn't comfortable about taking aggro but no, that's the way they wanted to do it. and apparnetly 2 feet away from the end of the corridor wasn't enough - it has to be like over into the lava. recast.
i dont' think my bbs did *any* damage. the rogues didn't need me as their evasion was working just fine... and basically i died a lot (no surprise... shame you can't cast bb remotely)
but hey i got told at the end of the the quest that that's what they've seen person xxx do on their cleric
i mean HELLO?????!!!! i'm not built that way. i TOLD you i'm not built that way. my cleric has hardly any gear yet as she's still quite new, has not been that lucky and none of the gear is btc.
all in all a truly horrible ETK and i asked them all to add me to their squelch list. don't ask me names - i only remember one of them and the guild of most of them.
so yeah, i'm already paranoid about being a really really crappy cleric and this has just been born out by these people who think that clerics MUST BE ABLE TO DO X,Y,Z
going to cry nowthat was not fun timez. not fun timez at all.