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Sounds like last night. During the guild run, which we ran on hard due to the insistence of the Paladin in the group, we had a near wipe because of such ****. Normally he fusses about me never doing anything but healing, as I tend to GC everything, then BB them.
Last night, We're walking towards a room, and he asked for a Blade Barrier. I heard it quite clearly. So I shrug, run forward, and drop the barrier. The three Melees, rather then form a line, scatter, and let me and the Wizard try to tank. After nearly wiping, but recovering, he gets on my case about casting blade Barrier, and insists he didn't ask for one. Since no one else was paying attention before, I was on my own. I also didn't heal him for awhile.
Less than two minutes later, he asks for a Blade Barrier again. This time everyone paid attention, and heard him... So he couldn't claim he wasn't calling for it. Didn't bother casting it. I did destruct the critter that was tearing him a new one, GCd another group, and helped the wiz finish off some archers (he was disintegrating them, I destructed some). Then I healed the barbarian, who hadn't taken much damage, had a higher kill count, and didn't start calling for heals when he was at 90%.
Normally we let him take charge, but here lately he's led us into a number of near wipes. This is irrespective of whose running the Cleric. It's enough that I'm close to retiring my Cleric completely from Guild duty, which means she'll be effectively retired, as I won't pug as a Cleric. It also means we have only one Cleric at level with most of the guild, his.