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  1. #1
    Community Member DevilButcher's Avatar
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    Default One Wep Fighting Rogue

    Can I make a viable Rogue with out Feats to improve TWF or THF chain?
    I fully understand how TWF is best dew to more hits = more SA, but since SA will stop once you peak damage as the other attackers, can you get away with just one handed fighting?
    If I did want to do this is it better to go Acrobat and Staff to get +20% attack speed?
    A paladin joins a pug run. Once in quest a Halfling summons an Iron defender, starts spewing grease all over the paladin’s feet/Paladin falls.

    Paladin says “WHAT THE F***! THAT DOES NOT HELP!!" The Halfling reply’s "Sure it does, gives me a laugh every time.”
    (this joke is mine ) want to see more? DevilButcher's DDO Jokes

  2. #2
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    Two-handed fighting does not require the THF chain -- it doesn't improve your main target DPS, just gives extra damage to others surrounding you. TWF nearly requires the first few feats for reducing the penalty and for actually leveraging your second weapon, but THF not so much.

    If you want to use a single one-handed weapon as a rogue, that's not nearly so smart. Rogues want two weapons so they can apply sneak attacks more frequently. If you're going to use a two-hander, at least that offsets the difference *a little*, although still only advisable with a staff. However, a lone one-handed weapon benefits from neither, and what do you gain? A shield? Is your AC high enough for a shield to do much good?

  3. #3
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    I would not even contemplate doing the one handed fighting will be laughed out of nearly 50-90% of the groups your in or apply for.

    There are much better ways to deal with aggro....max ur diplomacy, use threat reduction items and enhancements, simply know when to back off and let someone else get the aggro.

    You're a rouge, not a caster, you're not going to hit a monster so hard that it's going to take a lengthy amount of time for someone else to regain the aggro again.

  4. #4
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post

    You're a rouge, not a caster, you're not going to hit a monster so hard that it's going to take a lengthy amount of time for someone else to regain the aggro again.
    ^^^When did we become makeup? Did I miss that update or something?

  5. #5
    Community Member DevilButcher's Avatar
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    Yes that’s what I though. I was not trying to oppose taking up fighting Feat chains. Just it’s kind of sad you have no choice but to take one of the chains or have a gimped build.
    What would be cool was if there was a way to blend one handed fighting, bluff and Improved faint attack to gather.
    Last edited by DevilButcher; 09-17-2010 at 09:58 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Two-handed fighting does not require the THF chain -- it doesn't improve your main target DPS, just gives extra damage to others surrounding you.
    not entirely accurate, you do get glancing blows on the primary target as well as surrounding mobs.


    To the OP yeah a 1hf isn't so great, twf or grab a staff and go acrobat (twf acrobats are very nice as well)

    or just build the toon how you want and forget what everyone else says, it is for your enjoyment not anyone else's.
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  7. #7
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    It would be nice if they did something to make 1 handed rogues more viable.

  8. #8
    Community Member jkm's Avatar
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    yeah, i was proposing a 1HF set of feats using doublestrike. each tier added 20% to doublestrike.

  9. #9
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    There is absolutely no way I would even think about going with a single weapon as a rogue UNLESS it was a falchion/greataxe/greatsword/maul/quarterstaff. In other words, if you are going to use a 2-handed weapon then fine.

    Having said that, IMO you would be making a mistake to use anything other than a falchion. You are looking for critical hits so the bigger threat range seems important to me. Greataxe, greatsword and maul all have their proponents. Quarterstaff, yuck.

    But, why in the world would you even consider something other than TWF? The name of the game is backstabs for a rogue. Give yourself 80% chance for an off-hand attack and another backstab bonus. And, proc the double-strike.

    I'm not clear on how double-strike will work. If it only works with 1-handed attacks then it isn't going to be very useful. A sword & board rogue just isn't something I would ever consider.

  10. #10
    Community Member DevilButcher's Avatar
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    I only brought this up because the only advantage to not geting TWF or THF feat chain is 3 more Feats for something else...
    As I said I would love to see the DEVs implement a better use of Improved faint attack.

  11. #11
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevilButcher View Post
    I only brought this up because the only advantage to not geting TWF or THF feat chain is 3 more Feats for something else...
    As I said I would love to see the DEVs implement a better use of Improved faint attack.
    I have an acrobat staff user for my static wed night group that doesn't have the THF feats.
    Helps reduce the aggro I get and it opened up room for the halfling dragon marks.
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  12. #12
    Community Member DevilButcher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0r012 View Post
    I have an acrobat staff user for my static wed night group that doesn't have the THF feats.
    Helps reduce the aggro I get and it opened up room for the halfling dragon marks.
    See that's kind of what I was getting at with not taking them. Did you feel like you were missing out on the extra damage, did it feel like it was worth it?

  13. #13
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevilButcher View Post
    See that's kind of what I was getting at with not taking them. Did you feel like you were missing out on the extra damage, did it feel like it was worth it?
    no I don't feel I'm missing the damage, quite the opposite. I dropped THF at level 6 after having taken it at level 1. Why? being a static group I'm under geared so I'm squishy. And my companions are under geared as well so they can't hold the aggro.

    sure you lose a little damage on your main target but you also lose all that extra splash damage so when you are swinging on your main you don't get the rest of the group of mobs turning their attention to you. Once that happens you have to try and take them down without sneak damage which lowers my damage output waaaaayyyyy further than just the couple of points of glancing damage I'm missing.

    Plus the healing dragon marks are a huge boost in my survivability as well as the rest of my party.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Staff-Acrobat might not be optimal, but it is definitely viable, and IMO is not worth spending a single feat on the THF chain to use.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

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