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  1. #1
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    Default Update 7 and a half ..and half : Coming in October

    This will be about Half orcs and half elves but knowing DDO pbase mostly about half-orcs. And about barbarians. And just about every conceivable part of the game. This update is MEGA HUGE. Big question: When will we be getting to test all this stuff? It's a month away from release it isnt too long to go.

    I'm also looking forward to this "Event" Raid/Quest. I think this is a good direction Turbine is heading in. I'm curious how this will be played out, can anyone and everyone join (EPIC LAG) or is it maybe 20 people then the quest entrance guy closes the gate until the roller coaster is over (and then the next 20 go)?

    Finally, Halforcs. I can't see them being no more then 795 TP (Drow is 795, and why anyone buys them is beyond me. But if Turbine is consistent then 795 for unlockable races? (or is it because they are auto 32 pt?) and 500 or so for the VIP races/purchase only. In all cases, Turbine must either give them for free or free+unlock to VIPers which becomes purchase only for premium/FTP customers. They couldn't in good business practices make them purchase only no matter what (even to VIP).

  2. #2
    Community Member quityourjobs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    This will be about Half orcs and half elves but knowing DDO pbase mostly about half-orcs. And about barbarians. And just about every conceivable part of the game. This update is MEGA HUGE. Big question: When will we be getting to test all this stuff? It's a month away from release it isnt too long to go.

    I'm also looking forward to this "Event" Raid/Quest. I think this is a good direction Turbine is heading in. I'm curious how this will be played out, can anyone and everyone join (EPIC LAG) or is it maybe 20 people then the quest entrance guy closes the gate until the roller coaster is over (and then the next 20 go)?

    Finally, Halforcs. I can't see them being no more then 795 TP (Drow is 795, and why anyone buys them is beyond me. But if Turbine is consistent then 795 for unlockable races? (or is it because they are auto 32 pt?) and 500 or so for the VIP races/purchase only. In all cases, Turbine must either give them for free or free+unlock to VIPers which becomes purchase only for premium/FTP customers. They couldn't in good business practices make them purchase only no matter what (even to VIP).
    Most of your questions have been answered by dev posts.

    The new races will be free for VIPs, but purchased in store for Premium / Free.

  3. #3
    Community Member Robi3.0's Avatar
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    it has been

    595 for VIP races


    795 for unlock races

    i see no reason for it to be any different, and I have been right thus far.
    there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.

  4. #4
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quityourjobs View Post
    Most of your questions have been answered by dev posts.

    The new races will be free for VIPs, but purchased in store for Premium / Free.
    Oh, well then. Carry on. I'll be going VIP exclusively for halforcs then at least for a month or two.

    Secondly, when can we try all these new things out?

  5. #5
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robi3.0 View Post
    it has been

    595 for VIP races


    795 for unlock races

    i see no reason for it to be any different, and I have been right thus far.
    It shouldn't be much different, since if you look at it from a totally new person's perspective WF which is 595 would be just as tasty as Halforc, making them different pricing wouldn't make much sense in this case. 595 TP is nothing but I want to testdrive my new halforc through ALL the quests. Further, I wish they would completely release the enhancements lines for halforc/halfelf at least here for lam people. Since I'm going to assume that update 7 will be out in a little over a month we should be seeing Lam playtesting by the end of next week?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    I'm also looking forward to this "Event" Raid/Quest. I think this is a good direction Turbine is heading in. I'm curious how this will be played out, can anyone and everyone join (EPIC LAG) or is it maybe 20 people then the quest entrance guy closes the gate until the roller coaster is over (and then the next 20 go)?
    There has been hints that something significant has changed, perhaps with the DirectX 11 coding, such that the event will not result in epic lag. I am curious if this is the case.

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    *Handwraps. Yes we know. Here is my known issue for handwraps. Hand wraps in assorted flavors are borked.

  7. #7
    Community Member ZeroTakenaka's Avatar
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    Yes everyone. We want lammania open to test these new things. We want answers! PLEASE. Cherry on top. Yes.
    Robi's Free to Play Guide
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  8. #8
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    This will be about Half orcs and half elves but knowing DDO pbase mostly about half-orcs. And about barbarians. And just about every conceivable part of the game. This update is MEGA HUGE. Big question: When will we be getting to test all this stuff? It's a month away from release it isnt too long to go.

    I'm also looking forward to this "Event" Raid/Quest. I think this is a good direction Turbine is heading in. I'm curious how this will be played out, can anyone and everyone join (EPIC LAG) or is it maybe 20 people then the quest entrance guy closes the gate until the roller coaster is over (and then the next 20 go)?

    Finally, Halforcs. I can't see them being no more then 795 TP (Drow is 795, and why anyone buys them is beyond me. But if Turbine is consistent then 795 for unlockable races? (or is it because they are auto 32 pt?) and 500 or so for the VIP races/purchase only. In all cases, Turbine must either give them for free or free+unlock to VIPers which becomes purchase only for premium/FTP customers. They couldn't in good business practices make them purchase only no matter what (even to VIP).
    I have to say, this update seems to be larger than any update ever, not just for EU.

    Looking back over the past year, 6 updates..with lots of content and changes...and now this to start year 2. It is really amazing.

    Playing since 2006 I do not recall any races being introduced at all. Drow and warforged were already there when I got here. Over 4 years nothing. Now 2 races. 2.

    Their commitment to only do over level 12 content for the time being is!

    A massive bug fix update...along with all of this. Wow. Finally a bit of an upgrade to the auction house.

    This update goes beyond anything I would have expected. Looking back at the last year I must! If they keep this up for another year advanced gamers will really start migrating to this game I believe from that other game. Many are already taking steps...

    Now, if a developer could just get in touch with the account support programmers to fix the DDO store security and refund policy, I could use my credit card again for points and subscriptions... One good hacker and this game gets a horrid rap and could be sand boxed with those security holes...if not outright sued.

    my suggestions and reasons for taking my card and money out of the system.

    Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
    Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,

  9. #9
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    Its the only reason I dont use credit card for DDO, it won't EVER leave your account unless you destroy the account. It's the most moronic thing ever. But don't despair as there are now TURBINE CARDs. I love these things, I just grabbed a handful of TP cards on my way from work at GameStop (the dude behind the counter looked at me wierd like...dude you just bought like 10 of these wierd cards that we don't ever sell).

    My only suggestion is to be an online CARD REDEMPTION area. So when I open up the TP store I can just type in my card number and BLAM I get my TP points right there. Overall to sum up.

    The actual GAME CONTENT has been PHENOMENAL. Outstanding, kudos to the content devs and all their hard work.

    ...The business side, especially account people, need to get with it a bit and start making it easier for us TO GIVE YOU MONEY.

  10. #10
    Community Member Ryiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrWizard View Post
    This update goes beyond anything I would have expected. Looking back at the last year I must! If they keep this up for another year advanced gamers will really start migrating to this game I believe from that other game. Many are already taking steps...
    Considering the other games coming out around this time period (Final Fantasy 14 especially) and the fact that this time of the year typically has new things being introduced, I was expecting something fairly decent from them. What I wasn't expecting was an update this stupidly big. I'm pretty certain its possibly bigger than some of the old pre-F2P modules that came out.

    The graphics updates are interesting. Ambient occlusion seems to be all the rage lately with MMOs. Oh well, anything to give me more excuses to upgrade my system are welcome at the moment. Thinking of going from my rapidly aging 9800GT to a GTX 460.

  11. #11
    Time Killer TiranBlade's Avatar
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    For all public information partaning to Update 7, Please read here.
    Last edited by TiranBlade; 09-18-2010 at 01:57 AM.

    Argonnessen - Aruki 6 Monk (Main); Dayher 4 Artificer
    Canntih - Firryl 12 Fighter; Tiran 8 Fighter; Daher 4 Fighter/4 Monk

  12. #12
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrWizard View Post
    I have to say, this update seems to be larger than any update ever, not just for EU.

    Looking back over the past year, 6 updates..with lots of content and changes...and now this to start year 2. It is really amazing.

    Playing since 2006 I do not recall any races being introduced at all. Drow and warforged were already there when I got here. Over 4 years nothing. Now 2 races. 2.

    Their commitment to only do over level 12 content for the time being is!

    A massive bug fix update...along with all of this. Wow. Finally a bit of an upgrade to the auction house.

    This update goes beyond anything I would have expected. Looking back at the last year I must! If they keep this up for another year advanced gamers will really start migrating to this game I believe from that other game. Many are already taking steps...

    Now, if a developer could just get in touch with the account support programmers to fix the DDO store security and refund policy, I could use my credit card again for points and subscriptions... One good hacker and this game gets a horrid rap and could be sand boxed with those security holes...if not outright sued.

    my suggestions and reasons for taking my card and money out of the system.

    Drow we're introduced in module 2:twilight forge along with titan raid and 2 quest, in tearms of content, the devs have said themselves it is the biggest update of ddo eu... not stormreach... dont forget that mod 1 was pretty big at the time with von and about 5 other quests (oh yeah you werent here then) mod 3 and 4 being demon sands and giant hold we're pretty massive for their times to (especially if you roll update 2.2 and 3.1 together and count it all as mod 3 and roll update 3.2 and 4.1 together and call it all mod 4. Since then its been pretty shallow for content updates yes.... sometimes even more stingy that mod 9.6 or mod 9.4..... sorry boys and girls but the ... updates... are only mod 9.x to me and many others. While mod 9.7 may be large, its still not the largest by the devs own admission.....

    As for when we'll have it, ebberon chronicle says get ready for it.... so im gonna go out on a limb and say wed the 22nd we'll have it on lamania.

  13. #13
    Time Killer TiranBlade's Avatar
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    As of Friday, Sept. 10th, on DDO Cast, Producer Glin said something about it coming in, "The Next Ten Days". So it sounds like Monday, Sept. 20.

    Argonnessen - Aruki 6 Monk (Main); Dayher 4 Artificer
    Canntih - Firryl 12 Fighter; Tiran 8 Fighter; Daher 4 Fighter/4 Monk

  14. #14
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    This will be about Half orcs and half elves but knowing DDO pbase mostly about half-orcs. And about barbarians. And just about every conceivable part of the game.
    I am curious, why do you think with addition of both half-elves and half-orcs that the update is mostly about half-orcs and barbarians?

    If is just because you wish to play a half-orc we may not be thinking about what appeals to the broader player base. It is ok that you want and like half-orcs but there are just as many that want and like half-elves.

    I for one have argued for half-elves inclusion into the game since launch over 4 years ago because it was the only original core race not included in the game and the race I love to play. However I would never make a statement like this update is all about half-elves just because it is what I wanted.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  15. #15
    Community Member Hokonoso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    I am curious, why do you think with addition of both half-elves and half-orcs that the update is mostly about half-orcs and barbarians?

    If is just because you wish to play a half-orc we may not be thinking about what appeals to the broader player base. It is ok that you want and like half-orcs but there are just as many that want and like half-elves.

    I for one have argued for half-elves inclusion into the game since launch over 4 years ago because it was the only original core race not included in the game and the race I love to play. However I would never make a statement like this update is all about half-elves just because it is what I wanted.
    don't feed the trolls, i find it best to ignore this specific OP as the flamebait he creates is astronomical!!!

  16. #16
    Founder Giantsbane's Avatar
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    Default Troll Bait

    Quote Originally Posted by Hokonoso View Post
    don't feed the trolls, i find it best to ignore this specific OP as the flamebait he creates is astronomical!!!
    Hey, trolls gotta eat too ya know. I hear the prefer gnomes though, and since there are none in DDO, they have to settle for elves and soon, half-elves.
    Drink Old Sully's, after a couple pints even Orcs look good!
    Proud member of The order of the Silver Dragons

  17. #17
    Community Member knightgf's Avatar
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    Wasn't the half-elves going to be a 'free' race for players? I thought I heard something like that before but not sure if its true or not...

    (And by free, I mean free as in you can create it using a character slot without buying it from the DDO store, not the enslavement type of free...)

  18. #18
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightgf View Post
    Wasn't the half-elves going to be a 'free' race for players? I thought I heard something like that before but not sure if its true or not...

    (And by free, I mean free as in you can create it using a character slot without buying it from the DDO store, not the enslavement type of free...)
    I don't recall Turbine ever saying that, but I'm sure there were some discussions of users thinking it will be free because they didn't think people would buy them.

  19. #19
    Community Member Firozsha's Avatar
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    I'm excited about this update and I'm interested in testing a half-orc barb or fighter. Maybe I can finally get my tank after all. I'd say it's about time! :P

    I'm curious also as to what makes half-elves different from the basic elf race. Can anyone enlighten me as to what might be the benefit of playing a half-elf, as I don't think I ever have.

  20. #20
    Time Killer TiranBlade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firozsha View Post
    I'm excited about this update and I'm interested in testing a half-orc barb or fighter. Maybe I can finally get my tank after all. I'd say it's about time! :P

    I'm curious also as to what makes half-elves different from the basic elf race. Can anyone enlighten me as to what might be the benefit of playing a half-elf, as I don't think I ever have.
    Dilettante Racial Bonus Feat(Extra feat so you don't have to burn your first level for it), you gain a splash of a another class. For example, take cleric dilettante and you get to use scrolls and wands as if you were a first level cleric, take paladin same thing for paladin spells plus you get to add up to +2 of your cha mod to your saves. Stuff like that.

    Argonnessen - Aruki 6 Monk (Main); Dayher 4 Artificer
    Canntih - Firryl 12 Fighter; Tiran 8 Fighter; Daher 4 Fighter/4 Monk

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