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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Idea to make loot better

    I think you guys should start throwing named loot into the tables not just dungeon specific

    like if it can drop level 4 loot put a chance for it to drop in all level 4 chests

    Items like

    Robe of eyes +10 search +10 spot blindness ward +2 reflex save
    girdle of hill giant strength +5 strength
    gauntlets of swimming and climbing +4 dex + 5 swim +5 balance

    Sword of lyons +1 shortsword 3 charges of invisibility
    Boots of speed +30 % striding 3 charges of haste

    swordgiant slayer +3 +5 vs giants ego 25 = umd 25 1 charge of divine power greater giant bane

    its seems loot is either A crafted or B vendor trash becuase of bad suffixs I like the idea of not haveing set loot like wow oh look here is a loot menu for dungeon 1 but it seems this game is to focused on grind chest for mats sell chest loot to vendor to get plat to buy more mats to make crazy powerful items

    I am not saying put crazy powerful items in the game but something that is better than junk suffix and prefix combos people keep hauling out of chests to vendor again and bring back the omg how cool factor in chests
    I can confirm that a touch of idiocy, charmed, and hasted greater earth elemental can ravage a dancing greater earth elemental.

  2. #2
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Named items that drop like that already exist:

    See section VIII: Named Items with Non-Unique (random) locations

    Unfortunately, most of them are pretty lousy. Sunblade, pearl of power X, some of the ioun stones, and, of course, tomes, are some of the good ones.

    Adding more good ones, and removing the bad ones, wouldn't be a bad idea. The merit of the ones you describe would depend a lot on their min level, as only the Boots of Speed are remotely endgame-worthy.
    Last edited by dkyle; 09-16-2010 at 04:20 PM.

  3. #3
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    they werent meant to be end game worthy nothing can compete with the stuff u can craft but to a level 4 that could last him 5-6 level of bad chest pulls
    I think those named ones are dungeon specific i was kinda meaning non dungeon specific

    like a muck bane could drop anywhere in the harbor or market place dungeon level 3 chest if it was on the random chest level 3 named list

    those ones like the guantlets would be like level 5 whatever the +3 tangleroot ones are and the min item level that a +4 only dex gloves would have

    even the belt at high level could be storm giant strength one with + 8 Strength level 16

    the only thing is they would have to be fairly common but not crazy common otherwise it would be like teh ring of feather falling people would be to scraed to use it and just sell at crazy prices to buy more ingrediants or make the bind on account or equip
    Last edited by Therron; 09-16-2010 at 04:34 PM.
    I can confirm that a touch of idiocy, charmed, and hasted greater earth elemental can ravage a dancing greater earth elemental.

  4. #4
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therron View Post

    even the belt at high level could be storm giant strength one with + 8 Strength level 16
    I'm sorry, are you saying that you want a +EIGHT strength item with a ML:16?
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  5. #5
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therron View Post
    they werent meant to be end game worthy nothing can compete with the stuff u can craft but to a level 4 that could last him 5-6 level of bad chest pulls
    All (except maybe the invisibility sword) of those items you posted would be hugely overpowered at ML 4. Most should be around ML 9.

    I think those named ones are dungeon specific i was kinda meaning non dungeon specific
    The items in the section of that thread I pointed out are not dungeon specific. They can fall from any chest of appropriate level.

    like a muck bane could drop anywhere in the harbor or market place dungeon level 3 chest if it was on the random chest level 3 named list
    So you want items that are currently dungeon specific made to drop everywhere? I didn't get that from your original post. To me, Muckbane is a weapon that makes perfect sense to be dungeon specific. It's thematically tied to that chest, and it's sufficiently powerful that it's worth specifically seeking out.

    those ones like the guantlets would be like level 5 whatever the +3 tangleroot ones are and the min item level that a +4 only dex gloves would have
    The Tangleroot ones are ML 5 (instead of the normal ML 7 for +3 stat items) because they are bound to account. Would you want your +5 STR belt to be ML 9 (instead of the normal ML 11 for +5 stat items) and bound to account?

    even the belt at high level could be storm giant strength one with + 8 Strength level 16
    Considering that the only +7 items in the game are epic items, this would be very overpowered.

  6. #6
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    All (except maybe the invisibility sword) of those items you posted would be hugely overpowered at ML 4. Most should be around ML 9.
    fine no problem make them higher level

    The items in the section of that thread I pointed out are not dungeon specific. They can fall from any chest of appropriate level.
    yes that was what i was meaning exactly but why are they so bad and boring really compared what random loot it could be I think they need to upgrade that list fast most of those are the same as or worse than the normal drops and tweak it up a bit

    So you want items that are currently dungeon specific made to drop everywhere? I didn't get that from your original post. To me, Muckbane is a weapon that makes perfect sense to be dungeon specific. It's thematically tied to that chest, and it's sufficiently powerful that it's worth specifically seeking out.
    nah muckbane is cool where it drops I was meaning specfifc loot to drop every where

    The Tangleroot ones are ML 5 (instead of the normal ML 7 for +3 stat items) because they are bound to account. Would you want your +5 STR belt to be ML 9 (instead of the normal ML 11 for +5 stat items) and bound to account?
    ok those would be say the same level as a belt race required +1 level belt if it had no other stats the +4 dex gloves with suspect use probebly the same level as a pair of +4 gloves

    Considering that the only +7 items in the game are epic items, this would be very overpowered
    agree then i guess you only have a girdle of frost giant strength

    but is not about what level the loot is its about putting stuff into chests thats is usable and cool who wouldnt liek a pair of gloves like those or a +5 or +6 belt with flavor text and a few bonus enhancments
    hell even a merchant robe with +10 haggle would be cool

    sorry if anyone got cuaght by the ninja edit
    Last edited by Therron; 09-16-2010 at 05:14 PM.
    I can confirm that a touch of idiocy, charmed, and hasted greater earth elemental can ravage a dancing greater earth elemental.

  7. #7
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    I'm sorry, are you saying that you want a +EIGHT strength item with a ML:16?

    and you think its overpowered seriously +8 no other stuff on it hmmm
    I can confirm that a touch of idiocy, charmed, and hasted greater earth elemental can ravage a dancing greater earth elemental.

  8. #8
    Community Member cwfergtx's Avatar
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    Default Muck Bane

    like a muck bane could drop anywhere in the harbor or market place dungeon level 3 chest if it was on the random chest level 3 named list


    But Muck Bane is linked to rare encounter in a quest so it should not be in chests randomly in the harbor or market dungeons.

  9. #9
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    my idea is to jazz up the loot tables a bit moving to named items dropping in random chests as i said muckbane is fine where it is its a cool dungeon specific drop

    ok have a large list of named items ie asn dykle pointed out

    Named items that drop like that already exist:

    See section VIII: Named Items with Non-Unique (random) locations

    increase that list I added a few suggestions but people went off on the wrong tangent about the power of the items and level requirement

    take the classic dungeons and dragons loot and scatter it about in chests at various levels
    I mean add another 200 random items to that named drop list rather than relying on the pre fix suffix random generation loot which is mostly vendor fodder

    items like the gauntlets of ogre power ring of feather falling girdle of hill giant strength golves of swimming and climbing ,Intelleigent swords with umd preq and a purpose like giantslaying undead slaying like the sunblade and a couple of clickie effects on it like hold undead or haste or invisbility

    put more gems in chests since gems since 90% since 90% off loot is going to a vendor a gem dealer who works off favor would be nice +10 % more on gem value +20% for high favor
    I can confirm that a touch of idiocy, charmed, and hasted greater earth elemental can ravage a dancing greater earth elemental.

  10. #10
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therron View Post
    and you think its overpowered seriously +8 no other stuff on it hmmm
    Absolutely. A plain +8 STR would be used over many raid and even epic items.

    Although, you actually linked one of the weaker GS items that are commonly made.

    Quote Originally Posted by Therron View Post
    take the classic dungeons and dragons loot and scatter it about in chests at various levels
    I mean add another 200 random items to that named drop list rather than relying on the pre fix suffix random generation loot which is mostly vendor fodder
    Nothing wrong with this in principle. Would just be a matter of getting the specifics right.

    An unfortunate problem with the loot gen system is that, for worn items, only the most boring ones are good. An Ogre Power Belt is likely to be better than an Ogre Power Belt of Moderate Fortification, for example. The value of item enchantments is usually not additive. Often an item is only as good as its best property, not the sum of them. Named items would give the opportunity to have items that are technically better than loot gen, but in practice only a slight advantage. Like, say, a named ML 9 Belt with +4 STR and +5 Balance. That would be ML 13 if loot gen'd, but would be vendor trash at that level. At level, it's a good item, with a minor bonus above what loot gen could produce.

    Also, resistance items shouldn't vary in ML so darn much. I've seen plain +4 resistance items at ML 11, ML 13 and ML 15. That doesn't make any sense.

    Loot gen for weapons actually works fairly well. There are a few too many junk weapons (e.g., light hammer) and junk properties (e.g., Shatter, Slowburst), but on the whole, weapon properties do have additive value.

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