I'm not sure if this is the place to put this or under Quest and Adventures or under Suggestions, but it's just something to suggest and discuss about.

I haven't reached level 20 yet, but as far as I know, the Epic quests are the epic difficulty of the existing quests. I'm not sure if there are separate quests just made for the Epic Difficulty.

I was wondering, wouldn't it be cool to reuse those memorable DnD adventures we used to play on PnP and make them exclusively for Epic players only? Kinda like a epic reward for reaching level 20. The old PnP players may want to want to re-live these adventures and some of the new players (new to DnD) might want to experience them.

Some of the particular adventures modules I was talking about are:

White Plume Mountain
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
Temple of Elemental Evil
City of the Gods
Isle of Dread
Against the Giants
Dwellers of the Forbidden City
Tomb of Horrors

Just a thought.