Hello, I'm looking for a build to TR my ranger, and I wanted to tank for a while.
Mine was a ranger splashed monk with 55 AC selfbuffed in defensive fighting, so i'm quite used to a good AC, but now I'd like an outstanding AC.
I was trying to do something like this:
Dwarf Fighter lvl 20, with 6 armor mastery (fighter & dwarf) + 3 staltwart defender + 3 tower shield mastery = +10 max dex bonus with a fullplate and a mithril towershield.
You can get 6 from fighter/dwarf enhancements, and 2 from stalwart defender enhancements. I would prolly only buy 2 of each fighter and dwarf personally as 12 ap for 2 ac is pretty expensive. If you tr again, you can get +1 from the fighter past life. So with 1 from dt plate, 3 from fighter, 3 from dwarf, 2 from stalwart you'll be sitting at 9. MTS base is 4, + 3 from stalwart enhancements and all 3 ts enhancements will be 10. You can at the least drop the last ts enhancement that will allow you to pick up the other toughness enhance you said you want. Personally I would go after the epic von shield. Its not hard to get if you do enough raids, you can slot it with +2 luck and +7 enhancement. Gives you the same ac and you can drop all the ts enhancements. (obviously that will be at lvl 20, but I still think its a good idea.)
The stats for this toon will be
16 str + 2 tome + 6 object
16 dex + 2 tome + 6 object + 5 level increase + 1 exceptional bonus on dragontouched armor
I still think its a bad idea to put your lvl ups in dex. Put them in str, use DAxes with enhancements. Recycling your rapiers will not be the same dps as your ranger was as you wont have any favored enemies.
18 con + 2 tome + 6 object + 2 dwarf enhancements
12 int + 2 tome
8 wis
6 cha + 2 tome + 6 object
The ending stat for this toon can be (with appropriate equipment and +2 tomes and +1 exceptional bonus on dex):
24 str
30 dex (+10 dex bonus)
28 con ( about 450 HP with toughness and all, without minos)
14 int (to max out intimidate + CE)
8 wis
14 cha (for intimidate)
If you swap your level ups into str, your stats look pretty good. You can drop int a bit, but 12 starting is fine, and its nice to have the extra skill point on a fighter. HP will look like this:
200 fighter
180 con mod
20 ddo
10 AA favor
30 gfl
22 toughness
24 toughness item (minos or other)
60 enhancements (thats if you can get 3 of each fighter/dwarf, -10 for ea you cant take)
542 standing.
582 in Stance
you can add a shroud item for 45 as well as +1 exceptional and lotd for another 20.
and the total unbuffed AC should be something like this:
10 base
+ 10 dex bonus
will only be 9
+ 15 dragontouched armor (with levik's tier)
+ 9 levik's mithril tower shield
+ 4 insight bonus (due to GS)
+ 5 CE
+ 4 Staltwart defencer stance (they told me it stacks with CE)
+ 5 deflection protection gear
+ 1 dodge feat
+ 3 staltwart defender enhancements
+ 3 dodge feat of chattering ring
+ 2 chaos guard
+ 1 alchemical on armor
you can put this on a shield as well, for +2 evens out the -1 for your calc'd dex bonus)
+2 tod set. Gives +2 ac as well as a bit of hate, and a slot for a +2 stat. I did dex. This will help offset taking your levels in str for a net loss of 3 dex. Add a set of epic spectral gloves and put +1 on those and your only -1 of your calc'd dex mod, drink a yugo pot for the extra or score a +3 tome.
= 72 unbuffed
74 if you get a tod set. You can get epic armor for the max dex bonus if you get the other epic items.
+ 5 natural of barkskin (due to ranger past life)
= 77 self buffed standing
+ 6 paladin's aura
+ 1 haste
4 bardsong
2 cleric reicitation
3 halfling buff
1 stacking haste from air guard if you go x3 air on your shroud cha skill item (yes it stacks with haste spell
= 84 party buffed standing
94 with your calcs, 96 with tod set.
+ 5 blocking ( i thought it was 2 but everybody says it's 5)
= 89 party buffed while tanking
99 with extra buffs you forgot, and 101 with tod set. Obviously you wont always have all those buffs, so likely you'll fall somewhere in that range. You can add dps gear to your set up depending on buffs. For example, on normal tod, 75 ac is the breaking point against horoth. So if you find yourself at 80 you can drop ce and put on PA. Or if youre at 83 you can do PA and drop the chatt ring for shintao set with +2 exceptional str. Obviously this will vary just something to keep in mind.
Due to the very low strength I'll recycle my ranger tempest GS rapiers when I'll need to do dps, with weapon finesse and all the TWF feats they should do fine as they did on my dex based tempest.
Bad idea as I mentioned above. Go Daxe with damage enhancements. Find a way ![Smile](/forums/images/smilies/smile.png)
I cannot put the fighter str enhancements due to the fact that i need all APs just to take the full package of armor + shield mastery + statwart defence + intimidate + toughness (and still i have to renounce to some toughness).
Once again, bad idea. Find a way to fit in at least the first 2 enhancements. Trading dwarven armor mastery III for 2 points of str is worth it.
Intimidate will be something like this:
23 points
+ 2 cha stat
You can craft an exeptional cha weapon for turtle tanking needs
+ 13 gear
go ahead and count +15. You can get that on raid items if you cant afford random ones.
+ 2 bullheaded
+ 3 intimidation feat
+ 4 fighter enhancement
+ 6 stalt ward defender enhancement
+ 6 GS charisma exceptional object
+2 luck form hogf or epic slot
= 59 unbuffed
+5 from a bit better gear
+ 4 GH
+2 luck (cleric) if you dont get an item
+2 bard song
+2 monk (harder to keep up)
+3 house D pot (You can farm for the collectables for these easily in GH or in the Subterraine)
= 63 party buffed
71 with some better gear and buffs
Now that i posted the build, i have a few question, because i never never played as tank before:
1) Is 63 party buffed intimidate good enough? If no, how can i achieve a better intimidate with a dwarf? I'd like to think that if you wanna intimitank there are solutions other than being human (or half-elf within a month) or using all your stats in charisma.
80 is the magic number currently. 79 gets epic dq, 80 gets elite hound. Other bosses are within the range I posted on your intimi breakdown.
2) Is all that AC even useful? I'm used to fight harry or sully with approximately 55 AC, and i take damage like everyone else does, a friend of mine has a very good rogue/assassin with a desperate 28 AC and he takes almost the same damage. If I had 89 AC and blocking, would this damage be much less?
Yes and no. Some bosses you will take less damage, others it will be hard to tell the difference. Over all I like having ac, but its certainly a niche build here in ddo and not required
3) This build will end up with a pretty good fortitude and reflex saves, but with a very low will. Is this going to make me fail hard?
You can take a few paly levels, force of personality or both if you are concerned about your will save. Most of the time its not a huge issue, rarely in raids, a bit more often in epic quests
4) This build will end up with a good reflex save but without evasion at all. Is this a problem?
Gear can make up most of the difference
Since I'm a tanking noob, any suggestion is higly appreciated, I'm afraid of failing this because i won't be able to reroll since it's a TR...