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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Looking for a European guild or 1 with European members

    Hi all,

    So, basicly i need a guild which is based in Europe or has plenty of European players in it. I recently started on Thelanis because the server supposedly has a lot of European players.

    I would like to be a member of a friendly, helpful, funlovin' 18+ guild.

    I hope u'll have me in ur guild

    My ingame name is Zariine Bashere



  2. #2
    Community Member Zeddyfree's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Afterdark expanding in Europe

    Hi Fl0w,

    I'm a member of the Guild Afterdark and I'm from the Netherlands. Afterdark started as a US guild but has been expanding and recruiting more European members. We now have members from the US, the Netherlands, Germany, UK, Australia, etc...

    I have a lot of fun playing with the late night US players in the morning (many days they stay on until about our lunch time, for them it's Afterdark for a reason ).

    I also run with people in the evening, there are not enough members for raids in that time slot yet, but the recruiting for this time slot is ongoing, so I have good hopes for that.

    The creed of the guild is "No one gets left behind". And we always take time to help newbies. In the ddo forumpost we are listed as a newbie guild, but I feel we are growing towards a guild that features all sort of players in all level ranges. The fact is we will always stay friendly toward new players. If you like this feel free to join!

    Also, visit our own forums for more info and leave a message there if you want to join:

    Check out the thread at this forum for more information about the guilds growth, creed and other stuff:

    If you want to join, the best thing to do is contact an officer ingame (send a mail) or visit our forum.
    Vixonna (guild leader)
    Samauel (officer)
    Izapora (officer)

    We use ventrillo.

    So maybe I'll see you as a new guild member. Otherwise you can just add my main (Orreak) to your friend list. I'd love to play with more Europeans.


    Orreak cleric
    Kyrreak bard-barian
    Afterdark Thelanis
    Last edited by Zeddyfree; 10-01-2010 at 02:05 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    You can find some European guilds at too.
    Server: Ghallanda Guild: Drunk 'n' Dangerous
    * Lanternal - Warforged/Wizard 20
    * Other Toons: Pancar, LoranisEU, Karete and other retired ones.
    Ghallanda Europen Guild List - Thelanis European Guild List

  4. #4
    Community Member Hara's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I suspect the best place to find an EU guild will be Ghallanda given that that is the server where the EU players European characters will soon get transfered.

  5. #5
    Community Member Sphinx111's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Hara View Post
    I suspect the best place to find an EU guild will be Ghallanda given that that is the server where the EU players European characters will soon get transfered.
    Not quite so. Ghallanda is still pretty dead with Europeans, and to be quite frank, 90% of the best European players saw sense and left the European servers back at the end of 2009.

    Just imho, but the coolest and friendliest players are sitting on Thelanis right now (me excluded ofc).
    Enygma | Paradizio | Ataris | Herises | Genesyz | Mydas | Diesell

  6. #6
    Community Member tenalafel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Sphinx111 View Post
    Not quite so. Ghallanda is still pretty dead with Europeans, and to be quite frank, 90% of the best European players saw sense and left the European servers back at the end of 2009.
    Not that true... But that depends on the definition of best European players.
    The vast majority of the European players just stopped playing out of spite and a part of then are waiting for the transfer to be effective.

    A small ( Yes small ) portion left Europe at the end of 2009, another small ( Yes small ) portion stayed on Europe until the end.
    But the majority just stopped playing and some waited to see what would happen.

    The ones that went in 2009 are mostly on Thelanis. ( though there's some on Argo, Cannith and Orien )
    The ones that stayed until the end are set on Ghallanda.
    The ones that stoped playing but still wants to play will come back on Ghallanda... once their characters are here.
    <- join date is wrong... been playing since a few weeks after original release

    European refugee from Boldrei and Keeper. Now on Ghallanda.

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