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  1. #1

    Default Cannith: Looking to form guild alliances

    Champions of Willowdale is a small guild of friends, we number only four, all of us good friends outside the game.

    We're looking for other small guilds, or even larger ones, that would like to join together to run raids, or just grab an extra person or two once and a while to come along on a run.

    We're looking for like-minded people. That is to say, mature, laid back, respectful, and fun loving. We like to tackle dungeons methodically and don't like to zerg. If we're going in, unless we're going in for one specific thing, and we've done the dungeon a zillion times, we're going to do all the optionals we can, and we're going to set up for hard fights, use strategy, and minimize deaths. That isn't to say we're going to tell you how to play, or how best to play your character! Odd builds, or different strategies are fun to try! Chaos is not really all that fun to any of us, however. That said, we like a good joke, and we don't take ourselves too seriously, either.

    We're open to lite-rp or no rp, either way. So don't be scared to say hi if you're an RP'er, and don't run the other direction if you're not. Some of us are more into rp than others (ie. I love it, the other three can take it or leave it but like it). Generally we're more likely to rp OUTside of runs rather than in.

    Once we get up and running, we'll create a channel to chat in, and possibly forums for planning.

    Soooo, if all this sounds good, drop me a letter in game, or respond to this post here, and we'll talk!

    Oh, and if you aren't in a guild for whatever reason, and want to ally with us, that is great too. We're not only looking for guilds, just people in general so we can go further and see more interesting stuff!
    Characters of note:
    Cannith --Smudge, Lillari, Thrallia, Urja
    Thelanis -- Magarette, Nuadia, Kerta, Sayata, Urja

  2. #2
    Community Member nerdychaz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Your playstyle seems similar to my guild, The Guild of Calamitous Intent. Please check us out on our forum site,

    We are a large casual gamer guild with the 2nd tier airship and all the toys that come along with that. If you would like, your guild could absorb into ours. Nothing would stop you from playing together and you could take advantage of our resources.

    If your guild is interested, just post applications on our website and say Skarro sent you. Take a look at our guild law and guild FAQ, you may like what you see. Our guild visions seem to be quite similar, and we could all benefit.
    Member of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
    Cannith Server
    Main Toons: Skarro and Usko
    I maximize my strengths and buy bane weapons for my weaknesses.

  3. #3


    Thanks! You guys entirely sound like our kind of people! However, Champions of Willowdale would like to stay together as we are.

    We would be MORE than happy to form an alliance with you, though! Catch up with me in game sometime if you're interested and we can talk about it!
    Characters of note:
    Cannith --Smudge, Lillari, Thrallia, Urja
    Thelanis -- Magarette, Nuadia, Kerta, Sayata, Urja

  4. #4
    Community Member nerdychaz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    We are already part of a guild alliance created by The Doom Brigade. We have a channel we use to talk, the fellowship channel. I am not the creator of the channel, but you should navigate to the doom brigade page and inquire about membership in the fellowship channel. I would like to see you in it.
    Member of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
    Cannith Server
    Main Toons: Skarro and Usko
    I maximize my strengths and buy bane weapons for my weaknesses.

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    One little note, our old site has been disbanded and the new The Doom Brigade website is located at
    My toons * Brontos * Arthanot * Devicearcane * Hearl * Smiole

  6. #6


    Thanks! I will inquire soon, probably later tonight! I'm very familiar with the Doom Brigade, I've run with a few of them in the past, and have interacted with a few around on the RP channel from time to time. Sent a few people their way too over the months.

    Sounds fantastic.
    Characters of note:
    Cannith --Smudge, Lillari, Thrallia, Urja
    Thelanis -- Magarette, Nuadia, Kerta, Sayata, Urja

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