Glancing Blows now deal 60% of the physical damage portion of your weapon if you are a THF-specialized barbarian, but the added vicious damage from Frenzy/Deathless Frenzy will only proc on 20% of your glancing blows. Glancing blows will continue to work on 3/4 on attacks while standing still, and not at all while moving.
This is different from how glancing blows currently work:
-Glancing blow physical damage equation is unknown; only way to figure it out is by using experimental data. Currently, it is less than
40% of physical damage.
-Vicious damage from Frenzy/Deathless Frenzy proc on 100% of glancing blows
-Damage from special effects has such a small proc rate that the damage increase is virtually negligible
Our physical glancing blow damage will increased, our Vicious damage will be reduced, and special weapon effects (like Holy and Slicing) will have a 20% proc rate on glancing blows.
How this affects our DPS:
Maximum sustainable strength: 64 (+27)
- 18 base
- 5 levels
- 4 tome
- 6 enhancement
- 1 exceptional
- 2 exceptional
- 2 capstone
- 2 Frenzied Berserker ToD set
- 12 barbarian rage
- 4 deathless frenzy
- 2 frenzy
- 2 rage spell
- 2 yugoloth potion
- 2 Madstone
Total Strength to Damage: +40
Other Damage Bonuses:
- +22 Power Attack
- +2 Frenzied Berserker Set
- +2 Shintao Set
- +9 Warchanter songs
- +1 Prayer
- +4d6 Deathless Frenzy
- +2d6 Frenzy
- Bloodstone (non-epic)
Total Static Damage: 4d6+2d6+76
Epic Sword of Shadows (force damage ritual) vs no DR, 0% Fortification:
Average Damage Per Second: 465.476
Damage Change: +9.9 DPS
Epic Sword of Shadows (force damage ritual) vs 15 DR, 50% Fortification:
Average Damage Per Second: 328.830
Damage Change: +3.6 DPS
Mineral II Greataxe (force damage ritual) vs Evil, Acid-Resistant, 0 DR, 50% Fortification:
Average Damage Per Second: 329.338
Damage Change: +14.2 DPS
-THF will receive a very slight (almost unnoticeable) bonus to DPS
-Barbarians will take slightly less vicious damage.
-Mineral II Greataxes now out-DPS eSOS versus Arratraekos, Suulomades, and Horoth (previously this was only the case if you were missing +2 strength somewhere, Prayer, or full Warchanter songs)