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My assumptions are 48 STR (including Rage, Barbarian Power Rage and double Madstone Rage) giving +19 damage, Min II with good burst, acid and acid blast, seeker +6, Barbarian Critical Rage II, Barbarian Power Attack III, Barbarian Frenzied Berserker III and Warforged Power Attack III.
I also assume 1 misses and 2-20 hit for every group of 20 attacks.
Good, acid and slicing damage average 3.5+3.5+2.5=9.5.
Non-critical damage is weapon damage + power attack damage + STR damage + weapon effects damage.
greataxe: 15.5+10+19+9.5=54.
greatsword: 15.5+10+19+9.5=54.
falchion: 12+10+19+9.5=50.5.
Critical damage is [(weapon damage + power attack damage + STR damage + seeker bonus + burst damage + blast damage) * critical multiplier] + weapon effects damage.
greataxe: [(15.5+10+19+6+14+11)*5]+9.5=387.
greatsword: [(15.5+10+19+6+10.5+5.5)*4]+9.5=275.5.
falchion: [(12+10+19+6+10.5+5.5)*4]+9.5=189.5.
Due to the seeker +6 I assume every critical confirms giving the following assessment:
greataxe: 1 (miss), 2-16 (hit for 54), 17-20 (hit for 387); 0+(15*54)+(4*387)=2358.
greatsword: 1 (miss), 2-14 (hit for 54), 15-20 (hit for 275.5); 0+(13*54)+(6*275.5)=2355.
falchion: 1 (miss), 2-12 (hit for 50.5), 13-20 hit for 189.5); 0+(11*50.5)+(8*189.5)=2071.5.
If the to hit rate declines greataxe only increases its advantage. If crits fail to proc greataxe only increases its advantage.
On auto crits 20*387=7740. Because 387>275.5>189.5 the greataxe damage will be more on any auto crit.
I can only conclude that greataxe>greatsword>falchion.