So last Week end i finally reached the 1750 milestone.
Soon i m gonna reincarnate and i'd like you advices.
1) I m a mechanic, chosed to be one many years ago, never looked back.
I m aware it's not the Doxa here, but don't care. I like my toon the way it is.
So Stats (32 pts)
Str 10
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 16
Wis 8
Cha 8
Nothing fancy here, Str wis and cha a little lower than i would like but 14 con is needed.
Right now my build is 18Rog/ 2Rng
i got all the TWF line, and Rapid Shot/Reload.
i fight mostly melee but having a nice ranged option is usefull.
Should i greater reincarnate as it is now (18rog/2rng) or do we thing that know going pure is the best option ?