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  1. #1
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    Default Exploiter vs monster.. Need advice

    Hallo everyone
    Thank you for your time to read this thread
    I want to create a new toon , and i am between these 2 build as i find them really interesting
    However i have been reading that rangers dmg has gone really down and it isnt worth going exploiter
    Id like your PoV and suggestions on class decision
    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
    Founder Nyvn's Avatar
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    Monster has more DPS Exploiter has more survivability. Being able to drop heals on the healer, can prevent a party wipe. Outside of Epic the AC an exploiter can have makes a difference.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Aurora1979's Avatar
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    Well, I cant give you a proper assesment, as Ive never run a monster build but ill put in my opinion for what its worth.

    Im currently running up an exploiter dwarf, Im having exceptional fun with him. DPS seems fine at the moment, although im only level 10. I get as many kills as anyone else including barbs etc although kill count isnt a good measure. I can solo loads of content, just started working my way through some gianthold stuff. Its do able but a bit wand intensive, maybe a level or 2 wait would be more sensible.

    At end game although i wont be the MAX dps I will be doing plenty to contribute. I wouldnt worry too much about the ranger nerf. They still do damage and are still versitile. Your not going to be out dpsing a frenzy barb for sure but then....... If you wana be max dps then fighter or barb builds are probably your best option.

    Although, for true damage per SECOND, nothing beats a sorcerer. The few swings a melee can put in in a second is pitiful compared to a maxi empowered polar ray. Obviously damage per minutes sorcerers drop back due to not being sustainable.

    Long story short, I cant comment on the monster but i can say that, so far, my exploiter is great fun.
    Quote Originally Posted by xanvar View Post
    I believe my left thumb is Gimp. I think I need to reroll.
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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    the damage difference between exploiter and monster is big?
    or it doesnt really matter compared to what an exploiter brings to the party?

  5. #5
    Community Member Aquoia93's Avatar
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    Monster will end up being more DPS as said above. I have a lvl 20 exploiter that I still play quite a lot, and there main strength is their versatility and survivability. The monster will have more DPS because it is more based on the fighter class, so you will get the STR enhancements, and if you go WF the PA enhancements. Not to mention that 12 fighter gets Kensei 2 and a STR +8 action boost, and with Fighter Haste Boost you will be swinging faster than a hasted toon for a short while.

    Not sure if I answered your question, but I tried
    Weniras-18/1/1 (Exploiter Ranger), Conam-6 (Barbarian), Keelowe-20 (Monk), Aquoia-TR 13/2 pally/monk,
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  6. #6
    The Hatchery Aurora1979's Avatar
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    Well, im not sure on this since the update, but really im just stringing you along until someone who knows what they are talking about comes along

    In the mean time.... I found this....

    Which is a pretty indepth list.

    The exploiter on there, human, shows as 466.8 dps

    the monster is 520.6

    So, thats quite a different tbh, more then i thought, and probably even more now since U5.

    The exploiter does have other atributes too though. as i say, an outside watcher would not really notice the differance, you will still be doing plenty of damage with the exploiter.

    If you want MAX dps, then neither of these builds is best. So, have another look at them both, dont worry too much about the dps difference and see if the other attributes of each build, one might suit you better.

    If you want outright dps There is shades frenzied bezreker.
    Quote Originally Posted by xanvar View Post
    I believe my left thumb is Gimp. I think I need to reroll.
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  7. #7
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    hhm i see
    I also like their versatility but if their dmg diff is very big , i wouldnt roll one so thats what i actually asked
    If monster will be REALLY far ahead or only a small diff

  8. #8
    Community Member Franke's Avatar
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    I have one of each of these builds, its quite true to say that the exploiter is very versatile,a good solo toon with good dps.The monster on the other hand,has very high dps,and can pull aggro from anything,so it needs a nanny to keep it alive

  9. #9
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    So exploiter has great solo abilities
    What is the solo posibilities of Monster? None?

  10. #10
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nocty View Post
    So exploiter has great solo abilities
    What is the solo posibilities of Monster? None?
    I have both two capped Exploiters and a "dorfster" who's now level 17. The Dorfster (dwarven Monster) does more damage than my ranger did at level. I'm happy with him, but he's simply not a solo toon. My self-healing is limited to wand and potion, I've got no trap skills, and can't buff anything. I can solo explorer areas and have done many quests without healers but he's really not built for it. He will do more damage, have more HP, and actually get a decent intimidate. I started with 16 STR instead of 18 which let me distribute stats so my AC potential is the same.

    My rangers can solo pretty much anything non-epic including several Amrath quests on hard (my elite attempts have been less stellar . . .). I don't see my Monster soloing Sins anytime soon.

    Then again, I don't see my Exploiter tanking Horoth (though I'd love to try if my guild is crazy enough . . .).

    If you want to solo a ton of stuff go Exploiter. If you want to do 90+% of the damage of the pure DPS-apes and not require a constant baby-sitter, Monster is the way to go. That's the trade off.

    For what it's worth, I find the Exploiter to be fun to play. Then again I haven't capped the Monster . . .

  11. #11
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    Monster - more DPS, by quite a large amount since the harsh Tempest nerfs of Update 5. Also much better DPS versus non-Favored Enemy, which is important if you play Epics. Higher HP.

    Exploiter - higher UMD, better self-healing, trap skills, higher AC, all useful ranger spells. Not restricted to Kensai favored weapons.

    A neat variant of the Monster is to go Halfling instead of WF. You loose a little tanking DPS from not having the PA enhancement line, -2 Str and not being able to fit in Quick Draw, but can compensate some with off-tank DPS due to Halfling Guile, and of course have higher saves (and AC). But the real advantage is the Jorasco Healing dragonmarks, which makes soloing easier on a Monster.

    The fighter and monk bonus feats levels gives you room to fit in all the three healing marks, plus Maximize. If you can equip a Superior Potency/Devotion item (or just quaff an Ardor potion before battle) you will get even your smaller dragonmarks to heal for quite a bit.
    Last edited by Razcar; 09-15-2010 at 10:36 AM.
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