By reading some of the recent posts I am beginning to understand better. It seems that there isn't a common belief that items 'necessarily' belong to the person with there name by them.
By reading some of the recent posts I am beginning to understand better. It seems that there isn't a common belief that items 'necessarily' belong to the person with there name by them.
What's your rational argument for hiding your loot pulls?
An on-hit proc of the cold version of fire shield is useful to a fighter. Guard builds love it. because its another guard. Non-guard builds love the reduced fire damage when fighting stuff that casts meteor swarm of DBF.
Would you be mad if a bard took it? A paladin? A ranger? A cleric?
Now in the game every piece of raid loot is usable by every player. At some point on your chain of true reincarnations you could use it. Whether you put it up for roll is up to you. If you pull madstone boots on your caster and slap them in your inventory instead of putting them up for roll that may be unpopular but it's still your loot just like grabbing them up when you are a melee with three pairs already. I personally would put an item up for roll if I won't be needing it for a while and someone is along that currently needs it but that is up to the individual. Your loot is your loot and with reincarnation I no longer worry about whether another character can use the loot they pull, it's theirs and not mine. If it's something that I'm after I'm gonna pull it sooner or later anyway somewhere along the line of my own incarnations.
[edit] There are some items that are not in chests that should be the decision of the entire group how they should be handled.
Last edited by Orratti; 09-15-2010 at 02:44 PM.
I'm really very surprised by the negative response here. Especially the ones that use precedence as the logical basis to avoid change, as if it is immutable simply for having existed for a while.
This suggestion is aimed at the players who feel entitled to your loot due to their perception of your class, what they feel are the important attributes of the item, and their need.
They may be right that the item will be totally useless to you. It's still not theirs. If you vendor it, it got you some money. If you decide to collect it and then toss it out to make room for a worthless collectable, it's still not theirs.
I nearly always put my loot up for roll if I can't use it. I don't have to. You don't have to. And, you shouldn't get squelched for doing whatever you want with your stuff.
It seems to me that this suggestion was aimed at the majority of the responders to this thread.
I really could give a rat's pucker if I see what unbound loot people pull or not. It makes sense that it is broadcast as seeing other player's pulls is a staple of MMOs and PnP, plus you are both pulling things out of the same chest, logically you would both see what the other person is stuffing in their pockets. Regardless, unbound loot, or BTA loot, I don't care what the person does with it and though I like to see it, perhaps to put an offer in on it, I wouldn't mind if it was obscured by the more paranoid persuasion. A wiz pulls a +4 Holy Burst Silver Greataxe of Greater Evil Outsider Bane, have at it mate, it's either going on the AH or to another toon of his that can use it, same with BTA stuff like Light and Darkness etc, if it's tradable, even just among toons on the same account, then the person can use it on another toon or maybe even someone he makes just to take advantage of the pull.
What I don't agree with is BTC loot being ninja'd. That. Is. Horsepucky. Fighters taking the Petitioner's Staff, wizards taking the Sword of Shadows, *that* I wanna see. Hey, it's their loot, let them take it, but let me see the jackarse doing it too. If they don't have an odd build that utilizes it now the only valid reason is that they plan on TRing into a class that uses it, which in most cases means going completionist, and to bogart a Petitioner's Staff on a melee for your 1 wiz and 1 sorc which you will just burn through and reinc into something else when there is someone there looking for it on a caster that will be using it the rest of the toon's life, hey, like I said, it's your loot, but I at least want to know that you are a selfish git and make mental notes to that effect.
This is an mmo, your actions aren't supposed to take place in a void, that's what single player games are for. In an mmo there are not just game mechanic ramifications to whatever you do, but social ones as well, and part of the attraction of mmo's is just that.
Hroth Ironbjorn - Fortran Cardpuncher - Roaster the Toaster - Bukbuk Bugok - Claddahg Stonebend - Dukien Du'Caltor - Jheeneric Sorcelatorer - Strombolt - Bhan Dwagon - Mozartron - Thorfyn Hammerhand - Scimitarsis Blendaria - etc ad nauseam.
^^^ This is the attitude that shows why the OP's suggestion is a good idea.
Players are using someone taking their own portion of the treasure as their own. Weather he can use it or not it has his name on it. If the Devs intended that the party would have the potion to determine WHO got each peice of loot then it wouldn't have anyones name on it.
Their loot their choice. They should have the right to not be greifed and excluded for claiming what the game gave to them. Yes, players should be able to give something that they can't use to someone who could use it more, butthat should be concidered polite of them, not imploite if they don't.
I'm not the OP but I support his idea so I'll answer this for myself at least.
NO I don't. I don't even look at MY loot during the adventure. 99% of the stuff you get is vendor trash. I click to open, click loot all, click to accept bound (if any), and move on. I don't usually check what I have looted until my Inventory is full and needs emptied. Occasionally I get a plesent supprise, but it it is rare.
This is exactly why it's a great idea. You feel entitled to loot that isn't your's. You simply have no right whatsoever to decide if the person should have their own loot. None. It's theirs. If they let you roll on their stuff, they are being nice, not the other way around. They should not be squelched for not giving you their loot, they should be added as a friend for giving you their loot.
As a side note, to those that don't think you would miss what your mate picked up: all chests are magical: they magic the items into your pack. You can tell, 'cause looting is too fast.
Last edited by SINIBYTE; 09-15-2010 at 04:48 PM.
Want to remain guildless or solo, but still want to take advantage of the guild renown system?
Solo / Guildless / No Pressure / The Guildless Guild on Argonnessen
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
Indeed, my Wizard too. Herein lies the problem: you have no idea how much someone else may or may not use an item. In fact, it could be argued that those with less DPS (let's say, Wizards who aren't afraid to swing a Greatsword) need the DPS upgrade more than those with already sufficiently high DPS.
Granted, of course, that I might pass such things on to guildies/friends depending on circumstances.
Last edited by rimble; 09-15-2010 at 04:57 PM.
Your loot is your loot. PERIOD.
Anyone tells you trying to take something from you.
The 'entitlement card' is about about overplayed as the 'race card' in real life. There are plenty of situations where its totally legit but everyone jumps on it first without reading context. What you are missing is that he doesnt dispute the right of the person to take any loot assigned to their name... In fact the overwhelming majority of players in DDO have never disputed that fact.This is exactly why it's a great idea. You feel entitled to loot that isn't your's. You simply have no right whatsoever to decide if the person should have their own loot. None. It's theirs. If they let you roll on their stuff, they are being nice, not the other way around. They should not be squelched for not giving you their loot, they should be added as a friend for giving you their loot.
What the 'fair play committee' wants to know is does the other person play by the same rules. If your rules are 'loot everything, dont share', then you should expect the same treatment back. Hiding the looting of bound items lets them play by all rules. There is no community consequence for their actions if they choose an attitude different from the consensus. In a social setting the paraiahs are usually not simply innocent victims. There is always a reason for why they are not welcome. While that reason does not have to be logical, ethical, or moral, it does exist. In the DDO community those tend to be people that are not willing to follow the 'need before greed' tenent when in raids.
I'm not talking about people who opt to roll on lute that is better served by use by another character. It someone decides to put something up for roll, then only those best suited for it's use should roll, or atl the very least should get preference, maybe a bonus to their roll or something.
I just don't think that people should feel preasured to put something up for roll, and with everyone seeing your loot, that is exactly what hapens.
Just because some people are jerks about your loot doesnt mean everyone else should have to subject themselves to some tedious loot system. Penalize the jerks and not the rest of the community. Adding them to your squelch list is alot easier, -vs- every time I want to offer up an item for roll I have to uncheck it so I can give it away or let people see it so they can determine if they want to roll on it.
I will be my own advocate about my loot.