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  1. #21
    Community Member Cyiwin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenalafel View Post
    What's the point anyway, as they can see the loot in the chest before you take it ( and the messages appears).

    That is unless you manage to loot the chest before anybody else had time to double-click/Use it.

    /not signed.

    I don't mind adjusting my opinion as people introduce ideas I haven't considered. Raid loot makes sense to me because of how widespread the roll rule is. Seeing items in chest makes sense because you would be able to see the item in the chest before it was nabbed. I still believe the owner of an unbound item should decide if it is displayed in party chat.

    I'm tired, let the thread die, I think I have what I was looking for. Thanks everyone for your time and input.

  2. #22
    Community Member Cylinwolf's Avatar
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    Best all-around suggestion I could think for this:

    Check box in User Interface to stop loot broadcasts. This means your loot does not show up in the list of things in the chest for other people, and when you take something out of the chest it does not broadcast via chat.

    When this option is enabled, a small checkbox is enabled next to your pieces of loot in the chest. When clicked, it makes the item visible to all members of the raid regularly.

    This allows for situations like Baubles and raid loot you do not wish to keep but would like to put up for roll; people can actually see the item in the chest and know you're not just pulling their leg before they roll.

    This does not solve any problems of "people handing it off to their friends" because that is NOT a problem that can be solved. The game gives your loot to you, and as such it's never going to force you to put it up to roll. Likewise, that problem will never go away by human nature.

  3. #23
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoboVanguard View Post
    I have a couple of reasons.

    1) A checkbox for every item? Sounds rather tedious and may add lag to the game. Lag is something we don't need.
    2) Let's people know what kind of person they're running with. I sure as hell don't want to run with a caster who will loot levik's shield, a caster who loots the seal of earth/chattering ring, or in general looting things that have 0 benefit to their class (certain builds excepted, of course, but there's no way a pure 20 sorc is going to have a use for a seal of the earth). What will result is that nothing will ever get shared because people will just claim they got trash.

    Dunno, something just sounds wrong with the idea.
    he's not saying he wont offer items he believes he thinks another class would use better, he is just wanting people who scan the loot pulled from a chest, and sees an item HE thinks would go better on his, or another (probably a friend's) character.

    He just wants to avoid having to have a ready answer to justify why he wants to pull it, foro his or an alt of his.

    If it drops in the chest for loot, the forum consensus is it's his to do what he wants.

    Let him pull it, and politely avoid the grief from others who might want to swindle him out of it (see any number of threads where newer players get bilked out of items they wished they kept)

    With that in mind, if there is a gameplay option to turn off how my loot is diplayed in the loot channel, thats fine, and actually would reduce lag, due to not having to process/print the info.

    I show no problem with that doesnt take significant dev time.

    /approve with above comments.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  4. #24
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    I understand what you are asking for and I believe some fairly good reasoning has been presented. What I ask is this, why does it bother you that other people see what you take from the chest?

    I like to see what other people loot not because I want it but because I like to congratulate people on what they find. It also gives be an idea of stuff I can look for, if something goes up for roll and I want then of course I take my shot at it.

    The point of in life if you were to open up a big box, everyone around would see what was in it, also people not looking in the box would see you pull out a shield, sword, 1000 plat etc. Having it broadcast also reduces the tedium of questions" What did you get?" Id rather just broadcast it and let them look at it.

    Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.

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  5. #25
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    /not signed

    Since the loot is yours, it does not matter if others see it

  6. #26
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenalafel View Post
    What's the point anyway, as they can see the loot in the chest before you take it ( and the messages appears).

    That is unless you manage to loot the chest before anybody else had time to double-click/Use it.

    /not signed.
    My suggestion doesnt involve hiding loot that appears in the chest, it only suggests its not posted in the loot channel that can be scrutinized and combed over.

    When an item appears in the chest, it appears below all of the items you received. when 11 other members of a raid all do this simultaneously (which happens all the time) it is extremely hard to scrutinize all of the loot that is shown in that short period of time.

    If someone spots an item pulled and wants it, he can choose to grab it quickly and end the chance of someone griefing him over his luck, or he can let the item linger, and see if anyone would like it.

    I also liked the default of hidden in the chest, unless someone has a checkbox to choose to show the item in the chest.

    What I find ironic, is I used to play a Thief in 1st/2nd ed. that would try to get to the chest first, so i can palm the smaller loot for myself, before everyone divvies up the contents.

    Many times i would get double shares of loot or more :P benefit of being a trap-monkey
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  7. #27
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    I personally have no bias either way on this topic, but for the sake of contributing...

    You could have separate check boxes for general loot visibility and raid loot visibility.

    You could have a generic message appear saying that a party member was awarded a named item *instead* of the actual name when the raid loot visibility flag is unchecked.

    You could have a use for the dev (madfloyd?) idea for the social panel extra meta information stuff they were talking about. Ie cannot join group unless raid loot visibility is turned on (and cannot be changed while in group).

    You could make it so once an item is traded to another party member, in the chest, it displays a message in chat and then reverts to the current visibility rules for that item.

    Just some thoughts

  8. #28
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackRage View Post
    /not signed

    Since the loot is yours, it does not matter if others see it
    I'm not saying the loot he pulls isnt his, and some people will ignore any griefing he (a battle bard) might get from pulling a +3 Str tome, and taking it. what the OP is proposing, is a way to get less grief, from those who think they DO control what people get in the chest.

    there are players/guilds/clicks that will brow-beat newer or more impressionable players into handing over loot rightfully theirs, to avoid getting shunned at a later time.

    There are bullies in DDO for raid loot, and its sad.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  9. #29
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Personally, I think the chests are more like a bag of holding or handy sack. What ever one it is where you reach in and grab something, not knowing what it is. When you take it out you finally know....and that is how it is in game. You can't go into the chest and hide what you pull out from the party.....unless you don't reach in until everyone else has gone.
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  10. #30
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Seeing what other people got was always part of D&D.

    Even now I'm ok if I get nothing in a raid as long as SOMEONE got somthing, so seeing that loot is part of what keeps me engaged.

  11. #31
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    /not signed.

    I think a public broadcast of loot as it is now allows everyone in party to see what drop for whom is good. It's kinda like forum rep, a sort of indirect social approval/disapproval thing.

    If you wanna loot everything that falls in your name, then have the guts to do so and others will form their opinions of you. Even those who whine bout loot drops, others can also see their negative reactions when the loots drop in others' favour.

    Generally I don't mind, I offer any loot that I can't use and I don't really consider TRing. I try to be mindful of others, in the game, out of the game (forums), and in real life.

  12. #32
    Community Member Cyiwin's Avatar
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    I'm reading a lot of, 'Thats the way D&D has always been' and 'people with morality would allow others to see the loot in party chat'. I'm not sure what the endgame argument would be here. I could say why not dedicate a loot tab in the chat channel and allow everyone in your area to see what you pulled. Is it everyones business or just the party your currently with? If it's just the party members then why?

    There are a lot of people who think they should have your item because they could use it more. Multiclass builds often fall to pure builds in this area.

    I still haven't seen anyone give me a rational reason the option of broadcasting my loot isn't mine. It's human nature to go directly to "Because you should" or "Because I want to see it" or even "If you don't your obviously greedy so I should get to see what you have". True or false, those statements don't answer the question.

  13. #33
    Community Member Durion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyiwin View Post
    Yes, I would not be opposed to seeing the items in the chest before they are picked up for all those RP's out there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
    not what the op is talking about. he/she is talking about after it is looted and it appears in gen chat.

    Are you sure? If so, it seems as though he's trying to find a viable way to "ninja" loot.

    Player A loots item CCC.

    Player B: "XXX up for roll."

    Player A: "I didn't get anything, I'll roll on it."

    Player B: "Didn't you already pull CCC?"

    Player A: "No, why?"

    Player B: "My bad, I thought I saw it next to your name."

    Player A: "Wasn't me." Laughing his ass off off mic, as there's no record of his pull.
    Durtyy-Barbarian 20 Durrty-Cleric 18 Durion - TR Rogue 20 Duurty-Bard 20 Ddurty-Favored Soul 5

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyiwin View Post
    I'm actually looking for logical reasons why my loot is posted in party chat.
    Because we have eyes, and we see you take it?

    Because of this I could maybe see having the message restricted to people within a certain radius around you (rather than seeing what someone looted on the other side of the Vale), but other than that, I don't see how you think you're justified in magically ninja-looting things all the time.

  15. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Cyiwin View Post
    No. That is the opposite of how I think it should work. I believe that an item in a chest belongs to the person who's name is next to it. Therefore it should be the choice of the owner wether or not he/she wishes to broadcast it to the party chat.

    Thanks for the info, I'll remember that tidbit
    It is easier to filter at the client, than filter at the server.

  16. #36
    Community Member Darsith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    ... but other than that, I don't see how you think you're justified in magically ninja-looting things all the time.
    Bad enough that stuff in game can be ninja looted as it is.

    The option to control this griefing already exists in game...

    /squelch add <player name>
    Party loot has always been a staple of D&D, I have rarely seen DM's in pnp do private loot.
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  17. #37
    Community Member SINIBYTE's Avatar
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    /not signed

    I need to know who to add to my ignore list everytime some fighter takes the **** bracers from VOD.
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  18. #38
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SINIBYTE View Post
    /not signed

    I need to know who to add to my ignore list everytime some fighter takes the **** bracers from VOD.
    hmm you seem a bit bitter, what if all those time in VOD it was you that was preventing the bracers from being pulled eventually you have noone to play with.

    To the OP: You want a logical rational reason why hiding your loot is not an option: The DEVs have more important things to work on besides the desire of one or two people who dont want it broadcast that they pulled a certain item. Since you dont want anyone else to see your loot am I to come to the conclusion that you NEVER look at someone elses loot? If you peek at others loot I would like to introduce you, mister pot, to mister kettle, this may surprise you but you are both black.
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  19. #39
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    Sorry but no and it doesnt make sense anyways as everyone is there watching you pull stuff out maybe they shouldnt know exactly what it is but they know if you pull armor or weapons. Dont want people to know what you pull go with hirelings or go solo. I have gotten some nice offers for loot since people see what I pull and I am not talking raid loot since if I can use it I either give it away or let people roll on it.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by SINIBYTE View Post
    /not signed

    I need to know who to add to my ignore list everytime some fighter takes the **** bracers from VOD.
    those bracers can have some use for a fighter I supose you get upset if anyone but a rogue takes the goggles from there as well but then again we may not be talking about the same item.

    Beware the Sleepeater

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