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  1. #81
    Community Member kitsune_ko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antheal View Post
    Right-click party tab / Set incoming / uncheck "Loot".

    Sure, it wont stop everyone else seeing what you pull, but it will stop you finding out what the other members get.

    Will that be good enough?
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyiwin View Post
    No. That is the opposite of how I think it should work. I believe that an item in a chest belongs to the person who's name is next to it. Therefore it should be the choice of the owner wether or not he/she wishes to broadcast it to the party chat.

    Thanks for the info, I'll remember that tidbit

    I would like to thank you for giving me a good laugh today Cyiwin. So the crisis you are facing basically is this: You want no-one to have the ability to see what you pull so you can safely hoard all items, regardless of its usefulness to you or not without being called on it, but yet you also still want full ability to covet anything the rest of the party pulls in case you see something useful to you so you can ask or roll for it?

    Congrats on making my list as a living definition of narcissism.


    And I firmly belive that whatever is in the chest is yours to decide what to do with, unless as other posters have said that when you joined the party you are told otherwise by the leader in which case it is your choice to run with them or not under their rules.

    Now this being said, most sane people when pulling something that is of absolutely no use to them will put it up for roll. Some will loot everything anyways, and this is fully their right, but it is also fully the right of the rest of the party to know that the person they are running with does this. And then can choose if they wish to run with this person again in the future or not. Personally I would perfer running with someone familiar with the concept of sharing.

    This system has worked perfectly well for years, I see no need for "hide my loot" as a choice ingame, except for the exceptionally greedy players who do not want to be called on or excluded for their self-centered, self-serving behavior ingame.

    Last edited by kitsune_ko; 09-17-2010 at 01:16 AM.

  2. #82
    Community Member Orratti's Avatar
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    In all of this I disagree with the term "need before greed" I believe it should be changed to "greed before greed". If I'm running raids on my capped lvl 20 character I'm not running them for experience I'm running them to stockpile loot for my reincarnation(s). That you are running a character that is greedy for something that I pull and your reasoning is that it would affect your current incarnation more than it would affect mine therefore you "need" it more and therefore I should put it up for roll so you have a chance to get it has nothing to do with the fact that I will soon be "needing" it as much as you do.

    When I have pulled a second or third depending on the item then I no longer "need" another and can put it up for roll for your "greed".

    If I pull a btc piece of raid loot and then vendor trash it THEN I should be squelched for stupidity and selfishness.

    If someone else pulls something that you could use more than them at the moment or something that you really really want and doesn't put it up for roll it is your greed that determines your response more than your need. You didn't need it to complete you won't need it to complete again. Eventually you will pull your own.

    As for being charitable lol. Charity is a person giving from their heart to help others because they want to. In this situation it is much more giving to others or else.

    I don't care if the op's idea is adopted or not. I often put things up for roll that I currently can't use because I am truly being charitable. That doesn't mean that I don't know about the or else part of it though.

    That raid loot has been handled such and so a way for years has nothing to do with anything. Reincarnation changes things. All of the loot is usable by everyone at some point now. It's about time for the "your loot is your loot" lfm. Everyone in the party is helping you get a chance at scoring some raid loot. Short man the runs if you can. The more you run a raid the more chances you get of pulling the loot you are after. If you are truly charitable you'll bring along folks you don't even need to give them a chance to get some loot. If they happen to put something they pull up for roll, hey, that's a bonus.
    Last edited by Orratti; 09-17-2010 at 04:30 AM.

  3. #83
    Community Member Cyiwin's Avatar
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    Well what can I say, you guys caught me red handed. I was trying to ninja loot my stuff without consequences. I've taken some time to myself, and done a little growing up. I would like to thank all of you who helped me see my problem. I'm coming around to your way of thinking though. If someone takes something that someone else could get more use out of, that is out of line and there should be consequences.

    I think I have come up with a way we can do this better. The problem is, with the system now in place only the people in the party gets to see who looted that nice raid item. My new recommendation would be a server wide broadcast when someone loots a raid item. That way we could all congratulate them, or if we don't think that item quite fits with their build we could put them on our do not raid lists. More information is always better and this could be a huge time saver.

  4. #84
    Community Member Cyiwin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orratti View Post
    In all of this I disagree with the term "need before greed" I believe it should be changed to "greed before greed". If I'm running raids on my capped lvl 20 character I'm not running them for experience I'm running them to stockpile loot for my reincarnation(s).

    I like what your saying here but I think it's always been greed before greed. Even before TR.

  5. #85
    Community Member khaldan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyiwin View Post
    Well what can I say, you guys caught me red handed. I was trying to ninja loot my stuff without consequences. I've taken some time to myself, and done a little growing up. I would like to thank all of you who helped me see my problem. I'm coming around to your way of thinking though. If someone takes something that someone else could get more use out of, that is out of line and there should be consequences.

    I think I have come up with a way we can do this better. The problem is, with the system now in place only the people in the party gets to see who looted that nice raid item. My new recommendation would be a server wide broadcast when someone loots a raid item. That way we could all congratulate them, or if we don't think that item quite fits with their build we could put them on our do not raid lists. More information is always better and this could be a huge time saver.
    Having a piece of raid loot fall can only affect my raid, no one else can gain anything from it, so there's no reason to make it a server wide announcement. Nice sarcasm there, though.

  6. #86
    Community Member Cyiwin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khaldan View Post
    Having a piece of raid loot fall can only affect my raid, no one else can gain anything from it, so there's no reason to make it a server wide announcement. Nice sarcasm there, though.
    As a community we have a right to know what kind of people we are playing with, if they don't have anything to hide then it shouldn't be a problem. It would also help police the system. They would think twice before grabbing that raid item that doesn't fit the way they should be playing their character.

  7. #87
    Community Member TPICKRELL's Avatar
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    I don't care either way on this... But I think that unless most people turn off the loot logging option, then disabling loot logging will start to get you squelched, just like looting BTC loot that your toon can't use. It will be assumed that you have disabled loot logging (at least on Raids) so that you can ninja-loot good stuff without being hassled.
    Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.

  8. #88
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TPICKRELL View Post
    I don't care either way on this... But I think that unless most people turn off the loot logging option, then disabling loot logging will start to get you squelched, just like looting BTC loot that your toon can't use. It will be assumed that you have disabled loot logging (at least on Raids) so that you can ninja-loot good stuff without being hassled.
    It's not ninja-looting to take what you pull. Anyone who tells me I HAVE to give them an item I pull, or that I HAVE to put it up for roll has to remember one thing; it's down the block, not across the street.

  9. #89
    Community Member Doomcrew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyiwin View Post
    I'm reading a lot of, 'Thats the way D&D has always been' and 'people with morality would allow others to see the loot in party chat'. I'm not sure what the endgame argument would be here. I could say why not dedicate a loot tab in the chat channel and allow everyone in your area to see what you pulled. Is it everyones business or just the party your currently with? If it's just the party members then why?

    There are a lot of people who think they should have your item because they could use it more. Multiclass builds often fall to pure builds in this area.

    I still haven't seen anyone give me a rational reason the option of broadcasting my loot isn't mine. It's human nature to go directly to "Because you should" or "Because I want to see it" or even "If you don't your obviously greedy so I should get to see what you have". True or false, those statements don't answer the question.
    Haven't read to the end yet, but going say.....
    A player with less "morals" may pull from the chest an item, then roll on said item
    offered by someone else. Unfortunately, there are players that would abuse this.
    Common information would at least allow folk to disregard a greedy players roll.


  10. #90
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    What about this: You may make it so that no one else in the raid may see what you got, but if you do so then you can not have anything put in your name by another player? Would you go for this? What if it also made it so that you could not move an item in the chest to another person unless they could see it?

    If you made it so that people could not see your loot (the OP suggestion), then I am pretty sure that a large number of raids would have a rule that said "If we can not see what you have in the chest then you may not roll for anything". I would find this a reasonable rule. You might have just gotten Madstone Boots, but if no one saw it in the chest then you could roll on the other pair of madstone boots that dropped. I would not think that is fair.

    I am not suggesting that the OP, or anyone in this thread would do that... But some people WILL do that, and that is why I think the loot should remain visable to all.

  11. #91
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    Actually I have the simplest solution of all, if you turn off the ability for others to see your loot then it also turns off the ability for you to others loot. You will not be eligible to roll for anything as well.

    Leave things the way they are, if someone disagrees with what you loot and tells you that you should put it up for roll et them know that it came under your name and you can do with it whatever you choose. If they complain, squelch them or send in a complaint.

    I dont like whiners in my party and I will never begrudge someone for what they loot. I like to see it so I know what I am going to run the quest for next time.
    Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.

    All Kyber toons - Xirthax (Paladin) : Xirth (Wizard) : Xirthtrix (Fighter) : Xorthtrox(Monk)

  12. #92
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyiwin View Post
    Well what can I say, you guys caught me red handed. I was trying to ninja loot my stuff without consequences. I've taken some time to myself, and done a little growing up. I would like to thank all of you who helped me see my problem. I'm coming around to your way of thinking though. If someone takes something that someone else could get more use out of, that is out of line and there should be consequences.
    If by consequences, you mean "some people might think you're an ass," then isn't that exactly the point of your original post?

    "Oh noes! If I loot this item that dropped under my name I might have to hear some whining in party chat and other people might not like me any more. I wish there were a way for me to hide what dropped for me so that I don't have to worry about what other people think."

    Here's a thought: loot whatever drops under your name if you want it. Put it up for a roll or pass it to someone else if you want to. Don't worry about the whining in party chat.

    I'll think you're a moron if you loot the Icy Rainments on a Warforged. But do you really need to care if I think you're a moron?

  13. #93
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    Why the hate of sorc/wiz pulling levik's shield? I really wanted one on my caster for the
    dr when regenerating sp via conc opp and torc (don't really need it so much anymore since
    I made an epic ward of undeath so it would only be an upgrade of 3 dr). Would I have rolled
    on it against a well built AC tank that could use it? No. Would I have pulled it if it dropped for
    me? Very probabbly.

    It is very often very hard to tell if a character will or will not use a piece of gear. Just
    because you wouldn't use it on that character doesn't mean they won't.
    Just my 2 cents.
    Last edited by Rawel_San; 09-18-2010 at 03:42 PM.

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rawel_San View Post
    Why the hate of sorc/wiz pulling levik's shield? I really wanted one on my caster for the
    dr when regenerating sp via conc opp and torc (don't really need it so much anymore since
    I made an epic ward of undeath so it would only be an upgrade of 3 dr). Would I have rolled
    on it against a well built AC tank that could use it? No. Would I have pulled it if it dropped for
    me? Very probabbly.

    It is very often very hard to tell if a character will or will not use a piece of gear. Just
    because you wouldn't use it on that character doesn't mean they won't.
    Just my 2 cents.

    I agree mate. Most people don't understand that an arcane caster can use shields with no penalty

    Any item dropped in a chest is mine, regardless of what everyone else thinks or wants. For a new player cash is very important. If I pull something that I can make big bank on in the AH....I'm going to expect some kind of compensation. If someone else really wants it I might offer to sell it to him, if the price is right. If I don't want/need it then it goes up for a roll.

    This is assuming, of course, that I'm in a PUG of strangers.
    In a party of friends/guildies things are a tad bit different.

  15. #95
    Community Member h4x0r1f1c's Avatar
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    They should concentrate less on silly things like how loot is shown and more on balancing PvP.
    Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker

    (how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)

  16. #96
    The Hatchery Aurora1979's Avatar
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    /signed .... In theory, in practice I think dev time should be focused elsewhere atm but....

    I brought this up as an idea in a thread a couple of weeks ago. I think alot of people are taking it the wrong way.

    I love the hypocrisy of some though "Your loot is your loot, you can do what you want with it..... unless i dont like it then ill squelch you and not let you join any of my raids again" ..... sounds a bit petty for a game but anyhow.

    I would like to relate a personal experiance from a couple of months ago.... again.

    I was in a Hound group, I previously said it was vod but im getting my raids mixed up. So, yea in HoX and i pull a set of Leviks bracers. I was looking for the Glacier set from VoD to match my gloves and had a pair of ogre power bracers on at the time.

    As soon as they came up someone wrote "oooo leviks great" and rolled, and then "everyone" started calling on them etc....

    I was on my WF wiz, I saw the +6 str, as a replacment, saw the healing amp and thought, I really want these. I apologised to the group but said i wanted to keep them.

    To be fair, after I rc'd and had a chance to look at them un heckled I realised how much more useful they would be to someone else BUT.... im still wearing them at the moment and after a dozen or so VoD's no glaciers yet so I will keep on wearing them.

    I felt really guilty for taking them, which is out of order as its a game and i shouldnt be made to feel guilty for playing it, even if im not perfect all the time!

    See, now if someone says to me before we start, im really looking for X, if i pull it i almost always give it away, Ive done it with loads of stuff but I think its right that our loot should be hidden because greedy little I want it all's just cant wait.

    I think it should be my perogative to be able to "show" an item in the chest when i want to put it out there for roll. Rather then be heckled and bullied for a fake item thats just a randomly generated number.

    I gave away a reavers napkin on my WF wiz because i didnt need it right then and thought i would just run it again and get another later on.

    That was run 3. Im now on run 19 and wish i had kept it. but i dont begrudge whoever i gave it too.

    Thing is, I dont mind helping folkes out and giving them stuff, investing in their character for the greater good, so to speak. I do get the social aspect of the game, but it shouldnt be forced. Bear in mind tha quite often i never seen the person again and im hardly an infrequent player.

    Having said all that..... It is how it is and devs got other things to work on so im not overly bothered. If people are nice to me im more likely to help them out, heckle me and ill just auto loot and walk.
    Quote Originally Posted by xanvar View Post
    I believe my left thumb is Gimp. I think I need to reroll.
    DDO Acronyms:

  17. #97
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0r1f1c View Post
    They should concentrate less on silly things like how loot is shown and more on balancing PvP.
    You get loot in PvP now?

  18. #98
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0r1f1c View Post
    they Should Concentrate Less On Silly Things Like How Loot Is Shown And More On Removing Pvp Entirely As It Sucks.

  19. #99
    Community Member TPICKRELL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azrael4h View Post
    It's not ninja-looting to take what you pull. Anyone who tells me I HAVE to give them an item I pull, or that I HAVE to put it up for roll has to remember one thing; it's down the block, not across the street.
    I'm not making a judgement here. Ninja-Loot is the term being used in this thread, I've never used it before.

    I personally belong to the your loot is your loot side of this discussion. If it is in your name, then you are free to do with it what you will. I won't squelch you, or black list you or anything of that sort for taking your loot. The only consequence is that it is part of the impression your toon leaves on me--and in a PUG you probably don't care.

    If I pull something that is noticeably more important for someone else in the group, I'll pass it along directly, or put it up for roll.

    I do think that once an item goes up for roll, a much stricter set of guidlines come in to play. Rolling on a BTC item that you do not intend to use yourself in competition with someone who needs it would most likely land you on my squelch list.

    And back to my original point, If this feature is added, I would not care whether you turn off your loot trace or not. I was just pointing out what I see as a logic flaw in the proposal. Turning off your loot display, will likely result in the "unfair" squelching that the suggestion is trying to avoid in the first place.
    Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.

  20. #100
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrendd View Post
    What about this: You may make it so that no one else in the raid may see what you got, but if you do so then you can not have anything put in your name by another player? Would you go for this? What if it also made it so that you could not move an item in the chest to another person unless they could see it?
    Yes I'd agree to this, in fact it is a great idea. This would help avoid those trying to exploite the "No visable loot" flag for selfish reasons. I would still like the ability to put things in others name however. Even if I cant get things put in mine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wrendd View Post
    If you made it so that people could not see your loot (the OP suggestion), then I am pretty sure that a large number of raids would have a rule that said "If we can not see what you have in the chest then you may not roll for anything". I would find this a reasonable rule. You might have just gotten Madstone Boots, but if no one saw it in the chest then you could roll on the other pair of madstone boots that dropped. I would not think that is fair.

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