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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Abrasive, abusive and fun(?)

    Just finished a wonderfully abusive discussion with a toon on Thelanis.. obviously a very experienced player.

    He called the majority of the party noobs, opened the adventure on the difficulty he wanted to do (not what the party agreed on or the party leader wanted to do) then thoroughly abused me after I left the group. Then failed to understand that being rude to people in an MMO is counter-productive.

    I'm no saint, but I've got something to say ... perhaps it's an epiphany or maybe I'm just drunk?

    But without the noobs, there is no DDO. Work hard enough, and there won't be any noobs ... 1 + 1 =

    It's not easy. But when has an easy game ever been worthwhile? Over the last 2 years of my noobishness I've encountered sssoooo many helpful, resourceful, friendly, supportive, intelligent ppl that I know that this guy is in a very small minority.. and I really do try to pay that back (even if it tests my patience).

    I'm not angry, I'm sad. Please be patient with us noobs... we mean well.

  2. #2


    I choose:

    b. drunk
    R e v e n a n t s Renowned

  3. #3
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    The "experienced" player was the noob. Not you. Just because you're new doesn't mean you're a noob. Not treating other people with decency, yelling and other abusive behaviour such as followup abusiveness after the quest is over and you've left the group are the hallmarks of noobness.

    Some noobs may play the game better than others, but they're still noobs.

    You're a newb. Learn the difference, and squelch the noobs. There are some experienced players out there who will actually be helpful, those are worth seeking out.
    Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.

  4. #4
    Community Member blametroi's Avatar
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    Default squelch him

    Quote Originally Posted by fn_Chopper View Post
    Just finished a wonderfully abusive discussion with a toon on Thelanis.. obviously a very experienced player.

    He called the majority of the party noobs, opened the adventure on the difficulty he wanted to do (not what the party agreed on or the party leader wanted to do) then thoroughly abused me after I left the group. Then failed to understand that being rude to people in an MMO is counter-productive.
    You left out the <sarcasm> tag around "obviously a very experienced player"

    Put this person on your /squelch list. For every jerk I run into I find three or more good people. The problem is that it only takes one jerk to wreck a pug. The person you describe is not typical in my experience on two different servers.

  5. #5
    Community Member Purgatory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fn_Chopper View Post
    Just finished a wonderfully abusive discussion with a toon on Thelanis.. obviously a very experienced player.

    He called the majority of the party noobs, opened the adventure on the difficulty he wanted to do (not what the party agreed on or the party leader wanted to do) then thoroughly abused me after I left the group. Then failed to understand that being rude to people in an MMO is counter-productive.

    I'm no saint, but I've got something to say ... perhaps it's an epiphany or maybe I'm just drunk?

    But without the noobs, there is no DDO. Work hard enough, and there won't be any noobs ... 1 + 1 =

    It's not easy. But when has an easy game ever been worthwhile? Over the last 2 years of my noobishness I've encountered sssoooo many helpful, resourceful, friendly, supportive, intelligent ppl that I know that this guy is in a very small minority.. and I really do try to pay that back (even if it tests my patience).

    I'm not angry, I'm sad. Please be patient with us noobs... we mean well.
    If you been playing this game for 2 years, your no longer a new player and are just considerd a noob, and does not warrant any patience.

    With that no one should be joining someone else group and forcing them to do difculty there not up to doing, its not there group and they wrong in joining it and forcing there own agenda onto the party leader.

  6. #6
    Community Member MysteryNotes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fn_Chopper View Post
    Just finished a wonderfully abusive discussion with a toon on Thelanis.. obviously a very experienced player.

    He called the majority of the party noobs, opened the adventure on the difficulty he wanted to do (not what the party agreed on or the party leader wanted to do) then thoroughly abused me after I left the group. Then failed to understand that being rude to people in an MMO is counter-productive.

    I'm no saint, but I've got something to say ... perhaps it's an epiphany or maybe I'm just drunk?

    But without the noobs, there is no DDO. Work hard enough, and there won't be any noobs ... 1 + 1 =

    It's not easy. But when has an easy game ever been worthwhile? Over the last 2 years of my noobishness I've encountered sssoooo many helpful, resourceful, friendly, supportive, intelligent ppl that I know that this guy is in a very small minority.. and I really do try to pay that back (even if it tests my patience).

    I'm not angry, I'm sad. Please be patient with us noobs... we mean well.
    PM name please

    When God gives you lemons, find a new God.

  7. #7


    I do rather find the jerks entertaining. They live in their own little bubble world, cheaply imitating the truly great players on the server and thinking they are of the same stock.

    I've seen some of the lamest play in pugs that advertise how they don't want any noobs. The go slow groups tend to show much better tactics (sometimes overkilling how carefully they do an easy quest but still...)

    Good to you for bailing on that punk.
    Former Host of DDOcast
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  8. #8
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    A quick message to the party leader, with words to the effect of "drop group and reform" would have sufficed. Let the big lad run his own elite quest.

  9. #9
    Community Member xanvar's Avatar
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    You know I think this guy is in my static group j/k
    Winston Churchill:
    “Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by xanvar View Post
    You know I think this guy is in my static group j/k

    Oh, you mean Tote...yeah, but he wouldn't continue being a jerk after the OP left the group...

    Seriously, though, it's a game, and if you're not having fun, then you shouldn't be forced to stay with that group. That being said, guys like this make for interesting stories!
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post
    I've seen some of the lamest play in pugs that advertise how they don't want any noobs.
    It does indeed seem that "no noobz" LFMs are very often to be read as "I don't want any noobs in the group as I am one myself and need you guys to drag me through".
    Quote Originally Posted by Kmnh View Post
    I have a policy of not drinking anything that gets blocked by the wordfilter.
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