Just finished a wonderfully abusive discussion with a toon on Thelanis.. obviously a very experienced player.
He called the majority of the party noobs, opened the adventure on the difficulty he wanted to do (not what the party agreed on or the party leader wanted to do) then thoroughly abused me after I left the group. Then failed to understand that being rude to people in an MMO is counter-productive.
I'm no saint, but I've got something to say ... perhaps it's an epiphany or maybe I'm just drunk?
But without the noobs, there is no DDO. Work hard enough, and there won't be any noobs ... 1 + 1 =
It's not easy. But when has an easy game ever been worthwhile? Over the last 2 years of my noobishness I've encountered sssoooo many helpful, resourceful, friendly, supportive, intelligent ppl that I know that this guy is in a very small minority.. and I really do try to pay that back (even if it tests my patience).
I'm not angry, I'm sad. Please be patient with us noobs... we mean well.