man the lag in-game is even worse than before i've done everything possible to my system and my graphic settings to try and get rid of the lag. Plus even after that i still get lag from hell when i move around wether its in or out of a quest
. i'm realy starting to hate logging on to play with my friends with all this lag
!!! i'm realy starting to doubt the reliablity of the technitions incharge of maintaining the servers now
. cause i know for a fact its not just me i've had lvl 14 parties that get wiped on quests that are lvl 7 on elite
its got so bad. i'm starting to wonder if i should even play ddo anymore
. so far i've counted 672 players that have major lag problems no matter what sever there on. 2 of them lag so bad the client fails on them every time they try to go to a differant area
. What in the Hell is wrong with the severs now
. it seems like ppl that are running intel i7 extereme's are even haveing problems with lag!
some one plz tell me what the heck is going on with ddo cause i'm wondering if i should just stop playing altogether