Great Advice Draccus!
Member of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
Cannith Server
Main Toons: Skarro and Usko
I maximize my strengths and buy bane weapons for my weaknesses.
this is great advice and a worthy read for any aspireing rogue.
Community Member
I just read through this thread and I found it very useful.
Thank you for writing it and *bump* so others can read it as well.
I just found this thread yesterday. Awesome advice for new rogues as I've been learning these tips the hard way.
So bump this for rogue newcomers. And thanks Draccus.
Just quoting/bumping because of the all-around solid advice in this post, it belongs on the first page. The quoted items are the ones I would point to as being particularly important, and what I notice on some rogues as sorely lacking.
Particularly 5a and 11 (especially in a group w/o a good hate tank) - you will draw aggro if you built your rogue well, you'll simply be doing to much damage not to. When that happens, be prepared. Be a cannon, just not a glass-cannon.
I would only add that if you want to be one of those uber rogues, be prepared to grind for gear if you really want to shine. Gear makes a massive difference to a rogue. A really well epicly geared rogue can have a standing >=40str, >=30int, >=30con, >=42dc assassinate, well over 500hp and still have enough UMD to no-fail a heal scroll if needed. But it takes time, patience and gear.
Excellent advice. Great post.