is that you would have been better if you did something else. No offense to the Classic Rocker Build, and other Bards who have remained pure. But given the current system, these bards have to give up an aweful lot not to multiclass.
For a melee-focused warchanter, the problem is obvious. The only melee benefit for taking 20 bard levels instead of 14, is +1/+1 to the song. And you have to give up a BAB to get that. Consider a few of the alternatives:
6 levels of fighter gives you Kensai, +2 STR, +1/+1 attack damage, 4 feats including weapon specialization, haste boosts, 44 hit points (including toughness enhancements), and a bunch of other stuff.
6 levels of rogue gives you a gang of sneak dice from assassin, evasion, and trapsmithing.
6 levels of ranger gives you tempest, which includes a couple TWF feats, hit points, other cool stuff
6 levels of Barbarian gives you +2 CON, hit points, fast movement, sprint, rages, DR, martial weapon training without haveing to screw around with buggy Master's touch
So to be on par, that's the type of benefit you would have to get from the last 6 levels of bard to justify staying pure on a melee bard. But it's still not so simple. There are a couple problems even with buffing the hell out of Warchanter II and III.
1) "We already have a bard." Since bard buffs dont stack, the second bard is just a gimped fighter. One way around this is to have warchanter give individual bonuses as well as group bonuses. Another way would be to give warchanters the option of different paths that give different bonuses, i.e. an alacrity warchanter or a damage warchanter.
2) Enhancements points are already so tight on a bard. Inspired Attack III, which is mandatory on any bard worth his salt, costs 6 Action Points. So giving bards more cool enhancements will mean that we have to spread ourselves even thinner by getting rid of something else to make room to squeeze them in. If they do add more bard enhancements like Inspired Attack IV, they would have to reduce the cost of a lot of other bard enhancements, in order to make the new ones useable.
For Spellsingers, the problem is worse. With the current capstone, a bard can aproach the same spell DC and spell pen as a cc-focused Wizard or Sorc. The problem is that there is no good spell to cast. In one spell, any other caster can take over an entire battle. Mass hold, greater command, web all change everything.
Besides the fact that bards have no decent nuke, we have mass charm, mass suggestion, and Dancing Ball. A heightened Soundburst costs the same mana as a mass hold, but to what effect? Who would want this Spellsinger in the party when a wizard is so much better? IMO bards need a couple better spells to be a threat as casters.
To make virtuoso competitive, they would need some different buffs and debuffs. A ton more songs so as to be able to use them in every fight. A buff that gives everyone in the party stacking +2 to all stats and +3 to saves. A song that would seriously debuff even a boss. Then people might want them in the party.
Just my 2 copper.
BTW Turbine, I'm looking for a job if you need a Dev