Green Hats are recruiting...any level...any class. Send me a PM if interested.
Green Hats are recruiting...any level...any class. Send me a PM if interested.
Here's more information to help folks decide or decline to join...
Guild Name: Fellowship of the Green Hat
Guild Reknown Level: 1
Gold for Airship: 0
Servers: Kyber, Cannith, Thelanis
Slogan: "Lean, Mean...& Green."
Mission: The Green Hats are a casual guild of players who are willing to help each other out in quests and raids, and other endeavors in and around Stormreach.
Member Limit Per Server: 25 Members, 4 Officers & 1 Leader.
Requirements: Members can be of any Race or Class and Skill Level. They must respect each other and be willing to aid fellow member when asked politely.
Cannith:*Tyco Veilia-5th Level Fighter
Guild Game Night: Tuesdays 8:00 to 10:30 PM EST
Request to Join: Applicants can PM me on the Forums or Ingame mail the Leaders of each Server for a RTJ. As long as there is room, players will be accepted. Members who are inactive for 2 Months will be booted from the Guild unless a reason is given. Officers will be demoted to member status after 2 months of inactivity.
Official Site Address:
Last edited by Tiberius0000; 09-15-2010 at 04:39 PM.
Still Recruiting
Fellowship of the Green Hat, "Lean...Mean...and Green".
This sounds intriguing... I have toons on Thelanis and Cannith... and I am a bit of a casual player.
What's the guild's take on zerging (not saying there's anything wrong with zerging, just wanna know)?
I warn you that I am a bit of a pseudo-noob... I played DDO for about six months two years ago, and have just recently picked it back up.
Proud Knight of Guild Medieval and The Silver Legion.
I am a Casual gamer myself...zerging is fine for some...but not for me. I would like to build a guild who runs content together and respect each team member for the skills they have...and let them use them, so zergers would probably not be a good match. Noobs are long as they are respectful to other members.
Fellowship of the Green Hat, "Lean...Mean...and Green".