Hi there - first of all: I am not a power gamer and playing free to play. So I am not looking for the build that might reach the highest DPS at level 20 but a nice, safe and funny way to play the game - lets call is "casual playing" ;-)
My first "approach" was a simple THW fighter but I realized soon that every enemy wizard - like kobold shamans - will "hold" me, "fear" me, "f*ck" me, etc. and I got killed in the sewers many times.
So I decided to try something else: Why not create a build that has not the impressive kill speed and DPS of the THW fighter but instead is the ultimativ mage killer - resillient, tough and iron minded. So I thought of going multiclass with Pally levels - at least 2 in order to get the CHA-bonus on my safes.
The next idea was to be able to self-heal and self-buff. Wouldn't a few cleric levels just match perfectly in this build?
The last idea was to skip fighter completly and go ranger instead - getting free bonus feats, more skill points to max search and for example UMD and getting way more flexible with feats for effective ranged combat and TWF.
So my flexible, self-healing, self-buffing, high safe roll "mage killer" whould like like this:
12 Ranger / 2 Pally / 6 Cleric or 12 Ranger / 3 Pally / 5 Cleric
The idea behind this build is that all three classes will benefit from the attribute points I spend in WIS and CHA (and that are missing in STR)
I would start it as an Elf looking like this (32 point build) and would like to reach Temptest I and the elven arcane archer path
STR - 14
DEX - 16
CON - 12
INT - 10
WIS - 14
CHA - 14
Alternatively I would create a drow 12 Fighter / 2 Pally / 6 Cleric and go kensei II but would loose the ranged combat and THW feats.
I would like to have some comments from the experienced pros if one of these two builds might work or if it is a much better way to skip multiclass and do something like Paladin 20 or Paladin 18 / Fighter 2?