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  1. #41
    Community Member
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    I said when first responded....i will elaborate....

    It is not the /ragequit that alarms me.

    It is OP saying the caster did give FF in a sub run....WHY WOULD ANYONE NEED FF in a sub run......
    If you need FF by that point you probably also need Heavy Fort and a CLUE!

  2. #42
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LethalSmockMaker View Post
    PUG shroud this weekend (yes I know, the problem started there). Possibly the most chaotic shroud I have seen in a while. Had one person drop group in the first part for unknown reasons. Pt 4 the dps was a litte strained, but got through it fine. Pt 5 however, for whatever reason people couldn't keep Harry in one place. Many deaths. 1 person straight out dropped (the raid organizer), and 2 people "dc'd" before the party had even fully wiped.

    Run was saved by a guildie solo healing me on my barb for the last 10-15% of the fight, Hero-style. Not something I want to go through again, but too bad for the people who left early. My large scale and I left happy
    I find it hilarious that there are still people in this game who will flat out teleport and log at the first sign of trouble. Since the shroud can be 6 manned easily enough, raid leaders need to be able to put a good group together with a 50% accuracy rating. That fact that some still cant do this is astounding, as I could probably take the first 11 people I get and still have less than 6 pileons for a Shroud on normal.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  3. #43
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Ugh, when I cast ragequit, it only hits 1 person. What a waste of mana.
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
    Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  4. #44
    Community Member karnokvolrath's Avatar
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    If i ragequit will you come with me?

    Then we can talk smack on vent about all the noobs til we try to sneak back on and erase our forum posts.
    Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
    Deadwall(tr) - Soul Survivor - 2nd Life
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    Gasomatic Systematic - Bard

  5. #45

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bacab View Post
    You sound like you run groups that I would /ragequit from...

    The whole idea of relying on the DDO store to finish VoN 3 is laughable...but hey, each to their own. When people are getting carried to shrines...I tend to want to drop and solo the quest.

    Those wipe and recover groups is a great place to learn. I just do not want to be a part of that anymore. I have already done that part.
    Think that playing with most EU-refugees will not be something that you are bound to do a lot I reckon. Odd thing here that some of those refugees play the game probably as long as yourself (so did THAT part a lot as well) and still get " a good vibe " when beating a quest/Raids against all odds (well .. doing VON 3 without a full healer is a challenge I reckon as most groups will refuse to start even an Ironstone Inlet without a "pure" healer).

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeLoric View Post
    if you really have to wait to get your blue bar back you are doing something wrong
    He was probably in on his healer and waiting for healers to fill up their bluebar in the pools before killing the 4th mob seems like a very sound strategy to me. You do not want us to start the Harry adventure with 3/4's of our sp's do you ? Would be a bugger not to be able to pull off those last few mass heals because we lacked 1/4 of our sp's to start with. I won't ragequit as a matter of fact, but I will not consume my precious pods either in that case.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    I was the first and last Shroud pug I've ever joined on a healer.
    I am spamming this thread .. not on purpose actually ... :-).

    Think I pugged a Shroud where you switched from Big to Little and as far as I recall it .. we did not wipe though ... (iirc I was the other healer btw).

  9. #49
    Community Member DrenglisEU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyLuke2 View Post
    He was probably in on his healer and waiting for healers to fill up their bluebar in the pools before killing the 4th mob seems like a very sound strategy to me. You do not want us to start the Harry adventure with 3/4's of our sp's do you ? Would be a bugger not to be able to pull off those last few mass heals because we lacked 1/4 of our sp's to start with. I won't ragequit as a matter of fact, but I will not consume my precious pods either in that case.
    /Signed on this! The use of the few pots one have (from chests, NOT store) are well thought places. I'm willing to do that if the Q has been fun, challenging and everybody is laughing will trying (and well dying). I would also stay in, wands and scrolls.

    Like I wrote somewhere earlier the store takes away alot of the teamplay requirements from the game. I miss the EUbie servers in this issue.

    That's my 2-cents on that!
    Ex-Keeper EUbie known as:
    Drenglis,...many more on 3 accounts ... forgot the rest!
    And yes... I'm a PROUD GREEN MUPPET and now a days a Dirty Monkey!... And now someone made me the guild leader

  10. #50
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suitepotato View Post
    Can anyone tell me what is going on that over the last month I've been in no less than eight pugs where the leader and founder of that specific pug (they put the lfm up first) ragequits their own group? Tonight, one such person did it when the cleric DC'd for all of 1.5 minutes on a TS run at the beginning. Last week, a Delera's run fell apart when the leader ragequit over someone dying (oh noes, there goes that tiny 10% bonus for no one dying, how ever shall we go on). Two others got so angry at the ragequitter, they ragequit right after.

    In the preceding six months, I've even had people ragequit VoD, HoX, and Shroud runs though thankfully not the leaders.

    Granted, some people are getting easily flustered at superd*ckery such as casters WITH a specific buff ignoring a thousand requests typed and spoken (such as for feather fall at the start of a sub run which was cast one by one on everyone who needed it except the person in question, who was left unable to get to where the group was), by one person they've decided to ignore, even though it is right at the beginning of the quest and the ignored person hasn't had a chance to earn the silent treatment. But, easily flustered nonetheless.

    While I am at it, what is with the clerics who I know for a fact are good at their job, piking and having to be begged for heals? And why are people I know for a fact know better, zerging into kill mobs and then driving rage and drama in pugs?

    Is Ghallanda poisoned with stupid bugs, and everyone infected?

    I swear, I just don't know.
    comes with the many players, some with invested time and money, some without...
    Some brand new, some old vets, the rest somewhere inbetween.

    frustration is easy in an mmo with groups... you just want to have fun your way and sometimes just cannot handle it.

    better he quit at the beginning than the middle though.
    Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
    Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,

  11. #51
    Community Member Thriand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyLuke2 View Post
    He was probably in on his healer and waiting for healers to fill up their bluebar in the pools before killing the 4th mob seems like a very sound strategy to me. You do not want us to start the Harry adventure with 3/4's of our sp's do you ? Would be a bugger not to be able to pull off those last few mass heals because we lacked 1/4 of our sp's to start with. I won't ragequit as a matter of fact, but I will not consume my precious pods either in that case.
    Personally I'd rather drink a pot if its neccesary then make the entire party wait for me while I fill my mana. Luckily 3/4 of my mana was more than enough to heal the shroud when the level cap was 16.

    If someone is horribly uncomfortable without a full blue bar I'll wait for them, but for the most part it should just be kill and go.

  12. #52
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyLuke2 View Post
    I am spamming this thread .. not on purpose actually ... :-).

    Think I pugged a Shroud where you switched from Big to Little and as far as I recall it .. we did not wipe though ... (iirc I was the other healer btw).
    Last pug I JOINED, not the last pug I FORMED

  13. #53
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    Angry my rage-quit cases

    Quote Originally Posted by suitepotato View Post
    Is Ghallanda poisoned with stupid bugs, and everyone infected?

    I swear, I just don't know.
    I don't know either, for sure... but i have the feeling it's not only Ghallanda, but a big portion of the world, and not only stupidity, but selfishness, rudeness, and lack of compassion, too.

    I rage-quitted two times in the last week, i don't remember having done it before. In both cases though, it wasn't because i thought the party was a failure, it was because people were rude to me. In fact, we hadn't even began the quest in the 1st case

    CASE 1

    I joined someone who wanted an elite opener for a quest, i had only done it on hard and wanted the elite favor. But soon i realized it was too late for me, and said so. I intented to open the quest on elite and then leave, but s/he immediatelly booted me without a word... I thought that was rude and got angry.

    So, i sent him/her a tell saying 'i could open the quest on elite and then leave', to which s/he replied 'yes, plz' and invited me again. So i joined and told him/her that how s/he had dismissed me before was very rude, and that i could leave the group very easily on my own. S/he said something like 'i was running to the quest blah blah', which didn't sound like an apology or a decent reason to me, so i said bye and rage-quitted (exhibiting the way i could leave on my own).

    The way i see it:
    a) when (s/he knew) i was useful -> party, 'plz', silly excuses for rude behaviour
    b) when (s/he thought) i wasn't useful -> dumped like trash

    CASE 2

    Running Genesis. I'm skipping too many details, cause this post would get huge otherwise. I have gone back to help another one reach the rest of the party... At some point, i realized the batteries of my mouse were running out (it started to not respond well), so i said i had to change them. I was prepared and did so fast, but not before he had moved far away from me and a couple Orthons had spawned on me... I killed them and moved to a safer place (i could have done that with my keyboard alone, but that doesn't change the fact he had left me behind, or that my attack button is on the mouse, and anyway i didn't quit just for this reason, read on..)

    So i said 'wow, was i just left behind while changing batteries?' - no response. I started running towards him, and said something like 'it wasn't a good idea to leave me behind when i was changing batteries' - no response. I reached him in the next room, and asked 'i don't even deserve an answer?', to which he replied 'i didn't see a questionmark, so there was no question to answer'.......

    See, i gave him the opportunity to apologize or make me feel better somehow, only to hear that **** ! That's when i got really mad and ragequitted, i couldn't bear being in the same party with him anymore, so i just said 'i'm leaving'...

    The way i see it:
    a) even if i hadn't said i needed to change batteries, is it so hard for someone to understand he's running ahead on his own? (leaving behind someone who went back to help him... does this make sense?)
    b) even if someone is jerk enough to do the above, is it so hard to say something to apologize when it's obvious he has irritated another party member, or at least show that he's trying to understand why he made someone angry, instead of saying something stupid that can only make things worse?
    c) meh
    Last edited by Grecan; 09-14-2010 at 10:16 AM.
    If i haven't responded to your post, it doesn't necessarily mean that i don't have counter-arguments, it might simply mean that i don't want to keep feeding the trolls.
    Plastic People
    Hey! Hey!

  14. #54
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Caution seems to be thrown to the wind nowadays.....

    My story of current ragequits.......(long)

    I went into a Pug for HIPS, and the LFM was 6-9 group no diff. specified but it said "for XP"

    I get into the group, only healer types were a ranger and a paladin. Me being a monk, not too worried as I have pots and candy canes.

    We get through to the first traps, and rogue does well, no prob.....

    first combat the rogue goes down in one or two hits, and chaos ensues.

    everyone else comes out heavily damaged, but alive, when i notice the ranger and the pally continuing on with 20% hp, as I heal up. Then I see them go red as they agro the next group of mobs.......

    Leader of the group goes maybe this is harder than we thought......

    I looked in the quest panel and see someone went in on hard (lvl 11 and we are 6-9)


    I try to grab stones but we are still SO far away fromt eh shrine, there is no hope.

    everyone silently quits and I'm last to finish out.

    NEXT LFM i join.......

    Tear of Dhakaan 6-9 lvls requested.

    rogue, wiz, and FvS in group, I think this will be sweet max xp


    when we are together, FvS (last to join) says "are we going straight through for max xp?"

    Um......we have a perfect group for traps/runes and we can get all of the shards for max xp, thats an extra 4k xp on top of the 8-9k we'll get, I was hoping we'd get all optionals.

    no one else including leader said nothing typed nothing.

    5 of us are in, and FvS not in yet.

    FvS types it again: "we going straight through for max xp?"

    I repeat over voice chat: (looks at his icon showing he has speakers functioning) I really want to get the optionals, it is a lot of XP, and doesnt take that long since we have a group that can get all of the shards.......but ill go with whatever the group wants to do......"

    no one else chimes in.

    We wait a few more minutes, no FvS yet, I ask him if he is coming, no response.......


    We decide to start, and with no healer in yet, the first combat went ok, and then the fight at the bridge was brutal. I looked and someone went in on Hard. ok.....

    Then FvS strolls in.

    We go to the left first to take on the electric trap, and the rogue cant find the trap.

    I'm jumping in front of it, and rogue comes over, tries again, and still cant find it.

    meanwhile the FvS isnt healing anyone, and standing in the main corridor waiting to move past the first two tears. "Waiting for you guys to go straight through" not ever trying to heal anyone.

    After rogue goes a third time and doesnt find trap, i jump over the lightning, and tell the wizard 'just time it, and jump over it"

    He runs through it, and dies in one shot.


    I grab his stone and then I see the rogue open the Int rune (props to the rogue) we fight, grab level and FvS STILL waiting at the main corridor. not healing ANYONE.

    I come back to main corridor, FvS opens the corridor going on, and everyone still alive follows him, (no one has said whether they are wanting optionals or not) and I go back to the right for the next shard, but no one follows.

    I fight the encounter alone, and then just say "screw it" I want to get my XP and get out of this group.....

    I go to the main vertical shaft area where groups usually go in the water (and the shrine if people are dead. Nope. they jump down and continue on, where they suffer damage, but at least the FvS is healing now. Two dead party members and they skip the res shrine.......

    We go into the open room with two levers and snipers, and I pop a barkskin and a haste pot, and run for the lever up top, and kill the three snipers. I notice a couple FvS heals (but didnt need them) and kill everything up there and hit both levers to open the door (have no idea where everyone is at, but I see another is red/dead.

    I say in VC "door is open, come on through" and begin pulling/fighting the next mobs, when I see the FvS go down, and the last character go down.

    Then I hear/see someone say/type: there's a shrine under the water back there.......

    I'm mid-combat with two Hobbies and a caster, and I get criticalled, and go to negs......

    a minute later i fail to stabilize and die.

    I release and drop group.

    I've only done it a few times, and would never have done it if the group was more cohesive, but no one else cared, why should i?

    I went back to soloing.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  15. #55
    Community Member Oathbound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suitepotato View Post
    Can anyone tell me what is going on that over the last month I've been in no less than eight pugs where the leader and founder of that specific pug (they put the lfm up first) ragequits their own group? Tonight, one such person did it when the cleric DC'd for all of 1.5 minutes on a TS run at the beginning. Last week, a Delera's run fell apart when the leader ragequit over someone dying (oh noes, there goes that tiny 10% bonus for no one dying, how ever shall we go on). Two others got so angry at the ragequitter, they ragequit right after.

    Generally, these are bad players. They were doing you a favor.
    Characters on Ghallanda: Statistics (Drow Wiz), Oathbound (Human Ftr), Chainheals (Dwarf Clr), Capable (Halfling Rog)

  16. #56
    Community Member Sirea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    Dude, this pug was beyond hope, I spent about 3/4 of my SP keeping these idiots alive just fighting the lieutenants. I informed them that I wasn't drinking pots to keep their sorry-asses alive and when I ran out I walked around the corner and hit recall. I stayed in the group long enough to get a small chuckle as they all died.

    I was the first and last Shroud pug I've ever joined on a healer.
    And where was the other healer through all this? Or were you solo healing it?
    Sohryu ~ Raven's Guard ~ Orien

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Traps in DDO don't actually deal damage, they politely ask your avatar to damage themselves.

  17. #57
    Community Member hermespan's Avatar
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    I was in a shroud last night and there was a party wipe in part 2, except for me, and I had res scrolls and the UMD to get the healers up.

    Unfortunately they recalled out and rage quit before I could kill the rest of the agro and get them up.

    I got done killing the last of the mobs (got lucky with vorpaling) and put my UMD gear on and was like "Um where are the healers?" They had both recalled out and when I asked, they rage quit. Aside from them, and some guy that was just obnoxiously immature, everyone else was still in the quest. Apparently the healers res'd out when the obnoxious loser quit.


    Advice: Don't dog the group. When the first person leaves, it often causes a chain reaction. Wait til the last man is dead and stop being a loser. A lot of people in raids and quests over level 15, especially rogue multiclassers can get the healers up and save the party. I'm very experienced at soloing and can often get myself out of a hairy situation and get it done. It might take 5 minutes, so go make some tea or something. If you have a resurrection dialog when you get back cool. If everyone is dead, you didn't waste your time and made some tea for your next group.

    It beats the heck out of starting over and trying to get another group.

    People need more than a 1 minute attention span... It's a game, so leave the rage at work.
    Last edited by hermespan; 09-14-2010 at 12:05 PM.

  18. #58
    Community Member Monsoon28's Avatar
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    Ragequiting is great, it just gives me more names to add to my Do-not-group-with list.

    Saves me more time in the future when I can avoid groups with poor players like these.
    -My Mother was a Gnoll, my Father was a Minotaur, and I am one Sexy Beast!

  19. #59
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Question on this topic:

    Scenario: PlayerX plans to drop group and squelch you for some reason (strategic/personality/doesn'tmatter). Would you rather:

    1) PlayerX explodes into voice chat with expletives before dropping group.
    2) PlayerX types a simple, true reason why they are leaving.
    3) PlayerX types an untrue, but non-confrontational reason why they are leaving.
    4) PlayerX leaves without a word.

    Scenario2: This one is essentially the same, except instead of PlayerX dropping group and squelching you, it is a third party member that is the issue. Does this change your preferred reaction from PlayerX to a different option? Or still the same?

    Honestly curious if there is any general consensus on this and, if so, what it is.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorz View Post
    I said when first responded....i will elaborate....

    It is not the /ragequit that alarms me.

    It is OP saying the caster did give FF in a sub run....WHY WOULD ANYONE NEED FF in a sub run......
    If you need FF by that point you probably also need Heavy Fort and a CLUE!
    The part about Sub Runs and not having a FF boggles me and I am not able to get past this to consider the main topic, which was ragequitting.

    I guess the best I can say is that if I were an Arcane doing an Icy Run and someone asked me for FF I would have to ragequit due to the giant mess my head would make from exploding.

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