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  1. #81
    Founder Garumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nysrock View Post
    Meh. Let them that want to do that do so. Usually the run goes off just as well or better after they leave.

    Also, I find having a few drinks while playing takes away some of the annoyance of improperly played characters and replaces it with amusement.
    Is the ONLY way to fly!!! There is nothing like a nice micro or mixer or three to make ALL runs go smoother!!
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    The problem with being punctual is that no one is there to appreciate it...

  2. #82
    Community Member therobb's Avatar
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    Had an interesting ragequit last night in a PUG of New Invasion on hard. The team breezed through the first three levels and paused at the end to discuss our strategy for Barnzidu and friends.

    Apparently the cleric misunderstood the plan because he jumped down by himself when he was supposed to wait up top. He was running around and yelling on the mic "I can't even get a blade barrier down... but I don't understand, my concentration skill is very high!" (Quicken? Who needs it?!), then frantically calling for other group members to come down and "get this guy offa me!", followed by an angry, "why didn't anyone come down and help me?!"

    As we're explaining to him that we weren't quite ready, he didn't follow the agreed upon plan, etc, he ragequit.

    We waited a while to make sure it wasn't an inadvertent DC, then the two FvS jumped down, dropped a dozen blade barriers and finished the mission minus one ragequitter.

    This is just one of the reasons I love to PUG. The wide variety of player skill & build/equipment quality keeps it fun. In almost every PUG I find myself saying both, "holy hell that guy is good" AND "wow, this guy needs some serious help."

    The variety and the occasional ragequit help keep the game fun.
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  3. #83
    Community Member Nataichal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    Question on this topic:

    Scenario: PlayerX plans to drop group and squelch you for some reason (strategic/personality/doesn'tmatter). Would you rather:

    1) PlayerX explodes into voice chat with expletives before dropping group.
    2) PlayerX types a simple, true reason why they are leaving.
    3) PlayerX types an untrue, but non-confrontational reason why they are leaving.
    4) PlayerX leaves without a word.

    Scenario2: This one is essentially the same, except instead of PlayerX dropping group and squelching you, it is a third party member that is the issue. Does this change your preferred reaction from PlayerX to a different option? Or still the same?

    Honestly curious if there is any general consensus on this and, if so, what it is.
    5)PlayerX explodes into voice chat with expletives and DOESN'T drop group, allowing the rest of us to insult and belittle him for the rest of the run.
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  4. #84
    Community Member Thargnar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nataichal View Post
    5)PlayerX explodes into voice chat with expletives and DOESN'T drop group, allowing the rest of us to insult and belittle him for the rest of the run.
    6) PlayerX literally explodes in voice chat after his first volley of expletives due to a temper and hypertension that beggar the imagination (a steady diet of mountain dew and salted pork filled deep fried twinkies is not your friend), and thanks to a gobbet of his steaming entrails landing on his ptt key you get to hear the wet plop and thud of his final moments even as the screaming begins of the slackjawed heathens that raised the churlish clod when they get to see the exploded diagram of their precious snowflake upon checking the commotion.
    Hroth Ironbjorn - Fortran Cardpuncher - Roaster the Toaster - Bukbuk Bugok - Claddahg Stonebend - Dukien Du'Caltor - Jheeneric Sorcelatorer - Strombolt - Bhan Dwagon - Mozartron - Thorfyn Hammerhand - Scimitarsis Blendaria - etc ad nauseam.

  5. #85
    Community Member cpito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thargnar View Post
    6) Playerx literally Explodes In Voice Chat After His First Volley Of Expletives Due To A Temper And Hypertension That Beggar The Imagination (a Steady Diet Of Mountain Dew And Salted Pork Filled Deep Fried Twinkies Is Not Your Friend), And Thanks To A Gobbet Of His Steaming Entrails Landing On His Ptt Key You Get To Hear The Wet Plop And Thud Of His Final Moments Even As The Screaming Begins Of The Slackjawed Heathens That Raised The Churlish Clod When They Get To See The Exploded Diagram Of Their Precious Snowflake Upon Checking The Commotion.
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." - Miss Piggy
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  6. #86
    Community Member DrenglisEU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thargnar View Post
    6) PlayerX literally explodes in voice chat after his first volley of expletives due to a temper and hypertension that beggar the imagination (a steady diet of mountain dew and salted pork filled deep fried twinkies is not your friend), and thanks to a gobbet of his steaming entrails landing on his ptt key you get to hear the wet plop and thud of his final moments even as the screaming begins of the slackjawed heathens that raised the churlish clod when they get to see the exploded diagram of their precious snowflake upon checking the commotion.
    Hessus, getting a headacke just reading the small sentence of yours mate :-D
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  7. #87
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nysrock View Post
    Also, I find having a few drinks while playing takes away some of the annoyance of improperly played characters and replaces it with amusement.

    Wait a sec... people play DDO without alcohol? No wonder people get so worked up on this forum. :P

  8. #88
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    Wait a sec... people play DDO without alcohol? No wonder people get so worked up on this forum. :P
    I tend to be as sober as a sword pommel.
    Maybe *that's* why I get so p...eculiarly annoyed at times...



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  9. #89
    Community Member DrenglisEU's Avatar
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    A nice DDO evening together with a few beers or other alcoholic beverages tends to make running pleasant, tasking a few more can lead to very interesting game experience :-) Anyway you NEED to be 18+ to experience this game setting!!
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  10. #90
    Community Member txnroger's Avatar
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    Default Ragequit

    The only appropriate reason to ragequit is when you are running a Shroud with all level 20 toon and the caster (wizard or sorc) doesn't use Haste because he/she believes it's cheating!

  11. #91
    Community Member Baranor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by txnroger View Post
    The only appropriate reason to ragequit is when you are running a Shroud with all level 20 toon and the caster (wizard or sorc) doesn't use Haste because he/she believes it's cheating!
    I did a literal facepalm on this and almost broke my glasses
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  12. #92
    Community Member DrenglisEU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by txnroger View Post
    The only appropriate reason to ragequit is when you are running a Shroud with all level 20 toon and the caster (wizard or sorc) doesn't use Haste because he/she believes it's cheating!
    Seriously mate.... has this happend to you???? haste.... cheating of what??
    Ex-Keeper EUbie known as:
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  13. #93
    Community Member Spookyaction's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dissindra View Post
    excuse me, what's a ragequit technically spoken? is it just an expression for somebody leaving the group (in rage) or is it a command I can type (/ragequit) to leave a group without the usual recalling and leaving the wilderness area or what?)

    OMG LMAO ... I want /ragequit implemented per your description !

  14. #94
    Community Member Dissindra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spookyaction View Post
    OMG LMAO ... I want /ragequit implemented per your description !
    ... let's add the /rageboot command, while at it ... then the brightest future in socialising should be ours :P
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  15. #95
    Community Member DrenglisEU's Avatar
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    Öööö how about /bootrage????
    Ex-Keeper EUbie known as:
    Drenglis,...many more on 3 accounts ... forgot the rest!
    And yes... I'm a PROUD GREEN MUPPET and now a days a Dirty Monkey!... And now someone made me the guild leader

  16. #96
    Community Member kernal42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrenglisEU View Post
    Seriously mate.... has this happend to you???? haste.... cheating of what??
    I ran Shroud a few months ago with a wizard who refused to cast Wail of the Banshee because he was LG and didn't do necro spells for flavor reasons. A little inconvenient, but no big deal so we went on, only to see frequent Finger of Death animations.....


  17. #97
    Community Member Meowin's Avatar
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    No idea, but until two weeks ago I didn´t even know that word existed.

  18. #98
    Community Member urusaikuneyaro's Avatar
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    Lets make sure to differentiate ragequitting and quitting.

    Dropping group because the whole raid party needs featherfall to survive the jump in sub = quitting and totally understandable.

    Dropping group the moment someone dies and ruins yr extra 10% xp = ragequitting and not appreciated.
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