Last edited by Draccus; 09-13-2010 at 09:13 AM.
I ragequit a pug once. I'm not proud of it but there does come a moment that ya can't anymore. (for the record I did quit smoking that week)
It went like this.
I had ragequit over something someone in the PUG did or didn't do.
Then I realized I am a grown man.
I immediately logged back in.
I still had my spot in the party so I just went back to playing.
A tell came in.
"did you DC?"
Me: No.....I ragequit
" you ragequit?"
me: yes
"are you OK now?"
me: yes
So even after you do something childish it's never too late to suck it up and act like a grown up.
Community Member
I blame the hireling. Even though I seldom use them in the "normal" sense, when the universe conspires to spoil my faultless soloing, I have one in my back-pack that I summon (a halfling girl 1st level bard). And then I let her know what a worthless noob she is, and how her negative thinking made me slip into the lava (or whatever happened). My harsh but just rage-quit rants have brought countless hirelings to tears.
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
You sound like you run groups that I would /ragequit from...
When I have an XP Pot Burning...I want to make my XP run efficient.
Yes I run certain quests for fun or loot. But the 100th time through tangleroot...I want the fast XP.
The whole idea of relying on the DDO store to finish VoN 3 is laughable...but hey, each to their own. When people are getting carried to shrines...I tend to want to drop and solo the quest.
Also I do not mind people dieing to normal unavoidable things. But being unprepared and not knowing what you can and can not handle...yeah that angers me. When I see a person get Finger of Deathed by a Beholder...I get annoyed. Deathblock...anyway...everyone has to learn to play the game eventually. Those wipe and recover groups is a great place to learn. I just do not want to be a part of that anymore. I have already done that part.
"Hireling" and "Hjealer"
Member of THACO on Ghallanda
PUG shroud this weekend (yes I know, the problem started there). Possibly the most chaotic shroud I have seen in a while. Had one person drop group in the first part for unknown reasons. Pt 4 the dps was a litte strained, but got through it fine. Pt 5 however, for whatever reason people couldn't keep Harry in one place. Many deaths. 1 person straight out dropped (the raid organizer), and 2 people "dc'd" before the party had even fully wiped.
Run was saved by a guildie solo healing me on my barb for the last 10-15% of the fight, Hero-style. Not something I want to go through again, but too bad for the people who left early. My large scale and I left happy![]()
Last edited by LethalSmockMaker; 09-13-2010 at 01:21 PM.
Ghallanda: Kaami, Eckmar, Suzanu & Co.
Officer, Circle of Night
I have quit groups with my favored soul before. Only a few times, but still. The last one was typical of the others.
It was a Xorian Cipher run. The "leader" kept ordering me around as I was the "healer," and despite my questions as to the motive, wouldn't answer. He was a squishy caster, and seemed to think I was his pet healer. He became incapacitated after drawing all the aggro at the puzzle. I went to kill the mobs as I could do so easily, and he started whining for a heal.
I promptly stopped fighting. I informed him that I wasn't a hireling, and left.
I felt bad for the other people in the group, but you can only take so much. I have a finite amount of time that I can devote to this game, and I don't want it wasted by ingrates and jerks.
Too many toons to list, but the mains are Achewon, Westudi, and Shonufff.
My best rage-quit was when I left a group to die in Part 5 of the shroud. Served the morons right for killing the last lieutenant before I had my blue-bar back![]()
Yeah, ragequit is not new, though it is usually on certain quests like chains.
Delera is one such chain, some guys use part 1 to filter zergers, they want to know if the group will make it to the end of the chain.
Naturally it will kill both noob and vet since anyone knowing the quest well will run ahead without problem.
Specially on the part where the floor tiles trigger the fights, it makes new group leaders pull their hair and quit.
Yet it happens often that the rest of the group keep doing the whole thing to its end without the quitter, deaths or not.
Another such drop spot is coyle on threnal, though in that case the rage is justified.
Same goes for raids, like on TS ice and fire fight and the shroud at part 2.
You just don't want to stick around if the group won't make it to the end on a reasonable time.
Specially late at night, since some people suffer from need of sleep.
Exceptions exist like with any 'pug and pray' quest.
Like Enter the Kobold, where you better be willing to reenter over and over.
Chiming in from Sarlona. There is a rage-quit etiquette that I hope doesn't get lost in the new age of FTP DDO. First, the rage quitter need to spend much of the mission talking about how elite he is. This sets the stage for his performance. Next, the group needs to encounter a surmountable difficulty. This can be caused by the rage-quitter running ahead of the party and aggroing overly large packs of mobs. It can also be caused fortuitously by another puggy. Then, when people start dying, the rage quitter needs to shout about how bad the pug is before log out.
That way, when the pug successfully completes the mission after the rage quitter drops, the rest of the party can feel good about themselves and their skills. As a player base, we owe so much to these rage quitters for allow us to feel so good about ourselves ...
Tormenting Role Players, Perma-Death players, and Turbine Mods since February 2006!
Clandestine * Magestic * HughJaas * Chaloopa * LaBamba * Fervent * DezNuda * Heinous * DeLaScorcha * Waxxoff
Dude, this pug was beyond hope, I spent about 3/4 of my SP keeping these idiots alive just fighting the lieutenants. I informed them that I wasn't drinking pots to keep their sorry-asses alive and when I ran out I walked around the corner and hit recall. I stayed in the group long enough to get a small chuckle as they all died.
I was the first and last Shroud pug I've ever joined on a healer.
hilarious +1 rep
I need a longer "friends" list to mark down the babies i've had to play with, especially the whiners who think they know what they are doing but really don't. I also need more room for the numerous good and nice people i've PUGged with lately on Ghallanda (including on Shrouds as my cleric).
PS I think the last anti-ragequit i did was a tremendously patient attempt at hound b/c it was my only guy who wasn't on hound timer and i wanted to get him going. 4 fails later, we finally gave up. normally the group *maybe* gives it one more shot unless there was a clear lack of something in the group (like brains.. stop killing puppies!) I completed it no problem a few days later with another group. seriously other than a guild group, i've never been in such a bull-headed group. hehe. i think i had to stick around to see if the 4th time (ugh) was the charm, but normally (after we all/most die at end boss) I'd just say a polite "well we tried, c'est la vie!"
Ghallanda - Spock's elvish cousin, not to mention his other Pointy* (Eared and otherwise) alts
Ya know, there was this girl I worked with that was complaining about the string of roommates she had trouble with. "There were these two girls, then there was whats-her-name, oh yeah, and so-and-so,.. etc". I told her that it reminded me of when I was a kid and whenever there was a fight in the family it was always Paul and Tommy, or Paul and Johnny, or Paul and Andrew, or Paul and me,.....
Seriously though, I've experienced more than the normal amount of rage quits in the past year than in my first few years. Mainly over trivial matters, too.
Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk
Minimize expectations and you'll never be disappointed
I have dropped group when runs become obviously too expensive. Ie. a Rainbow Elite I was in the other day on my Bard and the third time I scroll raised the cleric (who had a con of 12 with items at level 18 and it appeared no quicken or it wasn't turned on) plus 10 heal scrolls and all my mana healing party by the time we had just gotten the seal, I told the party who had again all wiped except for me guys this aint gonna get done sorry I'm out. Didn't /ragequit but did /frustrated as hell quit.
OP I do have one question: in your post you stated the someone wanted the caster to cast feather fall on them for a SUB-T run? They didn't have a feather falling item or clicky and are running in the sub-t? I can see the caster's reason for acting out if this is true. After level 7 feather falling items are a dime a dozen you might want to pick one up if it's you, if not tell that person to get one you can even do what alot of us do only put it on when it is needed.
Dungeon Alert and difficulty scaling killing LFMs since 9-1-2009.