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  1. #1
    Community Member Spoprockel's Avatar
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    Default Where to locate my greensteel hp item?

    I've just run my first shroud this weekend, so i guess it will take quite some time until
    i'm finished with farming all the ingredients, but i'd like to plan ahead.

    My first item will be a radiance rapier, for my second item i'd love the +45hp, as my 28pt
    halfling rogue needs em most(currently standing 308 hp at lvl 18).

    I know there are some items i'd want to have in certain slots, like tharnes bracers on my
    wrists, tharnes goggles, those tod ring things, etc.

    So my question is, where would you recommend me to put it on? A girdle? Cape? Necklace?
    Are there any more slots i'd want to keep free for other items?

    I recently bought the large TP bundle on sale, so i consider any adventure packs
    available for me for farming purposes.

    Thanks in advance for any advice here.

  2. #2
    Community Member Rusty_Can's Avatar
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    On melee characters, my first choice is usually the cloak spot. You might consider the helm spot, if you can afford ditching Minos Legens.
    On Thelanis: Hallelujah (EK wraith) - Jerryrigged Juggernaut (Fiend Warlock) - Sepulchral (Druid) - Chopchopchop (Monk) - Alleyshadow (retired gimped monkcher). Formerly on Keeper : Misericordia (Thug) - Mumbo Jumbo (Battle Caster) - Infernal Can (WF Kinda Cleric) - Halleluyah (Melee Spellsinger).

  3. #3
    Community Member Spoprockel's Avatar
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    Aye, i thought about making it a cloak myself, but there may be some awsome named
    rogue cloak, i don't know about all the items yet.

    Ditching Minos is not an option, as i'm going for hp in the first place.
    Last edited by Spoprockel; 09-13-2010 at 05:52 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoprockel View Post
    Aye, i thought about making cloak myself, but there may be some awsome named
    rogue cloak, i don't know about all the items yet.

    Ditching Minos is not an option, as i'm going for hp in the first place.

    Min II Green Steel Helm has +45 HP, and Heavy Fort.

    That's still 25 more HP that you need in a bad way.

    You're running higher end content - that toon should see level 20 soon, yes? I think it will. If you flag for ToD, you'll be well on your way there.

    So think about this : Any epic item with a Blue or Violet Augment slot can be slotted with "Toughness". So, ditch Minos, get the Min II helm, and Augment an Epic Armor with Toughness. HP problem solved.

    Whatever you do, do not make it your boots slot. In ToD, there are boots that are required for the boss fight - its a bad place to suddenly be 45 HP shy of what you're used to.

    You're mentioning content packs - you're obviously getting Amrath/Shavarrath stuff if you're talking about ToD. Just in case you weren't aware, there is a chance for Small/Medium/Large ingredients to drop out of the chests in the flagging quests, esp. the end chests.

    Also, within ToD itself, the Part 2 chest can contain ingredients, or Great Shards of Power. Part 3 chests, ingredients. All chances, not guaranteed.

    Crafting for the second Altar (Altar of Subjugation) can be done in the Explorer area of Amrath. It takes clearing like 4 tieflings to get to, very easy. Many people like to craft their Great Power Shards there ahead of time in order to have them ready to go. No matter where you slot the item, the Shard will always look the same. as long as its an attribute for a clothing item.

    Hope any/all of this helps.

  5. #5
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    Take a look at all the items out there and form a plan for your end game equipment configuration. You can replace Minos once you get toughness and heavy fort on other items.

    I agree that Minos is an excellent item, and I am still using it myself, but am in the process of phasing it out. I use the Quorforged Docent (un-suppressed) which gives toughness, and you can make a Min2 clothing item to give you the heavy fort.

    Or, you could go for epic items. Anything with a blue slot can have either toughness or heavy fort in them. And there are several items that already have heavy fort, such as the epic Belt of the Morannon (sp?), and the epic bracers of the Claw (can not currently be crafted, but U7 fixes that).

    I did not plan ahead as well as I thought and now am forced to make a few changes that I thought I was done with. It is not the end of the world, but it can be time consuming.

    My point is simply that there are many different options available to you as you reach the highest levels and start getting more of the raid loot and epics available. Just try to plan ahead better than I did

  6. #6
    Community Member Spoprockel's Avatar
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    Currently i'm only able to run one shroud completion a week, maybe a few more shroud runs if i'm using ddoor. 2 evenings of playing are the absolute maximum, dictated by my
    current job.

    I heard epic quests require some more than 300 hp, so i won't consider epic items an option until i unlock 32 pt builds and TR my rogue.
    That means i'll probably keep minos for a long time.

    THanks for the replies so far.

  7. #7
    Community Member mediocresurgeon's Avatar
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    You can keep Minos, since it gives you two things you need (heavy fort and +20 hp). As a new player, crafting epic items is probably a long way off. Consider making a Radiance II +45 hp cloak instead (15% of incoming attacks cause the attacker to go blind, giving you sneak attack). The radiance can proc from you getting hit by glancing blows.

    Kill stuff faster = less incoming damage

    As for the slot, cloak is probably your best bet (or maybe gloves). Standard melee equip goes something like this:

    Goggles: Tharne's Goggles
    Helmet: Minos Legens, Epic Helm of the Moranon, or Mineral II +45hp
    Necklace: Shintao necklace
    Belt: Ravager Belt (highest DPS), Knost's Belt (GFL and DPS), or Epic Belt of the Mroranon (usually stalwart defenders)
    Trinket: Bloodstone or Litany of the Dead
    Boots: Hotswap between Boots of Anchoring, Kundarak Delving Boots, Firestorm Greaves, and Madstone Boots

    Some builds prefer Mentau's Goggles + Litany of the Dead + Wretched Twilight instead of Bloodstone + Tharne's Goggles. It grants a little extra DPS (for certain weapons) and a little extra AC (notably for monk splashes) but costs an extra slot.
    Last edited by mediocresurgeon; 09-13-2010 at 07:22 AM.

    The nerfing will continue until morale improves!

  8. #8
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    Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
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  9. #9
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razcar View Post

    Almost all rogues, in my opinion, should use Minos as their heavy fort item and a different slot for their hp item. I know a MinII helm is a very popular item for some melee classes but rogues really need the 20 + 45 hp offered by using a different slot for a hp item.

    The only exceptions would be a) dwarves with loads of extra hit points from enhancements and b) someone using a blue slot on an epic item to add Toughness

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaaaace!"

  10. #10
    Community Member Spoprockel's Avatar
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    Alright, thanks for all the replies, cloak it is.

    I'll make it a smoke screen, as i don't plan on being hit often enough to make the 15%
    radiance guard any useful, and those enemies i want to be blind shall taste my Radiance

  11. #11
    Community Member Cap_Man's Avatar
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    The cloak is nice, but I have blur wands and displacement scrolls that do the same thing so I went with the gloves:

    Existential Stalemate Greensteel Gloves
    - 45 hp
    - +6 Wisdom (+6 Wis and 45 hp on the same item!)
    - +10 Diplo (WooHoo more diplo!)
    - +10 Haggle (Useful for when I forget to equip my +13 haggle item)
    - +3 Dex Skills (+3 Balance, Hide, MS, Open Lock and Tumble)
    - +2 Con Skills (Concentration for casting from scrolls)
    - +1 Str Skills (+1 Jump)

    And if you are short on larges you can still take it to tier II and get +25 Hit Points, +6 Wisdom, +10 Diplo and +10 Haggle. You also get one or two of the skill boosts but I cannot remember which one(s).

    (I think I got this right, I am at work right now and going from memory )

  12. #12
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoprockel View Post
    Currently i'm only able to run one shroud completion a week, maybe a few more shroud runs if i'm using ddoor. 2 evenings of playing are the absolute maximum, dictated by my
    current job.

    I heard epic quests require some more than 300 hp, so i won't consider epic items an option until i unlock 32 pt builds and TR my rogue.
    That means i'll probably keep minos for a long time.

    THanks for the replies so far.
    Don't be intimidated by the word "Epic". As people have mentioned in these forums, not all epics are created equal.

    # Epic Utility Vest - (Armor) +6 Light Armor (AB:8, MDB:8, SF:10%), Disable Device +15, Open Lock +15, Dexterity +6, Greater Nimbleness, Empty Blue Augment Slot

    ^^^^ The item above may be good for a first-time 28-point build rogue. And its in the Phiarlan Carnival Series, which right now is fairly easy to run, in comparison to say Epic Sands quests.

    Actually, just to provide some difficulty numbers, its probably something like...

    1. Epic Sands
    2. Elite Amrath
    3. Epic VoN
    4. Epic Carnival/Sentinels/Red Fens

    Your build is not *ideal* for these maybe, but running epics is also the cheapest way to TR. Still, if you're concerned, unlock that 32-point-build and then play a TWF Khopesh Kensai fighter or something, or Falchion Kensai, etc. Just get *someone* else up to level 20 that you feel more comfortable doing Epics with. As all Epic "stuff" is tradeable (scrolls are unbound, seals/shards are Bound to Account, shared bank passable), you can use another toon to "farm" these items for your rogue.

    But again, Epics are just one route of item and slot consolidation. Otherwise, sure, go for a cloak. There are some nice named cloaks, but that can be said about every slot in the game (Oh, but there's some nice bracers, gloves, blah blah.) Cloak is fine.

  13. #13
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    I just realized that I actually did not even answer your question. Oops.

    I agree with most of the people here, go for a cloak. Not a whole lot of great cloaks out there, except for greensteel.

    You stated that you have limited play time, and I can relate to that (right now my play time is 0, kinda sucks not being able to play DDO on my work computer, and I am in Iraq, so that sucks more). You might consider going for a single aspect cloak instead of a double aspect. It will save ingredients for the tier 3, and tier 3 is the most expensive.

    I made a water/water/water cloak for my fighter, +45 hp (total), +6 excp STR skills (total) and it gives Panacea 3/day (meh) and Crushing Wave guard. I personally like Crusing Wave since it seems to proc a fair amount and does both blunt and cold damage, so it works on a lot of mobs. I also have Air Guard gloves (went for the greater lightning resist +2 tiers of lightning guard) and I have been quite happy with the haste clicky and the haste/knockdown guard as well.

    The other option I would suggest is all positive. You would get a raise dead clicky (very handy, but youhave UMD, so not as much for you as it was for me), and the disruption guard can be nice in the undead areas, but those are limited. Hmm.. as I wrote this out I realized that it would probably be better off just making a tier 2 throwing weapon for the raise dead clicky and the extra damage and skipping tier 3 altogether here. So do that and do not make a all positive cloak

  14. #14
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    A lot of ppl like to go with the cloak, but I prefer to leave a CHA item on for UMD ... I've got my immunity item as goggles, and I just swap out Tharnes as needed; my HP item is on my necklace, which I would recommend as there really isnt a great necklace item for rogues - at least not that I can think of.

  15. #15
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    You want a Shintao Cord in the neck slot.

  16. #16
    Community Member Dee_Snider's Avatar
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    Cloak is my choice.

  17. #17
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drobbins View Post
    A lot of ppl like to go with the cloak, but I prefer to leave a CHA item on for UMD ... I've got my immunity item as goggles, and I just swap out Tharnes as needed; my HP item is on my necklace, which I would recommend as there really isnt a great necklace item for rogues - at least not that I can think of.
    Ring can cover the +Charisma. Helm as well, although that doesn't apply here since we're (for the moment) trying to keep Minos on the table.

    And, as always, and Epic item that has an Augment slot can accept a Colorless Catalyst in order to have +6 to a Stat, including Charisma.

  18. #18
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    If you are going to keep your minos, of course look at other options for a HP gs item. Ie. Radiance, smoke, ect ect ect. I see a ton of talk about the min ii but if you have heavy fort covered, and your ac isn't going to get up there, no need for the min ii.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  19. #19
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    If you're short on large ingredients, an alternative to a dual shard (Mineral or Smoke) hp item is a simple Triple Air. It's a great item.

    +45 hp
    +6 dex skills
    over 4 minutes of haste clickie
    Air Guard

    And the best part? It only requires 2 large scales. When I made my HP item, I had just made a huge trade for a ton of larges so I had the ingredients to make a Smoke II. If I didn't, though, I'd have made a triple-air. I ended making a triple air later on, anyway, for Charisma skills.

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaaaace!"

  20. #20
    Community Member Ookami007's Avatar
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    Where to put the item... good question. It depends on what you see yourself wanting end game (For gear).. here are some summaries...

    Cloak -
    Helm - Minos

    Bracers - Tharne's bracers (for set bonus),

    Boots - Madstone, Epic Delver's, FF, striding, Epic Mudwalkers, etc.

    Armor - Dragontouched, etc.

    Bracers - Tharne's bracers (for set bonus), Levicks (healing amp), Epic Bracers of

    Neck - Silver Flame Neck, Epic Hyena Claw Necklace , ToD sets

    Goggles - Tharnes

    Gloves - Spectral, etc.

    Belt - ToD set,

    The best bet is probably gloves or helm, unless you have specific items in mind.

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