I've just run my first shroud this weekend, so i guess it will take quite some time until
i'm finished with farming all the ingredients, but i'd like to plan ahead.
My first item will be a radiance rapier, for my second item i'd love the +45hp, as my 28pt
halfling rogue needs em most(currently standing 308 hp at lvl 18).
I know there are some items i'd want to have in certain slots, like tharnes bracers on my
wrists, tharnes goggles, those tod ring things, etc.
So my question is, where would you recommend me to put it on? A girdle? Cape? Necklace?
Are there any more slots i'd want to keep free for other items?
I recently bought the large TP bundle on sale, so i consider any adventure packs
available for me for farming purposes.
Thanks in advance for any advice here.