I have a wf that seems pretty good. he is level 14, pure thf fighter. 32 str, 34 raged, 42 with power surge. 330 hp So far he hasnt had much trouble soloing most quests around his level, so i took him into slavers of the shrieking mines. he did it on hard, but had lots of trouble with the mind flayer bosses. They pretty much kept him locked in mindblast. it was pretty much swing, mind blast, recover, swing mind blast recover till they were dead. He does have a really low will save, but it hasnt been a problem till now. The other problem that i had with him is he would get whittled down by archers. i use the trinket from the necro and it helps with the damage but i want more.
so after this wall of text attack, my questions are as follows:
1: Is there a buff that will stop the mind blast from the flayers?
2: How bad will the low will save hurt me in the end type game stuff?
3: will the dr enhanments from wf stack with the trinket?
4: Is it worth taking shield mastery and improved shield mastery on this guy if i cant find something better? Or are they complete junk?
On a side note, i use a lot of guards on him, will this continue to be effective?
What sort of gear am i looking for on a dps fighter?
thanks in advance,