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  1. #1
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Pally / Monk even split - Opinions please?

    Hello good people

    1st ever forum post - please bear that in mind

    Decided to have a play with a new vet toon while everyone else seems to be asleep

    28-pt Drow, lawful good, pally 2 / monk 2

    starting stats:
    STR - 15 <- all level ups here
    DEX - 16 <- because i wanted the stats even, would have liked more str, but couldn't afford it, needed 15 for 2wf
    CON - 12 <- I know, I know... highest i could get without sacrificing others
    INT - 10
    WIS - 12
    CHA - 14

    Now, here's where I may have gone off the beaten path:
    (cant remember all the enhancements, only just gotten to lv 5 anyways, can update if there is any interest)

    lv1 - Pally - Weapon Focus Slashing
    lv2 - Monk - Toughness
    lv3 - Monk - Whirling Steel thingy (monks treat longswords as ki weapons)
    Monk bonus feat - TWF
    lv4 - Pally

    Took pally first to get access to the monk longsword feat (although i probably could have gone monk, pally, monk, pally).

    Started with monk gear, ran Korthos to get pathfinders set

    So i'm using longswords as a monk, in windstance to get +7%? attack speed & % chance to double strike & am centered (obviously). Have often been last man standing & with highest kills - but that is no measure, not in noob land anyway

    Took lv 5 as monk last night (and will progress to lv 9 monk /2 pally before changing back - maybe go 3 monk / 6 pally for undead hunter, haven't decided) & light path (which will be respecc'ed to dark when i start doing pally levels)

    Using light path to make life easy for me during low levels & may go fire stance or wind + crane to help build ki

    Anyways, the idea is to get to 9/11 or 10/10 dark monk /pally

    using either wraps or longswords (based on situation, mainly swords - but not cleaving up oozes for example)
    -full BAB
    -monk speed/slowfall/touch of death/saves/wholeness of body/immunities (they overlap a bit - i know)/stances/improved evasion
    -pally saves bonus/smite/aura/spells/raise dead enhancement/immunities/lay-on-hands/turn undead/str boost clicky enhancement thing/pally toughness enhancement

    feats for the future include:
    -power attack
    -iCritical - slashing
    -another toughness
    -oTWF <-maybe, would only give me +2 to hit over what i have now, otherwise another toughness

    I have a +2 dex tome banked for this toon, so iTWF is not a problem.

    i would has access to 2nd tier of stances - wind-> +10% attack speed, 5% to doublestrike

    I am not looking to run epics in the near future, just wanting to have fun getting there

    Why go longswords? well... how does a pair of radiance II, holy, good burst, flaming burst longswords on a monk sound? (or any other nice greensteel combo really)

    Projected stats (with basic items & no tomes (except +2 dex), no greensteel, no dragoncrafted armor, no ToD rings etc)

    STR - 15 +5 +6 = 26 (28 with fire-stance, 30 with rage clicky)
    DEX - 16 +2+2+6 = 26 (28 with wind-stance)
    CON - 12 +6 = 18 (I know!) (20 with earth-stance, 22 with rage clicky)
    INT - 10 <- dump stat as far as I know for this build, opinions anyone?
    WIS - 12 +2 +6 = 20 (22 with water stance)
    CHA - 14 +2 +6 = 22

    Stats include racial dex enhancements (+2) & wisdom/charisma class enhancements (+2)

    projected hp at lv 20 (9m/11p) - again with basic items

    20 - starting
    72 - monk 9
    110 - pally 11
    120 - CON (22 with rage clicky & earth stance)
    69 - 3x toughness feats (ommiting oTWF for extra toughness)
    40 - pally toughness IV
    20 - racial toughness II
    10 - draconic (gianthold favor)
    30 - greater false life item

    491 - not bad for a drow with no decent gear huh

    451 - wind-stance & rage clicky

    471 - fire-stance & rage clicky

    anyways, thanks for your time

    Please feel free to give your opinions on this build.

    I am currently leveling her slowly, & will update if there is any interest
    Last edited by voxson5; 09-12-2010 at 02:24 AM.

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