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Thread: taps

  1. #1
    Community Member Flasharte's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default taps

    i need to do some tap runs... anyone intrested perhaps on a tues or Fri night 8-11 cst...

    lemme know

    I played AC2, so I log in everyday expecting to see a message that the servers will be ending in 4 months. As such, every day they don't is a good day!! Play like the world will end, because it will.

  2. #2
    Community Member chadj82371's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I might be available on either of those nights, though I'm not usually on til closer to 9-9:30 cst (and on Fridays it's usually a little later). You looking to get xp too or just taps? I'll most likely either be on Antello (ranger) or Kinisar (cleric). Shoot me a tell if you're still wanting to run Tuesday or Friday.

    Edit - and I can probably get one or two guildies to come along as well if you want.
    Last edited by chadj82371; 09-13-2010 at 05:39 PM.
    Antello - Kinisar - Erifeci
    Antelli - Antelly - Antellia

    The Rogue Saints - Sarlona

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