Quote Originally Posted by SINIBYTE View Post
"Inside Job" nonsense aside, religion caused the attacks on September 11th. They may all have lost, but they all contributed.
Most people would think it did, but I say it did NOT. It was the "religious fanatic faction", the 2%ers, that created 9/11. The ones that take the Koran, the Bible and use its words to promote THEIR VERSION of a religion. They work in their religion's name, but its no different then the Son of Sam or other notorious killers. They have a thirst to kill, period.

Religions, including Muslim, possesses practitioners that are mostly peaceful, loving family people. The large majority of EVERY religion has rebuked the senseless killings of 9/11 and surrounding events.

So I say it is unfair to blame ANY religion, or religion itself for the acts of a few percent of the bad seeds. We wont truly win this war until we can make that distinction.