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  1. #1
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    Question Scr feat progression question - "let's make a pool"

    So i am finally reaching lvl 18 with my human sorcerer and i am taking this feat progression:

    Level 1 - Empower Spell
    Level 1 - Spell Focus: Evocation
    Level 3 - Extend Spell
    Level 6 - Maximize Spel
    Level 9 - Heighten Spell
    Level 12 - Spell Penetration
    Level 15 - Greater Spell Penetration
    Level 18 - Greater Spell Focus: Evocation

    I got minos legend helmet [without buffs with minos legend i got around 250hp at lvl 16] but i really don't know if i will need thoughness feat and the racial thoughness enchaments.

    1-should i sacrifice one of these feats to take thoughness feat?

    2-if yes which one of these: greater spell focus; heighten; empower; extend [let's make a pool here]

    3- other question apart- is heighten important to spells like cone of cold? and what about finger of death? is heighten important for a nuker build?

    Thks in advance
    Last edited by josejgcosta; 09-11-2010 at 09:26 AM.

  2. #2
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    Yes and I wouild say heighten but I would also change the order of feats taken I would take toughness lvl 1 and extended lvl 6 or later

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Community Member Maugrim101's Avatar
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    I'd drop the Greater Evocation focus for Toughness personally. I'm not a big fan of Evocation focus (Prefer Enchantment especially when investing in 2 spell pen feats) but the others seem solid and what many people would consider "normal".

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Yes and I wouild say heighten but I would also change the order of feats taken I would take toughness lvl 1 and extended lvl 6 or later
    is heighten important to spells like cone of cold? and what about finger of death? is heighten important for a nuker build?

  5. #5
    Community Member ekniff's Avatar
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    is heighten important to spells like cone of cold? and what about finger of death? is heighten important for a nuker build?
    yes, because it is important to spells like cone of cold and finger of death.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ekniff View Post
    yes, because it is important to spells like cone of cold and finger of death.
    ok so which feat would you sacrifice?

  7. #7
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    HP are very important on a caster - especially if you are looking to do some Epic stuff. Traps on Epic in Von 2 hit for 320-340 pts of damage.

    If you trade out one of your feats for Toughness, here is what you can expect HP-wise:
    20 Toughness feat
    20 Sorc toughness
    30 Racial toughness (this is actually 20, but if you use your human adaptability or greater human adaptability and choose Con, you will get the 3rd tier of racial toughness on a human).

    This works out to an extra 70hp.

    If I am correct (please correct me if I am wrong), 250hp at lvl 16 will get you 324hp at level 20 without Toughness.

    What is your Con current at? It would appear that it is 24, so I figure 16 starting, 2 tome and 6 item? If you use the human adaptability (if you haven't already) and get +3 exceptional Con from a ToD ring, you will go from 324hp to 364hp by getting your Con up to 28.

    From my experience, a good caster can get by with 364hp in most all content provided the healer is good, or you are good at self-healing. The extra 70hp will certainly make life a whole lot easier and/or allow for more soloing (which is my preference).

    Personally I like more HP on a caster, so I would drop the greater spell focus: evocation. Ways to make this up would be to true reincarnate your Sorc as a Sorc and you will gain +1 to evocation.

    Sorcs are all about trade-offs.

    Good luck!
    «Castielle» (Sorc) ??* Embyrr (Sorc) ??* «Serreniti» (Wiz) ??* Knuttz (Sorc) ??* Castiel (Wiz) ??* Sakarra (Bard) ??* Sakara (Bard) ??* Callistto (Bard)
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by vorpel View Post
    HP are very important on a caster - especially if you are looking to do some Epic stuff. Traps on Epic in Von 2 hit for 320-340 pts of damage.

    If you trade out one of your feats for Toughness, here is what you can expect HP-wise:
    20 Toughness feat
    20 Sorc toughness
    30 Racial toughness (this is actually 20, but if you use your human adaptability or greater human adaptability and choose Con, you will get the 3rd tier of racial toughness on a human).

    This works out to an extra 70hp.

    If I am correct (please correct me if I am wrong), 250hp at lvl 16 will get you 324hp at level 20 without Toughness.

    What is your Con current at? It would appear that it is 24, so I figure 16 starting, 2 tome and 6 item? If you use the human adaptability (if you haven't already) and get +3 exceptional Con from a ToD ring, you will go from 324hp to 364hp by getting your Con up to 28.

    From my experience, a good caster can get by with 364hp in most all content provided the healer is good, or you are good at self-healing. The extra 70hp will certainly make life a whole lot easier and/or allow for more soloing (which is my preference).

    Personally I like more HP on a caster, so I would drop the greater spell focus: evocation. Ways to make this up would be to true reincarnate your Sorc as a Sorc and you will gain +1 to evocation.

    Sorcs are all about trade-offs.

    Good luck!
    My inital status, with 32-poiunt build were:
    Str - 8
    Dex - 8
    Cons - 17
    Int -12 [(for skill points (i love skill points)]
    Char - 18
    Wis - 8

    Without itens now at lelv 16:
    Str - 8
    Dex - 8
    Cons - 20 (17+1+2 --- initial status+greater human adaptability+2tomeconst)
    Int -12
    Char - 25 (18+4+1+2 --- initial status+point per level+human adaptability+2tomechar)
    Wis - 8

    Thanks a lot for your answer, although I don't think I'll reincarnate soon I think i'll drop greater evocation focus. I can only get itens that will helping giving me compensate the lack of greater evocation focus I guess

  9. #9
    Founder Raiderone's Avatar
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    I took feats as following.

    Mental Toughness
    Improved Mental Toughness
    Empower Spell
    Spell Pen
    Greater Spell Pen

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by josejgcosta View Post
    So i am finally reaching lvl 18 with my human sorcerer and i am taking this feat progression:

    Level 1 - Empower Spell
    Level 1 - Spell Focus: Evocation
    Level 3 - Extend Spell
    Level 6 - Maximize Spel
    Level 9 - Heighten Spell
    Level 12 - Spell Penetration
    Level 15 - Greater Spell Penetration
    Level 18 - Greater Spell Focus: Evocation

    I got minos legend helmet [without buffs with minos legend i got around 250hp at lvl 16] but i really don't know if i will need thoughness feat and the racial thoughness enchaments.

    1-should i sacrifice one of these feats to take thoughness feat?

    2-if yes which one of these: greater spell focus; heighten; empower; extend [let's make a pool here]

    3- other question apart- is heighten important to spells like cone of cold? and what about finger of death? is heighten important for a nuker build?

    Thks in advance
    In my opinion this is a very good final list of feats (i would change the order, but that is not important) with top notch DPS and Great Damage potential. If you are on the fence about toughness, then my suggestion is don't take it. Take toughness only if your play style requires it. I often let my hitpoints drop below 200 before i consider even healing myself. Sometimes I let it get as low as 100. For me, toughness is a wasted feat. Even high end mobs and epic mobs do damage in small manageable packets.

    Do not under any circumstances let anyone talk you into dropping heighten. Your high damaging AOE all have saves. With heighten your DC spells will land better. For example, your cone of cold will hit with a +4 bonus. This makes a huge difference since you are talking multiple targets getting saves. This means when you face off against the mob of devils and orthons, you can kill them that much faster (run thru sins and kill the 20 following mobs in 2 to 3 casts). You will get hit a whole lot less in the long run, needing a lot less hitpoints. I prefer to use massive offensive power as damage mitigation.

    If you have to swap out a feat, then if you do not play epic you can lose extend without any real impact on your effective offensive capability. Or, if you have good loot that picks up the slack, you can afford to swap out a spell penetration feat.
    Last edited by tinyelvis; 09-12-2010 at 06:04 AM.

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