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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Smile DDO screenshot movie

    I created a movie based on the endgame scenes (Spoiler Alert) from the Misery's Peak quest.
    It is up on Youtube at []

    Not sure why I made this, but I guess I've always liked this storyline. NOTE -- The Mind Flayer's name, "Achthend" is the actual in-game name. Look it up in your /Draconomicon/ (a pen and paper D&D 3.0 sourcebook.)


    Ken'aal d'Phiarlan of Orien
    Founder, The Melideth Blades

  2. #2
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Kenaal View Post
    I created a movie based on the endgame scenes (Spoiler Alert) from the Misery's Peak quest.
    It is up on Youtube at []

    Not sure why I made this, but I guess I've always liked this storyline. NOTE -- The Mind Flayer's name, "Achthend" is the actual in-game name. Look it up in your /Draconomicon/ (a pen and paper D&D 3.0 sourcebook.)


    Ken'aal d'Phiarlan of Orien
    Founder, The Melideth Blades
    The Illithid's name just translates to "Dragon Food" in draconic.
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
    AoK @ Argonnessen

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