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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010

    Default Regular Party from 1 to 20

    Anyone interested in starting 1st level characters and playing the whole thing as a group? We'd meet at preset times and play the same characters from 1-20. I live in California and usually play after 6 pm and weekends. Like to "meet" a couple of times a week with a longer session on Saturday or Sunday. I like to take my time and explore so I'm not looking for Dungeon Sprinters.

    We could even start with "Veteran" characters if that's more popular. 4-20 is still a lot and I've never done any quests higher than 3rd level.

    Asked in the general forum, but that doesn't seem to be the best place to ask.

  2. #2
    Community Member cwfergtx's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default Count me in

    I would not mind getting with a group like this and playing. I am in central time zone so when it is 600 pm in california it is 8pm here in texas and I am usually on from 5-11pm in the evenings then on and off on the weekends.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010


    Excellent. Hopefully a few more people will take an interest. Not sure two of us could do it without hirelings. Not that hirelings are a bad thing but that sort of defeats the purpose.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Mar 2010


    Sounds cool. The logistics would be difficult as not everyone would be available every time.

    I'm up for it if the schedule is not too aggressive.

    Also, it may make sense to treat thte first level or two as a warm up to see if the group chemistry is good.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Cavalier9999 View Post
    Sounds cool. The logistics would be difficult as not everyone would be available every time.

    I'm up for it if the schedule is not too aggressive.

    Also, it may make sense to treat thte first level or two as a warm up to see if the group chemistry is good.
    I'm thinking we'd meet two times for short sessions of one or two hours -- just enough time to do one long dungeon. Then on weekends, maybe do one of the VIP quests as they are fairly long. Not a schedule set in stone but one with total flexibility. We meet when we can meet. It can be informal. We'll pass around the names of our characters and friend us all and when enough of us are on line we'd switch characters. And we can have a target schedule. But I'm busy, you're busy it's 2010 and we're all busy. That's why I more or less stopped playing table top games. But I miss that feeling of camaraderie of a group of players you go on all these adventures.

    But yeah, I'm on board with first four levels as warm up and see if we want to swap characters or even quit the team completely. With "veteran status" as a starting option, that is a good place to decide how the party is working.

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