Unfortunately I had the experience of running with a guildie from the guild listed in the forum being complained about by gate420 I am avoiding mentioning name however a little research will get you to who I am frustrated with.

This particular Guildie decided to be uncooperative and caused my whole group to lose out on some chests by activating a gate that locked them inside with a chest and then they died. Now the only way to open the gate is to kill the monsters on the inside. Instead of waiting for my hireling to res them they decided to res to town.... you see my frustration. I did tell them prior to stick together as I had just ran the quest on hard...

I am aware it was probably some horribly loot but it's the principle that you decide to rush through then die. And trigger certain events that can only be reversed inside the trap...

This particular guild will have to earn my trust back before I run or allow them to run with me ever again.

One bad apple spoils the bushel..... sorry.

Quazicotl lev 11 rogue