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  1. #81
    Community Member BangsLiekWhoa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post
    ...a really handy method to handle melees who are unprepared or not paying attention to their curses.
    If they are unprepared, that is their problem. I didn't forget to load healing spells before I came in.
    If they are not paying attention well... But I do usually announce who is cursed when I notice them not getting heals that way they know.
    Also, this is worse in ToD than it is in VoD since more people tend to get cursed.
    Mazertron - Polymath - Icastflare - Threeword - Jujan - Zurgur

    Quote Originally Posted by Cubethulu View Post
    Hi Welcome is now welcome to enter The Cube's belly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Look at the Ion stones on that!

  2. #82
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lhidda View Post

    Cursed WF cannot be healed, but repaired.
    Cursed people cannot healed.
    People still dont take curse pots if they dont feel like.

    So, colors and icons would be a big improvement for people who heal and repair. It is sometimes really hard to see who has curse or not in the crowd. 5 people saying "curse" in voice chat dont help at all.

    Thankx for kind interest,
    If they can't handle their curses and someone isn't able to remove it quickly enough, then they die and well, they get raised when they get raised.

    I understand the Tank who's trying to hold aggro not getting their own curses, especially a WF who's being repaired anyways. However there's no reason not to get your own curses outside of that in VoD. Frankly, in VoD except for when sully breaks and moves off, everyone but the tank should be attacking from the backside and not getting hit/cursed.

    Heck, we had the barb disco in a VoD once, I started hate/ac tanking and still got my own curses. They're also in slot 9 of bar 1. I have also hit the wrong hot key, failed to get my curse and died. I blame no one but myself for that.

    There is nothing at all difficult about handling ones own curse. It's laziness that prevents them from doing so. Yes madstone prevented getting the curses before guild pots, the solution was to not madstone. I still don't madstone until Sulu's under 10% myself anyways as it prevents me from casting or using other clickies I may need/want to access.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by BangsLiekWhoa View Post
    If they are unprepared, that is their problem. I didn't forget to load healing spells before I came in.
    If they are not paying attention well... But I do usually announce who is cursed when I notice them not getting heals that way they know.
    Also, this is worse in ToD than it is in VoD since more people tend to get cursed.
    I'd rather have the option of taking responsibility for someone else than rely 100% on them being prepared.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordPiglet View Post
    If they can't handle their curses and someone isn't able to remove it quickly enough, then they die and well, they get raised when they get raised.
    If they can't handle their own curse they probably can't handle their own buffs upon receiving a raise and will require a large amount of mana/time to be rebuffed.

    It's more efficient to either leave them dead or fix their curse for them.
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  4. #84
    Community Member Zilta's Avatar
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    To the OP

    I dont necesarilly think that this is a bad idea, I disagree with it more because I don't see the point in it. Even though warforged do recieve less healing than others I have never seen a case where my fvs was unable to use a heal or mass heal to get them back to full or near full health.

    As for getting casters to help out with healing warforged, I personally do not play a caster to be given a healing roll or even backup healing role. That being said, I have no problem tossing the occasional reconstruct if I have it loaded .(rarely)

    While your suggestion would allow me to more easily see a warforged for a reconstruct I have never seen a case in which I couldnt either memorize who in the party was a warforged or just pick them out of the crowd of people in a raid (being bigger than everyone else has its advantages)

    Overall I would say no to this idea, too much time to impliment for very little reward.

    just my two cp

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