I had a thought - that rather than waiting for the Devs - we as players could try to coordinate some events. Especially with guilds becoming more and more important......this could actually happen.
Seed idea - Cannonball Run - have competitions for completion of the flagging and raid for various raids - VON, Shroud, Hound etc.... I know this means two crews of 6 flagging unless you think you could short man the raid but it is doable.
Set up some rules ie. level appropriate characters, how to prove completion, naked? etc.... and have a 1 week window to complete and submit....ie with some you could only make 2-3 attempts due to timers. Screen shots with XP screens being primary source. Scoring - plus for time to complete and per shortman and total XP earned, minus for deaths or skipping optionals etc....
Reward.....mostly personal fame, guild pride etc... also just something different to do.....but everyone could put up some form of transferable loot that is worth something - scales, tomes, plat even - would need a trusted third party for that and could be more hassle than it is worth.
I am just an idea guy - couldn't see myself organizing this myself due to time/life constraints but would be interested to see something like this get going.
Any takers?