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What he said above...totally in agreement.. All of the Nature Ally spells are way way to weak. even using Augment Summoning Feat and buffing the summons with other spells, they barely last through one fight...maybe!!!
Where is the Ranger Dismiss Charm? I mean really, we can charm but not dismiss? Party members hate when we use our SLA Charms...must have Dismiss!!!!
Snare....hmmm...the DC on this spell is terrible and no real way to bump up the DC either, cant hold anything except in Waterworks..I would love Snare to work..actually might make a good spell and be a fun spell to use...but fix the DC somehow?
Spiked Growth is the Ranger's only damaging spell, and it has lousy damage! 1d4??? Really thats a joke right? The spell might be useful if it had at least 1/4 the power of a firewall, but i can throw a handaxe for more damage! LOL
Lastly, The whole Ranger spell list needs a revamp...not near enough useful spells, either buffs, damage, or holds. We are supposed to be casters too right? let us cast something useful!! Please??????