All spell point costs are fair enough as is given the static formula of {Cost = Lvl*5+5}, so I will be omitting the rating of spell cost.
- Grease
- Effectiveness: 2
- The only thing I want done for this spell is to allow it to be heightened.
- Deep Slumber
- Effectiveness: 1
- It's been said before, you fight around 8+ HD enemies by the time you get the spell.
- Flame Arrow
- Effectiveness: 1
- Utterly useless. A caster might as well be using an eternal wand of finger of fire or something like that, not bows and arrows.
- Sleet Storm
- Effectiveness: 1
- Only thing it's useful for is griefing your team members.
- Acid Rain
- Effectiveness: 1
- It does very low damage over time, and the fact that every mob's hit points are over-inflated doesn't help.
- Burning Blood
- Effectiveness: 1
- See Acid Rain.
- Fire Trap
- Effectiveness: 1
- See Acid Rain.
- Acid Fog
- Effectiveness: 1
- See Acid Rain.
- Power Word: Blind
- Effectiveness: 1
- Anything over 600 hit points are unaffected? That's pretty much all mobs once you start doing level twelve quests. Again, the fact that every mob's hit points are over-inflated doesn't help.
- Incendiary Cloud
- Effectiveness: 1
- See Acid Rain.
- Power Word: Stun
- Effectiveness: 1
- See Power Word: Blind, but only works on enemies with 450 hit points or less.
- Trap the Soul
- Effectiveness: 2
- It's a nice alternative I use to Finger of Death for enemies with high fort and low will, but it's very costly and the soul gems aren't used for much right now.
- Power Word: Kill
- Effectiveness: -100
- Only works on enemies with 300 or fewer hit points? That's like reaching down into level eight quests now.