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    Community Member Aexicas's Avatar
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    Default Worst of the Worst Spells

    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin
    One important note is that Ice Storm and Wall of Fire won't stack - the Wall of Fire will be extinguished by the storm.

    We're going to be going through a bunch of the spells and take the ones that are "less than optimal" and see what we can do with them, as well as adding more "specialty" spells that will by their nature be mostly Wizard oriented. (Deconstruct, maybe?)

    We're also considering doing a pass on spell point costs, and a possible redo of the Sorcerer and Wizard damage amplification and spell crit lines - breaking the four elements back apart, adding more tiers (that may go beyond 40%) and adjusting the costs appropriately (Possibly 1/1/1/1/1/1... rather than 1/2/3/4, for instance).

    We'll want feedback on what the "worst of the worst" spells are. I know the Power Words are way up there on that list, and there are a bunch of other terrible ones - maybe I'll go make that my next blog post...
    So, that being said, what are YOUR worst of the worst spells?

    I've always thought that there were a lot that were lacking, but ice storm (which of course is now fixed) was a big one.

    Now adays, here is my list, edited as per MadFloyd's direction! His original post is as such, for you to follow:
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd
    I was just going to start a thread on this myself.

    So I'm encouraging participation in this thread!

    Personally, I'd like to see something like:

    - spell name
    - 1-5 rating on spell cost (1 being bad, 5 being appropriate)
    - 1-5 rating on spell effectiveness
    - comments
    Trap the Soul:
    -Spell Cost: 4 (spell points), 1 (physical cost)
    -Spell Effectiveness: 2
    -Comments: Not enough need for it, and the components take too long to gather. Not to mention the HD limit. Take off the HD limit, and make khyber shards drop more? Would be set.

    Deep Slumber/Sleep:
    -Spell Cost: 2
    -Spell Effectiveness: 1
    -comments: Particularly Deep Slumber. 10 HD? At level 6? You might hit a hobgoblin or two, but, thats about it. Totally not worth putting on a sorcerer.

    Sleet Storm:
    -Spell Cost: 3
    -Spell Effectiveness: 2
    -Comments: Just.... Sleet Storm.

    Stinking Cloud:
    -Spell Cost: 2
    -Spell Effectiveness: 2
    -Comments: Really, see sleet storm. Not as bad, and not as good, at the same time. The effectiveness is really not there, except in very niche situations; not something you'd carry on your bar everyday as a sorc.

    Honestly, mostly its the HD spells over the others, but a few of the cloud spells could use a buff.

    What's on your "most useless" list?
    Last edited by Aexicas; 09-10-2010 at 06:45 AM.
    Aexicas Ryinn- 11 Rogue/6 Monk
    Anju Allerian- 6 Barbarian/ 9 Fighter/2 Ranger
    Aislynn Lore- 18 Human Sorcerer

    Tharashk-Thelanis Server

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