Minstral of Mayhem
Aces over Kings
Its not really fair to make LOTRO elves DDO elves either. A Tolkein elf is around 7' tall, and a tower full of orcs starts bricking it when they think a single elf warrior has got in. Doesn't sound like a 5' pansy with a con penalty to me.
Glorfindel wasn't in the movies except as a random elf. The elf that lead the elven forces at Helm's Deep was Haldir. And yeah, he had no business being the, and especially no business dying. While I was sad that so many elves died, it was still cool that we got to see them fight en masse.
"I shall take my bow by opening my heart and revealing my wisdom...Belief or disbelief rests with you."
man, i say that none of the lotr characters save gandalf and a few others, are past lvl 6, because mostly, they kill orcs, none of them fought anything that a lvl 6 cant handle, save for the balrog that gandalf fought.
And even so, for a lvl 20 wizard, gandalf didnt quite play a caster role, save a light spell when he entered the mines, then shield/dispell against the balor sword (is till dunno how to classify that spell in specific), then summon creature when he got the big birdies to him on the final fight(same goes for when he was at saruman tower), then teleknesis on his epic fight against saruman, and blinding light against the wyverns from the nazgul, so, pretty much 5 spells cast...on the whole story, the rest he beat with a stick, so he must b multiclassed with monk or something with twf and that allows him to attack well wtih twf and fight with a qstaff.
elrond i dont see where he fit as a elf wizard, since on the war he seemed more like another elf fighter, and showed no magic whatsoever for the rest of the movie
theoden i would not classify as 20 paladin, never, at most some fighter skill and even so was easily beat by gandalf mounted rush.
Sauron, say a 20 sorcerer with melee spec, using tenser's
faramir didnt seem like ranger, mostly pure fighter and at most lvl 6
Aragorn seemed like fghter/ranger, or pure ranger, prolly pure ranger for having brego as his animal companion(lvl 4 ranger)
the hobits: only sam had some levels of something and yet no sure what, his fight with the spider seemed more like a awessome lucky streak with many 20s on the dice rather than a actually skilled fight, the rest very likelly wasnt past lvl 2, amybe even sam is on that lvl house.
Saruman, very likelly was at same lvl as gandalf the gray, but not sure if 20 yet.
gimli: barbarian for teh win, he wasnt skilled, and wasnt smart, and roleplayed a perfect barbarian leroorying everythin in his sight, showing his only hability was to pry things open with his axe
legolas: ranger mixed with deepwood sniper in term of ddo, or initiate of the order of the archers from pnp, since he managed to keep shooting arrows at point blank distance taking no "ättacks of oportunity"in pnp terms
but i keep my say, at most the main party that was aragorn/legolas/gimly/gandalf, was nowhere near 20 for the most of it, at most on the final fight they may b lvl 10ish and maybe not even there, and gandalf on 20 and yet he was the only one
Like I said, I stand corrected on the Glorfindel issue. It still sucks donkey doings that they felt it wasn't beleivable that the Rohirrhim could stick it out on their own and had to throw some Elves into the mix, cool as it was to get to see Elves getting stuck in.
Lol, Sauron 20 level sorc. Actually Iron Crown Enterprises statted Sauron in one of their supplements for MERP; "Lords of Middle-Earth - vol. 1 The immortals: Elves, Maiar and Valar". In there he is a level 360 Mage at the height of his power, when he had his trusty ring.
Granted, RoleMaster and thus MERP were skill based systems instead of a class based one, and that levels would be roughly doubled in RM of you would compare PC/NPC's to its at the time competitor AD&D. So that would make Sauron about a 180th level "sorcerer" (would rather put him as a cleric, or at least a couple of fighter levels since he does duke it out now and then again, his Cha is def higher than his IntOr maybe an artificer? He did craft an awful lot of kewl lootz after all).
Edit: if you want to read a scanned online version (it went out of print long time ago) of "Lords of Middle-Earth" it's here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/11161370/L...-the-Immortals
As a totally worthless bit of knowledge, Legolas hair colour is never described in the books. But most Sindarin elves are described as being dark-haired, except a few that had silver hair.
Last edited by Razcar; 09-10-2010 at 01:52 PM.
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
yup, sorry, didnt dig deep enough into the book, started reading some time ago but work doesnt allow me to go further in the story, so, so far the only complete story i know so far is the movie line...sux, i want time to read my book cursed boss.....NO!dont cut my salary please, i need my ddo points, ur not cursed, ur totally uncursed....did u cut ur hair?*puppy eyes*
Bombadil is discussed quite extensively by Eldrond and Gandalf during the meeting in Rivendell when the Fellowship was formed. Someone asks Elrond why they can't just give the ring to Tom and he'll keep it in his hat forever or something to that effect. Elrond responds that Bombadil has power in his realm, but that he would eventually be surrounded by Sauron's forces and be worn down.
There was no one around really at the time in the LotR books who could stand up to Sauron, and would be allowed to. Not even Glorfindel. Sauron did have a physical form at that time, although he missed a fingerHe for sure didn't have the vulvodynia-form he is shown having in the films. In older times Sauron had his butt kicked several times, by the Numenorans (the real bad-asses of the Tolkien world, who Sauron had to trick into attacking the Undying Lands, this making Eru ((papa god)) destroy them to Saurons surprise and delight), and even by a mangy old dog (Huan)
Anyway, Gandalf and the other maiar were forbidden to interact directly. They could mainly act through proxy, give advice, inspire and tops steal themselves a horse. That's Tolkien's rationale as to why Gandalf didn't fly into Mount Doom himself to drop the ring, although Sauron probably had some defense in place against some big arial attack like that, whatever its purpose. Sneaky sneaky was what Sauron hadn't expected - because he was too nasty to understand that anyone would actually want to sneak in with the intention to destroy an item of such power, and that's why it worked.
Last edited by Razcar; 09-10-2010 at 01:11 PM.
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
I wrote based on the books at the top of my post.
True, the movies portray them quite differently.
These characters (sans hobbits) are a bit more accomplished in the books than in the movie.
Razcar, I agree about Sauron being higher than 20 since he was "immortal." If we include Epic Levels in DnD, I would think he would be closer to 20 Sorcerer/20 Cleric.
Aragorn is de facto leader of the Dunadain (rangers of the north), before the rings saga even begins.
As for them only fighting Orcs, they were completely outnumbered 500 to 1. These were hordes. (This fact, by the way is where I think DDO failed - instead of inflating mob HPs in Epic, they should have sent masses and masses and masses of mobs at the players, just my 2cps).
It's silly, but the scene where the elves switch from bow to sword is one of my favorite little clips in those movies. That one little synchronized gesture does much to drive home the divide between veteran elves a number of whom have seen centuries of fighting vs the ragtag band of every many who can carry a weapon that mans the walls from Rohan. And it's just plain cool-looking. One thing I read is that the rain in the Helm's Deep battle was not a planned part of the movie. It simply began raining while they were filming, and the decision was made to go ahead.
However plausible or implausible, the grand charge of the Rohirrim outside the walls of Gondor's capital is still stunning no matter how many times I watch it.
Elrond and Galadriel's magic is at the time rather focused on keeping their borders safe.
In d&d terms they have a lot of warding and divination magic, perhaps illusion, conjuration, but not a very offensive repertoire.
Galadriel's area of effect of the fog was huge and can route whole orc companies away from the river.
A comparison would be how Saruman sent the storm towards carahadras in the movie, though in the book he only stir the spirit in the mountain.
The d&d equivalent of the Balrog is the Balor, which is on par to the Pit Fiend.
Thus whoever ddo build is gandalf he can solo Harry and won't be particularily squishy for a wizard.
Naturally would have to adjust a little with the new changes to waves of exhaustion.
That's of course with a ddo caster build, on PnP the outsider levels would suffice.
Tom Bombadil would be what amounts to a d&d neutral (wise or nature's) deity.
The book don't say if he or his wife are Vala or Maia but is without doubt of higher rank than Sauron.
Nothing stops a neutral d&d deity from being as powerful as the good and evil ones, and they can very well gather up a larger amount of followers.
As for other divine intervention there's some people that take the various times frodo saved by miracle as Manwe's hidden work.
(amon hen, the sea wind vs. the volcano ashes, the eagles, etc.)
If the movie's portrayal of Gimli matches that of the books, then Gimli can't be a barbarian.
He doesn't have much running ability (at least not over great distances) nor jumping ability. His balance is poor (falling off horses, falling down during battles...etc.)
Though he has a barbarian personality, I'd peg him as a fighter.
As DDO characters (rather than DnD where you have the commoner and warrior classes):
Gimli Fighter 14
Aragorn Ranger 16
Legolas Fighter 14
Merry and Pippin Bard 3
Sam Fighter 5
Frodo Fighter 4
Gandalf the Grey 10 Wizard/10 Favored Soul with Mystic Theurge Prestige Enhancements (hopefully coming soon) and epic gear
Gandalf the White as above but TRed
Sauron Wizard 20 Enchantment focused with epic gear
Saruman Wizard 20 Enchantment focused with epic gear
Boromir Fighter 12
Faramir Fighter 14
Grima Rogue 8
Smeagol Rogue 10
Theoden Fighter 14
Bilbo Rogue 8
Eowyn Fighter 12
Galadriel Sorcerer 18
Hard to tell who is better between Bilbo and Gollum. Gollum has a long life of hardships, bilbo bested him as the quest boss, bilbo then went on the big adventure, but years later Gollum leveled again after his time on mordor.
The list missed Eomer? He was on par with aragorn if you go by the text during the pelenor fields.
There were three skilled captains, Aragorn, Eomer and Imrahil (movie's gondor captain, the guy with the black cape on Minas Tirith).
Galadriel can't be 18, should be 20 by her big quests on the Silmarillion and clearly have epic gear among the elven treasures.
The four hobbits started lowish level but they were already above the shire average, with merry and pippin being heirs on their clans.
By their return to the shire they were able to do a last quest vs. saruman in the book, a plot that was skipped in the movie.
Merry was made captain and sam the mayor of the shire, which was declined by frodo.
Back at the Glorfindel debate....elves die like everybody else (Glorfindel fought armies of orcs, defended an elven city, and finally threw a balrog off a cliff before he bought it), except once they're dead they can reincarnate if they so choose.
Making elves the closest to actual DDO characters.![]()
I do not post much but am an avid tolkien fan.. since there are some other that have some knowledge beyond just the hobbit or lotr's.. I'd like o post this site.. where here is an absolute abundant amount of knowledge and discussion on such subject.. http://www.barrowdowns.com/theme-gimli.php
Someone mention before, yes Gandolf(as a wizard in Middle Earth Terms) is a Maiar, a Celestial, technically speaking He would be a Celestial Favored Soul rather than a wizard, though he does also fall into the arcane catagory, so maybe a Heirophant(Not in DDO as of yet, but maybe eventually).
Tom Bombadil would fall into an Avatar catagory(More specifically an aspect of Illuvitar, not Illuvitar himself), if I remember an explination correctly, though I may be totally off on my memory.
Glorfindel was named after another Glorfindel if I remember correct, though, yet again my memory may be incorrect about this.
And on the subject of Aragorn, he is not completely a Ranger, read the Appendix. If anything he's a Hybrid with more levels of Fighter, in fact if anyone has Read the LotR Roleplaying Books, Ranger is a Prestige Class and Aragorn had only taken it in later levels, up till that point he was a Noble and Warrior.
Aragorn was a noble warrior trained by the elves, fought for both Rohan and Gondor, lead a Gondorian Fleet against the Corsair of Umbar while serving in the Gondorian Army which was under the Rule of Denethor's father or grandfather at the time I believe. Aragorn is a blend of many things, and is technically like an 80th something generation half elf. Also, his healing abilities that I saw earlier on attributed to being "paladinish" are part of his bloodline, not classial.
Sorry for running on, but this at least is the way I remember things.