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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Aug 2010

    Default Warpriest of Siberys (New Player Requesting Help)

    Hello All,

    I've played a little bit of DDO as another character class. I wasn't too happy with the character so I decided to reroll a Cleric. I picked up the 32 Point Build and Veterns Status off the DDO Store. With that I created my first Human Cleric.

    The stats are as follows:
    17 STR
    10 DEX
    16 CON
    08 INT
    16 WIS
    08 CHR

    I decided that I will follow the game template for building the character. The tempate added +1 to STR.

    However, as a Warpriest, I do not know which enhancements are important to pick. I have a vision of how I would like to play the character. I intend mostly to solo play and do pugs and such. I am looking for more of the ability to keep myself alive while I am battleing out in the dungeons. In groups I would like to be a competant healer as well. I don't know how much offensive casting I will be doing (or need to be doing). So I am hoping to get a bit of advice on how to approach this character class so I can have a fun and rewarding experience.

    Thank you for reading and happy gaming.


  2. #2
    Community Member Kinryu's Avatar
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    Jun 2008


    Here's a link to a "revised" warpriest build.

    It's been done up very well and may point you in a direction to get yourself started.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    DDO Cleric build catalogue 2010. Read it several times, and don't expect that you'll know what you want until you've tried it. Something that you may not be interested in now such as crowd control might suddenly become your favourite toy once you get greater command.

    Don't worry about enhancements - they are cheap and easy to reset anytime at a trainer. Worry instead about build points, level-ups (ie, your Str increase at level 4), and feats. Those are either difficult or expensive (in Turbine Points) to reset.

    My 28 point cleric stayed on the warpriest path to level 4, then went off path to level 20, focusing more on casting than melee. The role and abilities of a cleric change somewhat as you level up. I'm not sure what level you reached on other characters, but while my cleric was good at melee up to level 8, I had more fun casting after that, and switched focus. You have limited feats and enhancements, so every decision you make will require you to trade off melee capability for spellcasting. You don't have enough feats to take all of the melee ones (TWF or THF chain, power attack, etc) along with all of the casting ones (empower healing, extend, maximize, quicken, etc), so something will be sacrificed.

    You have to decide between strength and wisdom. Your ability to land instakill spells depends on your wisdom, and you need to decide whether mediocre DPS is worth focusing your build on strength and melee right to level 20. I melee when I run solo or two-man, and help out with melee in groups for something to do, but otherwise spend roughly half of my time casting or healing. The bigger the party, the less I melee.

    In terms of play, The Path to Enlightenment is also useful, along with some other threads in the forums.

    I'm leveling up a new cleric (running him with my kids), and he started with 18 wis, 16 str. All level-ups will go to wisdom, and I knowingly sacrificed a bit of con for strength, because he won't be going toe-to-toe with Harry.

    I've also got a melee-capable survivalist cleric (Valiance's build) up to level 8, and am really starting to enjoy it now that it has level III spells and a few more SP. The evasion makes me giggle every time I run unscathed through a trap that would have killed my other clerics. I can't wait to see how he does in places like the Subterrane. That build is pretty expensive to gear up though.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    May 2010


    I have a vision of how I would like to play the character. I intend mostly to solo play and do pugs and such. I am looking for more of the ability to keep myself alive while I am battleing out in the dungeons. In groups I would like to be a competant healer as well.
    First of all, don't use the actual game pre-set for Warpriest. At least use the link for the "updated" player-created rendition.

    You can take non-cleric levels, of course, but since this is meant to be a cleric build, and you say you want to be a competent healer, you probably want to avoid taking more than 1 or maybe 2 off-class levels. If you decide to do so, you need to think carefully about what you want to do with your character beyond simply heal. Obviously, as you have implied, that's going to involve melee on some level, but there's finer points to that. Feat selection is usually the hardest part about designing a meleeing cleric build. Weapon choice is also a notable consideration. As you've already started a human, it leaves you without proficiency or bonuses for anything. You also lack the dex for two-weapon fighting, which means you may to pick up a level of fighter to help out your two-handed combat. This will net you all the martial weapon proficiencies, and also give you a free combat-oriented feat (like two-handed fighting,) which lets you pick up caster-oriented things like Extend and Empower Healing with your other selections.

    Without more information, I don't dare give you any more advice than that. I'm not exactly an expert myself, and I'm sure the others here would pick apart anything further I would offer.

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