Being a dark monk (2 of em) it is kinda hard getting into ToD. Fortunately I know a bunch of people on my server (ghallanda) that makes it easier to get into it. So with that in mind, I have started to throw some pug ToD's up and have been quite successful (no i don't want a cookie). However, I just wanted to throw it out there that I set up a ToD last night and immediately got a barb and 2 light monks wanting to join. I thought sweet, im set for this for I already knew a kiter and a time. The rest of the party was interesting. 2 more dps dark monks wanted to join the party. hmmmm, do i accept? ( i felt conflicted for i am a monk) I thought wow, 5 monks in a tod? who would want to heal us? Well, after some thought and reassurance from the barb, i said....screw it, lets have some fun. I then got another barb, a ranger (good player) and 2 healers and my kiter and timi. so 5 monks in the Tod......our first run things went a little crazy. wierd things happened and we reset.
Then the fun began....we breezed through the mobs stunning everything in sight and mowing through it all. The judge went down rather quickly and the jailor had no chance. lol. one of the monks was the kiter for the jailor. did quite well. Part 2, the shadowmonster went down pretty fast. no complications. Part3 horoth went down really smooth.
I really really wish i had a screenshot to prove it. but that was a blast.
monk,monk,monk,monk,monk,barb,barb,ranger,timi,kit er,healer,healer.....very very fun.
I just want to personally thank all who participated in this fun adventure. who knows, i wouldn't hesistate to throw that one together again. maybe again in the near future. (3 days?).
Trixxii or Sprulok of Ghallanda