I was quite excited about Epic Marilith Chain on my Warchanter at first but on second thought I'm not sure it's that hot. Seeker +10 is great of course but it's also the only thing it has going for it. DR 5/Lawful or Good - more or less useless, Ironskin Chant is better. Shatter +10 - never heard of anyone who uses Sunder, not sure many bards have high enough Str to actually land it in endgame content. Evil Guard - useless.
The only reason I personally decided to go for it in the end (besides the looks) was the fact I'm crafting a Min II +45hp helm so I'll put Toughness on the blue slot once it's epic. For those who use Minos, I don't think it's worth it just for the Seeker. A Bloodstone + DT combo is better imo.